Chapter 31 – Han Qihu: I can’t control my strokes and my memory!

“Han, come have a drink!”

In the dimly lit bar on the first floor of the base, a warrior invited Han Qihu, who had just arrived.

Han Qihu glanced at him coldly, didn’t respond or accept the invitation, and walked to the other side of the hall. He ordered a bottle of white wine and started drinking alone.

“What’s wrong with him?”

The man touched his bald head, not knowing what he had done to offend Han Qihu.

“Don’t you know? He offended a senator-level powerhouse and has been expelled from the Flame Legion!”

His teammate laughed maliciously upon hearing this.

Han Qihu didn’t have many friends because he was a high-level warlord. The only warriors who entered this northern base were warlord-level and below, so he never joined any teams. Even if others invited him, he rarely accepted. Over time, Han Qihu’s popularity declined.

“Goodness gracious! A senator-level powerhouse! We rarely even see them, and he not only didn’t flatter them, but also offended them?”

The man looked at Han Qihu in the corner with a pitiful expression.

Feeling the pitying gaze, Han Qihu tightly clenched the bottle in his hand. With a sound of shattering glass, the bottle burst.

“All because of that brat!”

Han Qihu’s anger surged, and his eyes became dark and watery.

Just one day after that incident, headquarters issued a punishment.

It wasn’t just demotion or a thorough investigation, but a merciless expulsion from the Flame Legion!

Han Qihu knew very well that this was the result of offending a senator-level powerhouse.

But he didn’t dare to hate the senator-level powerhouse, nor did he dare to hate the intermediate war god with actual power. He could only blame that brat from that day as the mastermind.

If it wasn’t for him, Han Qihu wouldn’t have fallen into this situation!

But even so, he didn’t dare to retaliate against him.

Yesterday morning, when that brat entered the wilderness area, Han Qihu hesitated for a long time but didn’t dare to chase after him.

It was because he was afraid of Zhou Zhengyong’s retaliation!

He didn’t know what position Xu Zong held in Zhou Zhengyong’s heart. If he killed Xu Zong and angered Zhou Zhengyong, his life might really be over!

“Just being expelled from the Flame Legion, there are still places for him in this world!”

Han Qihu comforted himself in his heart. After all, he was a high-level warlord, second only to the war god. Any force or family would be happy to have someone like him join them. At most, his “record” would become a little tarnished, making it harder for him to advance in the future.


Han Qihu suddenly looked up.

At the forefront of his vision, he saw the figure of that brat again!

In an instant, his anger surged like a raging fire, almost overwhelming his sanity!

Just like yesterday, that brat had a backpack and entered the wilderness area.

Staring at his departing figure, a wicked thought suddenly arose in Han Qihu’s mind.

“Kill him!”

“Kill him in the wilderness area, and his body will be quickly devoured by monsters. No one will suspect me! And once a genius dies, he’s no longer a genius. Zhou Zhengyong may not come after me for his sake. By then, I can just leave Jiangnan City, and Zhou Zhengyong won’t be able to do anything to me!”

“If I don’t kill him, I won’t be satisfied in this lifetime!”

This thought immediately filled every corner of his heart like a pitch-black shadow.

Han Qihu stood up with a cold and stern expression, grabbed his equipment, and left the base without even taking his backpack. He directly chased after the figure in front of him.

In the wilderness.

Han Qihu followed the figure in front of him closely, not letting his guard down for a moment.

“Is the target the 0218 urban area? Perfect, I’ll settle it there!”

A fierce light flashed in Han Qihu’s eyes.

The urban area was very close to the base, and there was a possibility of encountering warriors along the way. The warriors in the urban area were known to be scarce, and those who dared to wander in the urban area were likely to be intermediate warlords or warrior teams with junior warlords.

Han Qihu instinctively ignored why Xu Zong was heading to the urban area alone.

He was patient and followed for two hours.

It wasn’t until midday that Xu Zong finally arrived at the 0218 urban area and walked into the city streets.

“Now is the time!”

Han Qihu didn’t hesitate and revealed himself, sprinting towards Xu Zong at the fastest speed!

The baseline physical strength of a high-level warlord was 32 tons per punch, with a speed of 240m/s.

But this didn’t mean that all warlords had the same strength of 32 tons. Han Qihu had already reached this level five years ago and had not slackened in his training since then. His punches now had a force of nearly 50 tons, very close to the 64 tons of a junior war god!

Han Qihu’s running speed was extremely fast, even exceeding 300m/s, almost approaching the speed of sound. During his sprint, he could even faintly hear the weak sonic boom.

In less than ten seconds, he rushed into the city streets.

But as soon as he stepped onto the road, he was startled and stopped in his tracks.

In front of him, Xu Zong was looking at him with a speechless expression.

“You… Did you notice me following you?”

Han Qihu looked at Xu Zong with suspicion.

“Han, even though I dislike you, you must stay clear-headed now!”

Instead of directly answering his question, Xu Zong earnestly advised him.

“I know how you feel right now, but fighting won’t solve anything! You need to think with your brain and not let anger cloud your judgment. Do you understand what I mean?”

Xu Zong was very serious!

He really didn’t want to fight this inexplicable battle!

But Han Qihu’s eyes became increasingly sinister.

