Chapter 45 – The artistic conception of wind

Xu Zong from Battle Through the Heavens: “I found a beautiful master who demonstrated various wind attribute combat techniques for me.”

Xu Zong from Battle Through the Heavens: “The beautiful master is really pretty and treats me well. I can’t let her be harassed by others! If anyone is going to harass her, it can only be me!”

Xu Zong from Battle Through the Heavens: “…”

Xu Zong from Battle Through the Heavens: “Why did my profile picture turn black? I didn’t even say goodbye before going offline.”

Swallowed Star.

In the underground training room.

“So this is the realm of wind! Fierce like a tornado, sharp like a wind blade, hazy like an afterimage!”

Xu Zong muttered to himself, unconsciously waving the Shadowless Spear in his hand.

His mind was filled with various “winds” used by the beautiful master, and all he could think of were different types of wind – violent wind, sharp wind, dreamlike wind.

Unconsciously, he waved the Shadowless Spear, and his spear technique gradually became elusive, becoming unclear and even carrying a hint of wind.

“Pu chi!”

He fiercely thrust the spear, condensing a spiral aura of a violent wind, and pierced a small hole in the alloy wall!

“I did it! I’ve mastered it!”

Xu Zong snapped back to reality, ecstatic.

“I’ve mastered the realm of spear technique! Haha!”

He had vaguely sensed the path to the realm before, but he lacked a powerful artistic conception to comprehend it, so his progress in spear technique was slow. It was unknown whether he could enter the realm within this month.

Unexpectedly, the beautiful master provided him with so many rich artistic conceptions, helping him open the door to the realm of artistic conception!

“It’s already 7 o’clock in the evening?”

Stepping out of the training room, Xu Zong sighed.

Without a doubt, he had another epiphany!

“For me, epiphany is as simple as eating and drinking!”

He opened the chat group.

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “I’ve successfully broken through to the realm of spear technique. Let me share it with you! See what the effect of the realm of spear technique is in your world, @Xu Zong from Battle Through the Heavens!”

Xu Zong from Battle Through the Heavens: “Okay, I’ll give it a try.”

The next day, after making progress in strength, Xu Zong entered the wilderness area alone instead of teaming up with Bai Zhiwei. With his strength, he could easily kill high-level beast generals and even have some resistance against low-level lord-level monsters.

Although Xu Zong met Bai Zhiwei every day, she clearly didn’t open up to him, and Xu Zong wasn’t someone who liked to meddle in other people’s affairs. Gradually, they became acquaintances.

Whether their relationship was good or bad, it was hard to say.

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “Hahaha! I’ve made a breakthrough! It took me three days, but I finally broke through to the realm of Gang Jin! Let me share it with you. See if you can practice Gang Jin in your world, @all Xu Zong!”

Xu Zong from Battle Through the Heavens: “Wait, did you say three days?”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “Yes, what’s wrong?”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “Weren’t you in seclusion yesterday? How can you come out today? It’s only been one day!”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “Huh? Are you confused?”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “Clearly not! Here, it was March 7th yesterday, and today is March 8th!”

Xu Zong from Battle Through the Heavens: “Here, it was November 19th yesterday, and today is November 20th.”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “No, here it was also February 23rd yesterday, and today is February 24th. I specifically came out after the New Year’s sacrifice!”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “Wait, I think we might be confused… Let me ask you, which day did you last log into the chat group?”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “February 21st.”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “The day you said not to disturb you because you were going into seclusion?”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “That’s right!”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “…But from my perspective, that was yesterday.”

Xu Zong from Battle Through the Heavens: “Goodness gracious, from my perspective, that was also yesterday.”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “That’s impossible! It’s been three days here, but only one day for you?”

This, this, this…

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star & Xu Zong from Battle Through the Heavens & Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “The flow of time in this chat group is not right!”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “I’ve been in the group for so long and never noticed the issue with the flow of time! Well, no one cared before…”

Xu Zong from Battle Through the Heavens: “Is it really a problem with the flow of time?”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “What do you mean?”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “What kind of chaotic flow of time could make one person experience three days while the other two only experience one day? And moreover, your flow of time was the same as ours before, right?”Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “Yeah! The flow of time between us is clearly the same. It’s one day after another, right?”

Xu Zong from Battle Through the Heavens: “So, where is the problem?”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “I suddenly thought of something. You had an enlightenment these past three days, right?”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “That’s right.”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “You shared my talent, so it should only be effective on the first day. Did you share my talent on the second day when you logged into the chat group?”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “How is that possible? Enlightenment is an unconscious thing. I haven’t been conscious these past three days. Fortunately, I’ve been staying in the cave I dug myself, so I haven’t been disturbed! Oh, I see. That’s why it suddenly became difficult during the enlightenment. It turns out my talent was cut off. If I had your talent, I would probably have broken through successfully within two days!”

