Chapter 070 – Calm night

What Ma Sandao didn’t expect was that the little mongrel dog, upon hearing his scolding, not only remained indifferent but even looked at him with a contemptuous gaze.

“Fine, even though I’m paid three hundred thousand silver taels to kill only Yan Botao, I don’t mind killing an extra dog for them.”

Ma Sandao was used to killing people without batting an eye, and everyone who saw him was afraid. He never thought that he would be despised by a dog today.

Ma Sandao drew a shiny iron knife from his waist and swung it at the little mongrel. Not only that, he planned to take the dog back and stew it for meat when he left.

However, just as he swung his knife down, he found that the little mongrel had turned into an afterimage and disappeared in front of him.

“Where’s the dog?”

Ma Sandao was stunned.

However, the next moment, he saw a golden light rushing towards him. In the golden light was the little mongrel, raising its paw and slapping it towards Ma Sandao’s chest!

The fluffy little paw looked harmless, even a bit cute.

But in a flash, Ma Sandao didn’t even have time to react before he was pinned to the ground by the little dog’s paw, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

At this moment, Ma Sandao felt as if he had been hit by a mountain, and his Prenatal Realm body couldn’t withstand it at all.

His ribs shattered, and the shattered ribs had even pierced his lungs.

He was sent flying with a whoosh, knocking down an ancient tree in the yard.

At this point, Ma Sandao was in a daze. He tried to struggle to get up, but he vomited blood again.

He couldn’t even get up, he was completely immobilized, and his eyes were filled with fear.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What just happened to me?

The little mongrel slowly approached Ma Sandao, its eyes filled with a defiant look, and it walked with a ruthless stride.

Ma Sandao was completely broken at this moment.

Was it this little mongrel that almost took his life with a single paw?

What breed of dog is this?

For a moment, Ma Sandao was questioning his life.

He doubted the reality of his cultivation, doubted the falseness of this world, doubted whether the world was round, doubted whether there were aliens outside the Cangyuan Realm.

His consciousness was getting more and more blurred, and Ma Sandao was about to faint.

At this moment, in his daze, Ma Sandao heard a voice: “Fei, what are you causing trouble for in the middle of the night?”

Li Changqing, wrapped in a coat, walked out of the house and saw the mess in the yard. An ancient tree in the distance had been knocked down.

“Owo.” Fei ran to Li Changqing, rubbed his leg with his little dog face, and then raised his paw to point in the distance.

“Who is that?”

Li Changqing also saw Ma Sandao, who was lying there, barely alive.

The iron knife was thrown far away, stuck in the ground. Ma Sandao’s chest was covered in blood, lying on the ground, breathing more out than in.

He looked at Li Changqing in front of him with difficulty, unable to believe that this seemingly ordinary man was the owner of this vicious dog?

“Prenatal Realm?”

Li Changqing was also somewhat surprised when he looked at the man lying on the ground.

“Fei, you did a good job, you actually caught a thief.” Li Changqing said with a smile.

Hearing this, Ma Sandao almost died of anger. He, a dignified Prenatal Realm expert, a top ten villain on the Black List of Zhanhe Residence, was called a thief by Li Changqing?

A man can be killed but not insulted. Ma Sandao wanted to struggle to get up, even if he couldn’t win, he wanted to spit a big sputum on Li Changqing’s face.

But just as Ma Sandao was about to struggle to get up, he saw Li Changqing frown and wave his hand.

Ma Sandao immediately felt a force directly binding his body.

It was as if countless shackles had bound his body, and it was extremely difficult for him to even move a finger!

“Is this… the Five Absolute Seals of Dao Mountain Ancient Land?” Ma Sandao couldn’t believe it. Was the man in front of him a master of Dao Mountain Ancient Land?

At least a Peak Master level!

Although he was seriously injured, his realm was still there.

This man could easily restrain him, how terrifying was his cultivation?

“But Fei, you were quite ruthless with your paw, look at the injury you caused!” Li Changqing turned to look at Fei, then casually touched Ma Sandao’s body, all the way to the three hundred thousand silver taels on him.

“Indeed, Prenatal Realm experts are rich.” Li Changqing grinned, “I won’t be polite then.”

He felt around again and found a flying knife in his bosom.

However, when he touched this flying knife, Li Changqing felt a bit strange because this flying knife actually carried Spiritual Power.

It didn’t seem like a weapon, but more like a Painting Treasure.

In addition to a few hundred taels of loose silver, there was nothing else.

Ma Sandao watched as Li Changqing robbed him, his eyes were red, but there was nothing he could do, he was completely immobilized.

“What’s going on?”

At this moment, footsteps came from outside, and everyone came to Li Changqing’s yard with torches.

Yan Botao and several elders of the Yan family rushed in. They had heard the loud noise and the sound of fighting and had hurried over.

“Great Offering, are you alright?” Yan Botao immediately asked if Li Changqing was okay.

“It’s nothing, just a little thief who climbed over the wall. I’ve subdued him.” Li Changqing said casually.

“A thief?”

An elder brought the torch closer and saw Ma Sandao’s face.

“He is… Ma Sandao!” The elder’s face turned pale instantly: “It’s Ma Sandao from the Black List!”

“Ma Sandao?” Yan Botao also shivered.

A Prenatal Realm expert!

But when they saw Ma Sandao’s current situation, they were slightly relieved.

Ma Sandao was almost dead now.

“Could it be him.” Yan Botao remembered the report from the scout today, saying that Bai Jingfei and others had met a mysterious person, but they didn’t know who it was.

Now it seems that it was very likely Ma Sandao.

What was Ma Sandao doing at the Yan family?

The answer was self-evident.It was just unexpected that Ma Sandao was so unlucky. As soon as he arrived at the Yan family, he ended up in Li Changqing’s courtyard.

“Is he your friend?” Li Changqing curiously looked at Yan Botao.

“Reporting to the Grand Master.” An elder stepped forward and respectfully said, “This man is on the Black List. He is a notorious criminal and a wanted target. Countless hunters want his life, but he is extremely cunning and has never been caught. I didn’t expect him to fall into the hands of the Grand Master now.”

“Oh, as long as he’s not a good person.” Li Changqing breathed a sigh of relief.

“Grand Master, how should we deal with this man?” Yan Botao also asked Li Changqing.

“You handle it, after all, this is your home.” Li Changqing was too lazy to deal with such troublesome matters, and soon lost interest in Ma Sandao.

After all, all the valuable things on Ma Sandao had been taken by Li Changqing.

Li Changqing couldn’t be bothered with the rest.

He went back to sleep.

The remaining people, including Yan Botao and several elders, gathered around.

“Patriarch, the Bai family and the Zhao family sent Ma Sandao to us in the middle of the night. They must have had ill intentions. If I’m not mistaken, they were targeting you.”

“I know.” Yan Botao stared at the immobilized Ma Sandao, a chill flashing in his angry eyes.

A preeminent expert is terrifying.

But an immobilized, soon-to-die preeminent expert is not so terrifying.

That night.

The spies from various families who were squatting outside the Yan family’s gate, waiting for chaos to ensue, waited all night, but in the end, they got nothing.

It was as if nothing had happened.

It wasn’t until dawn that the patriarchs of the various families felt that something was wrong.

They had also waited all night.

Why hadn’t they heard from Ma Sandao?

Bai Jingfei had a vague feeling that something was wrong, and his heartbeat became somewhat irregular.

He felt that something was about to happen.

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