Chapter 17 – Ten years! You motherfucker, this is how you treat me

He Ju really didn’t hang up the phone.

Su Ran was also nervous for the first time.

She thought about publicly telling He Ju to leave yesterday, and for the first time felt very embarrassed.

But thinking about what Su Zhen said, Su Ran nervously spoke up: “Brother He Ju, I’m sorry for yesterday. I know I shouldn’t have said that, but at the time, Qiu Shaoze brought so many people with him. If a fight broke out, you would definitely be at a disadvantage. That’s why I said that. Also, there’s nothing between me and Qiu Shaoze. I was just a little upset with you, so I used him as a shield…”

He Ju remained silent for a long time before saying, “I’m not concerned about that.”

Su Ran’s heart skipped a beat. “Then what are you concerned about?”

He Ju: “Fang Yuxue’s words.”

Su Ran fell silent.

He Ju asked her, “Su Ran, do you think I’m a fool?”

Su Ran felt wronged. “Brother He Ju, please don’t listen to her…”

He Ju: “You didn’t deny what Fang Yuxue said at the time, Su Ran. You can dislike me, dislike my gifts, but why didn’t you tell me? If you had told me, I wouldn’t have pestered you or given you gifts. Why did you throw away all those gifts?”

“Su Ran, others can laugh at me for being a simp, but how can you join in and laugh at me too?”

As He Ju spoke, he felt like laughing, but his laughter turned bitter.

“Su Ran, that was my sincere heart. Are you really going to discard it like this?”

For the first time, He Ju’s emotions began to crumble. “Ten years! Su Ran, I’ve liked you for ten years! Is this how you’re going to treat me?”

He Ju’s outburst made Su Ran burst into tears instantly. Choking, she said, “Brother He Ju, I was immature before, but I won’t be in the future…”

He Ju closed his eyes. If it had been before, seeing Su Ran cry so heartbreakingly would have shattered his heart. He would have wanted to pluck the stars from the sky to make her happy.

But now…

Listening to Su Ran’s crying, He Ju just felt tired.

He was really tired. The people who moved him always disappointed him time and time again.

His palm was only so big, and there were too many things he couldn’t hold onto.

He wanted to rest, to stop becoming unrecognizable because of Su Ran time and time again.

“He Ju: “Su Ran, at this point, I don’t want to dwell on the past anymore. Let’s just leave it between us, and in the future, let’s go our separate ways and not contact each other.”

After speaking, He Ju hung up the phone with a snap and turned off his phone. Out of sight, out of mind.

Meanwhile, Su Ran’s tears fell heavily. When had she ever been so wronged?

He Ju had never yelled at her from childhood to adulthood.

Trembling, Su Ran tried to call again, but it was already reported that the other party’s phone was turned off.

Su Ran couldn’t believe it. He Ju clearly liked her so much…

But Su Ran was afraid.

What if He Ju never liked her again in the future?

Su Ran had never thought about what her life would be like without He Ju.

He Ju had been by her side for so many years that she had even gotten used to it.

He Ju peacefully fell asleep that night.

But Su Ran tossed and turned all night.

At six o’clock the next morning, He Ju and Si Hua set off for their trip again, while Su Ran stayed up all night and bought a plane ticket to Yunnan at eight o’clock. When it was barely light outside, she dragged her suitcase out of the house.

Meanwhile, Bai Yan, who was sleeping, was immediately awakened by Li Dapeng: “Bai Yan, Bai Yan! Su Ran has left with her suitcase…”

Bai Yan was startled and rushed to the window, where he indeed saw Su Ran with her suitcase, hailing a taxi on the roadside.

Bai Yan felt like he was facing a great enemy. A man’s intuition told him that Su Ran’s trip… must be to Yunnan!!!

This wouldn’t do. He had to be her brother-in-law to He Ju!

Bai Yan quickly put on his clothes: “What are you waiting for? My sister gave you both money for nothing! Hurry up! Find a way to stop her!!!”

The three of them rushed downstairs, but by the time they got downstairs, Su Ran had already taken a taxi and left.

Bai Yan’s face turned pale. If Su Ran really went to Yunnan, Si Hua would definitely scold him, right?

Fatty: “What do we do? Su Ran has left…”

Before Fatty could get a response from Bai Yan, he turned around and saw Bai Yan making a phone call: “Hello, it’s me, Bai Yan. Go and find out what time Su Ran’s flight is. Hurry up.”

Fatty and Motor both widened their eyes: “Bai Yan, who are you really?”

Bai Yan shook his head: “I’m a rich third generation!”

Fatty and Motor exchanged glances and said in unison, “We don’t believe it!”

After all, Bai Yan freeloaded off He Ju every day in the dorm, even using He Ju’s shampoo and body wash. He Ju, who was so poor, had a few brand-name clothes, but Bai Yan didn’t have a single one…

They believed that He Ju was a hidden rich third generation, but Bai Yan…

They even suspected that Bai Yan was an illegitimate child, and Si Hua was the real young lady. After all… Si Hua had given them too much!!!

Bai Yan was just too stingy!

He was completely two extremes.

Bai Yan just smiled and didn’t care if they believed him: “Hurry up, get in the car!”

So, a white van followed the taxi Su Ran was in.

Before long, Bai Yan received a phone call: “Young master, Miss Su’s flight is at eight o’clock, flying to Kunming Changshui Airport, and then taking the high-speed train to Dali at two in the afternoon.”

Bai Yan: “Got it.”

Naturally, Fatty and Motor also heard the words “young master…”

The two of them couldn’t help but widen their eyes slightly, thinking to themselves: Could it be that Bai Yan really is a rich third generation?At this moment, Bai Yan checked the time. It would take an hour to get to the airport from here, and it was already 6:30 in the morning. Any further delay would definitely mean missing the flight.

Bai Yan racked his brain but couldn’t come up with a solution. Finally, while the taxi was waiting at a red light, he floored the accelerator and rear-ended the taxi Su Ran was in.

With a loud “Bang,” Li Dapeng and Motor were completely stunned. “Awesome, Brother Bai!”

The taxi driver got out, and Bai Yan, along with Fatty and Motor, followed suit.

Bai Yan quickly put his hands together in a pleading gesture, smiling obsequiously, “Big brother, big brother, I’m so sorry, I was just distracted for a moment…”

The taxi driver was a bald man with a sour expression, “Are you blind, kid? How could you hit me from so far away?”

Fatty hurriedly took out a cigarette and offered it to the bald man, “Big brother, don’t be angry. It’s all our fault, and we won’t deny it. My brother is blind, please accept this as our apology. Once this is settled, we’d like to treat you to a meal…”

Meanwhile, Motor had already called the traffic police.

Seeing the young men’s good attitude in admitting their mistake, the bald man’s temper cooled down a bit, accepting Fatty’s cigarette, “Young man, drive slower. What’s with the rush? It’s dangerous.”

Bai Yan nodded repeatedly, “Yes, yes, yes! You’re absolutely right, big brother…”

At this time, Su Ran also got out of the car, looking unperturbed, with a faint blue mark under her eyes, clearly having had a bad night’s sleep.

Upon seeing Bai Yan and the other two, Su Ran couldn’t help but wonder, “Why are you three here?”

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