Xu Zong from Battle Through the Heavens: “I understand!”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “What do you understand?”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “In these past two days, you haven’t logged into the chat group!”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “From the perspective of the chat group, during this period of time, you were like you didn’t exist at all! The chat group doesn’t make the flow of time equal between different worlds. It erases the days that haven’t been logged into!”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “This… makes some sense! Could this be the correct way to use this chat group?”

Xu Zong from Battle Through the Heavens: “I suddenly came up with a brilliant idea! @Xu Zong from Swallowed Star, starting from tomorrow, don’t open the chat group even once. Just cultivate in your own world until you become the Lord of the Origin, and then log into the chat group!”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “So, if your guess is correct, from our perspective, tomorrow you will become the Lord of the Origin?!”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “Dream on, you bastards! You just want to take advantage of me, right? Then whose advantage should I take?!”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “Why don’t you turn off the chat group and wait until you become the Supreme Being, @Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons? Why don’t you turn off the chat group and wait until you reach the Dominator Realm, @Xu Zong from Battle Through the Heavens?”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “You two idiots! Don’t think your plans will succeed! I will log in every day and even check in. It will drive you crazy!”

Xu Zong from Battle Through the Heavens: “What a pity!”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “Indeed, it’s a pity!”

Although there might be a way to skyrocket, because each Xu Zong only wants to take advantage of others, it’s probably impossible to use this method.

Moreover, at best, this is just Xu Zong’s speculation. It is still unknown how the chat group actually operates.

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “Next, I plan to go to the Extreme North Great Grassland!”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “Why are you going there?”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “Didn’t I say I wanted to find the secret scriptures of refining the gods? I have learned about it these past few days. In my world, the best at cultivating the spirit is the Buddhist scriptures!”

The mainstream cultivation method in the world of The Nine Cauldrons is the Taoist cultivation method passed down by Emperor Yu, but there is not only one cultivation method. Besides Emperor Yu, Damo, who also reached the Supreme Being Realm like Emperor Yu, left his own cultivation method, which is the Buddhist cultivation method.

In the Buddhist cultivation method, the postnatal realm is the same as the Taoist realm, but the innate realm has differences.

To achieve the innate realm in Buddhism, one must refine the gods and make them incredibly powerful until they can condense into relics in the Mud Pill Palace. Only then can one step into the innate realm, which is the Arhat Realm!

The cultivation of the innate realm is also the cultivation of the gods. Specifically, when the relics are multicolored, they are equivalent to the innate virtual elixir. When the relics are pure-colored, they are equivalent to the innate real elixir. When the relics become colorful, they are equivalent to stepping into the Golden Elixir Realm.

After that, the cultivation in the Illusory Realm becomes different paths leading to the same destination, which is comprehending the power of heaven and earth.

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “Cultivating the gods until relics appear in the Mud Pill Palace… You mean, is this the same thing as the sphere in the mind of the spiritual Mind Teacher in Swallowed Star?”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “Since they are both Tomato Streams, I speculate that even if they are not the same thing, they must have similar or close effects.”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “So, I plan to get a Buddhist secret scripture, but I don’t want to join the Mani Monastery as a monk, so I have to join the Celestial God Palace!”

The highest-level secret scriptures must exist only in the hands of those major forces. If you want to learn them, you must join those forces.

Xu Zong from Battle Through the Heavens: “Isn’t the Celestial God Palace the big boss in The Nine Cauldrons? I remember that the Mani Monastery was later destroyed by the Celestial God Palace, right?”

Xu Zong from The Nine Cauldrons: “That’s right, that’s another reason why I chose the Celestial God Palace! There is a secret branch of the Celestial God Palace on the Extreme North Great Grassland, and there should be Buddhist secret scriptures there too!”

Xu Zong from Swallowed Star: “When will you arrive at the Great Grassland?”The Nine Cauldrons’ Xu Zong: “I’m currently at the southernmost point of the Jiuzhou Continent. Even if I hurry, it will probably take me half a month to reach the northernmost point. It’s a pity that I don’t have a flying beast mount, nor do I understand beast language, otherwise I could be faster!”

Swallowed Star’s Xu Zong: “Then I’ll wait for your good news next month!”

Battle Through the Heavens’ Xu Zong: “Speaking of which, does your scripture on soul refining help with my soul power cultivation?”

The Nine Cauldrons’ Xu Zong: “Does Battle Through the Heavens have soul power cultivation?”

Battle Through the Heavens’ Xu Zong: “Yes, the soul realm is divided into four realms: Mortal, Spirit, Heaven, and Emperor. Alchemists have high requirements for the soul. My soul perception is quite strong in this life, but it’s a pity that I don’t have the talent of an alchemist, nor do I have a secret scripture for cultivating soul power. That thing is even rarer than a Battle Emperor, even Gu He has never seen it.”

The Nine Cauldrons’ Xu Zong: “After I get the secret scripture, I’ll send a copy to you guys too!”

Battle Through the Heavens’ Xu Zong: “OK, thanks! I’ll also try to see if I can get a storage ring sooner.”

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