“Are you mocking me for being brainless?”

Han Qihu clenched the sword in his hand, and the veins on his hand bulged.

His cold and stern expression froze like ice.

“No need for more words! If I don’t kill you today, my name will be reversed!”

With these words, he stepped forward, and his figure shot towards Xu Zong’s chest like an arrow! The sword in his hand gleamed like the executioner’s guillotine, aiming to take Xu Zong’s life!

“I’m doing this for your own good, why don’t you appreciate it?”

Xu Zong stomped his foot in frustration. Without hesitation, he raised the long spear in his hand and swept it like a giant pillar, avoiding Han Qihu’s attack.

Han Qihu didn’t consider Xu Zong’s sweeping attack, focusing only on his own attack with his right hand while raising the shield in his left hand. But in an instant, his expression changed.

An unimaginable force came from the spear, instantly breaking his defense and piercing his bones and muscles like a venomous snake.

Han Qihu almost instinctively gave up his attack with his right hand and was sent flying by the sweeping motion of the spear. He skidded on the concrete ground for tens of meters before finally stopping.

“My… my left arm… is broken?!”

He tried to move his left arm, but a sharp, excruciating pain shot through his bones. Han Qihu’s eyes went blank.

What’s going on?

I’m a high-level warlord! Even with just one arm, I have a strength of nearly 50 tons!

Why was my bone broken by a brat who just became a warrior twenty days ago?

Even if he’s a genius, he should only be an advanced warrior!

But even if he didn’t defend seriously just now, wanting to break my bones with one spear, the force on that spear is definitely not weaker than 30 tons!

Could it be that he’s already a high-level warlord?

Han Qihu’s eyes were full of disbelief, and he was completely dumbfounded.

Becoming a warrior in less than a month and already a high-level warlord?

Is that possible?

When did such a monster appear in this world?

Han Qihu didn’t even think about the possibility of Xu Zong having the power of World Annihilation or the Nine Heavy Thunder Blade.

That’s because World Annihilation and the Nine Heavy Thunder Blade were truly ultimate secret techniques, with extremely high requirements for aptitude. Even among warriors, very few could cultivate these ultimate secret techniques. Even on Earth, with millions of warriors, there were only a few hundred who had mastered these two ultimate secret techniques, a number comparable to the number of war god powerhouses!

This shows just how difficult it is to cultivate ultimate secret techniques. For ordinary warriors, it’s almost like a legend!

“I told you it was for your own good. Do you believe me now?”

Xu Zong said with a speechless expression.

You had to break my hand just to make me understand the pain!

Am I really such an untrustworthy person?

Sigh, in the end, it can only be blamed on Xu Zong’s talent: the Intelligence Dampening Aura. Its effect is truly extraordinary!

“You dare to look down on me!”

Han Qihu’s hand holding the sword, even the tendons on his hand, bulged.

His cold and stern expression turned icy.

“No need for more words! If I don’t kill you today, my name will be reversed!”

With these words, he stepped forward, and his figure shot towards Xu Zong’s chest like an arrow! The sword in his hand gleamed like the executioner’s guillotine, aiming to take Xu Zong’s life!

“I’m doing this for your own good, why don’t you appreciate it?”

Xu Zong stomped his foot in frustration. Without hesitation, he raised the long spear in his hand and swept it like a giant pillar, avoiding Han Qihu’s attack.

Han Qihu didn’t consider Xu Zong’s sweeping attack, focusing only on his own attack with his right hand while raising the shield in his left hand. But in an instant, his expression changed.

An unimaginable force came from the spear, instantly breaking his defense and piercing his bones and muscles like a venomous snake.

Han Qihu almost instinctively gave up his attack with his right hand and was sent flying by the sweeping motion of the spear. He skidded on the concrete ground for tens of meters before finally stopping.

“My… my left arm… is broken?!”

He tried to move his left arm, but a sharp, excruciating pain shot through his bones. Han Qihu’s eyes went blank.

What’s going on?

I’m a high-level warlord! Even with just one arm, I have a strength of nearly 50 tons!

Why was my bone broken by a brat who just became a warrior twenty days ago?

Even if he’s a genius, he should only be an advanced warrior!

But even if he didn’t defend seriously just now, wanting to break my bones with one spear, the force on that spear is definitely not weaker than 30 tons!

Could it be that he’s already a high-level warlord?

Han Qihu’s eyes were full of disbelief, and he was completely dumbfounded.

Becoming a warrior in less than a month and already a high-level warlord?

Is that possible?

When did such a monster appear in this world?

Han Qihu didn’t even think about the possibility of Xu Zong having the power of World Annihilation or the Nine Heavy Thunder Blade.

That’s because World Annihilation and the Nine Heavy Thunder Blade were truly ultimate secret techniques, with extremely high requirements for aptitude. Even among warriors, very few could cultivate these ultimate secret techniques. Even on Earth, with millions of warriors, there were only a few hundred who had mastered these two ultimate secret techniques, a number comparable to the number of war god powerhouses!

This shows just how difficult it is to cultivate ultimate secret techniques. For ordinary warriors, it’s almost like a legend!

“I told you it was for your own good. Do you believe me now?”

Xu Zong said with a speechless expression.

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