Chapter 42 – Niu Chuang’s path as an antagonist

"How can there still be people from the Fusion Faction?!"


"No way, the Association has strict arrangements, how could they let someone from the Fusion Faction in? In my opinion, this must be an 'actor' hired by the training side!"


"Actor? Bro, are you joking? Does this guy look like a decent person to you? I don't believe he could act like this!"


Seeing this, the students below the steps immediately started discussing.


However, the leading male student from First High School raised a hand at this moment, signaling everyone to keep quiet.


He then looked at Chronicle, who was lazily sitting above, and said, "Hey, bro, I don't care if you're from the Fusion Faction or an actor sent by the Association, I have one piece of advice for you: leave quickly!"


"There are so many of us here, if we all attack together, no matter how powerful you are, you won't be able to withstand it. It's just about making money and eating, why bother…"


"Don't misunderstand."


Chronicle leaned forward slightly, ruthlessly interrupting the brother below, and blurted out a classic line from "Fiery Cloud Evil God": "I'm here just to kill you all, or be killed by you, that's all."


As soon as these words came out, the scene fell into silence.


Unlike Chronicle's own embarrassment, the students present were deeply shocked by the domineering (and showy) aura of his words, and had no more doubts about his villainous identity.


But the ones with the biggest reaction were not them, but the peripheral members of the Fusion Faction hiding in the bushes.


Those who were not yet qualified to get uniforms looked at Chronicle's trendy and flamboyant outfit from afar, then looked down at their own cheap clothes covered in grass seeds and rough stitches, and instantly felt ashamed.


Hearing that villainous quote that couldn't be more showy, they felt even more inferior.


"Could it be that Senior Osiris was worried that we couldn't complete the task, so he sent another official member over?"


"No way, if that was the case, he should have notified us in advance, right?"


"What status does Senior Osiris have? He doesn't need to explain his actions to us small fry."


"That's true."


Everyone was whispering and discussing.


But they didn't notice that Niu Chuang, who was lying closest to the outside, was currently shining his eyes and jotting down Chronicle's villainous quote in a small notebook, not even caring about mosquito bites.


Unlike his seemingly rough and simple exterior, he had many thoughts in his heart.


Perhaps the word "confused" would be more appropriate to describe his mental state.


As the son of a high-ranking member of the Fusion Faction, he had been entrusted with high hopes by his father since childhood.


But as he grew older, his high-ranking father gradually realized that his son was not only mediocre in card crafting talent, but also had a simple mind.


In other words, he was both mediocre and foolish.


The strong expectations instantly turned into deep disappointment.


Just at that time, the Fusion Faction was in a life-and-death situation, and his father, who had no time to be distracted, sent his foolish son to the faction's base in Land of Peach – the funeral shop.


And so, more than a decade passed.


Under the guidance of the funeral shop owner, Niu Chuang didn't learn much over the years, but he did develop a habit of reading novels.


"Card Breaks the Blue Sky" trilogy, the first five parts of "Card Continent", "Great Love Card Reality", "Fool's Master"…


There was no genre or style that he didn't love to read.


And after being influenced by so many novels, it was only natural that he, in his rebellious teenage years, developed a strong interest in the identity of the "villain".


He decisively went against his father's wish for him to become an ordinary Card Craftsman.


Through begging the funeral shop owner, he became a peripheral member of the Fusion Faction.


But it was just a title.


In his daily life, he was still a prospective freshman majoring in card crafting at Land of Peach University.


Although his talent wasn't great, he did have a relatively mature set of cards, and it was no problem for him to deal with high school students who had just started learning.


Of course, all of this was not important.


What was important was that over the years, he had always been confused about his own position.


Whether to follow his father's wish and become an ordinary Card Craftsman, or to continue pursuing his path as a villain.


He had previously leaned towards the latter.


But after seeing the pathetic state of the other peripheral members of the Fusion Faction, this idea couldn't help but waver.


But just now, Chronicle made a "stunning" appearance.


That "cool" look instantly solidified his thoughts.


"This is too damn cool!"


Niu Chuang roared in his heart as he furiously wrote, countless ideas flooding his mind.


He suddenly had an idea: why not create a villainous card set based on this big brother's words and demeanor?


"But I need to get his permission first."


Thinking this, Niu Chuang suppressed his excitement and lay quietly in the bushes, looking forward to the other party's next performance.


At this time, the top students from various high schools, who were caught between a rock and a hard place, decided to concentrate their forces and eliminate Chronicle, who was relatively weak, after a brief struggle.


So, the next moment, streaks of blue light flashed, and countless strange figures emerged from the void, launching an attack on Chronicle at the end of the steps.


Osiris, however, stepped forward, lightly swung the Mourning Staff in his hand, and shattered the soul bodies of the two most aggressive ghost card spirits.As a card spirit crafted from mythological knowledge, its foundation was inherently stronger than cards of the same quality. Now, after being upgraded, the gap was even more apparent.


The students below also realized that they couldn't compete with Seven Brothers, so they decided to divert some of their power to keep him occupied, and then shift their focus of attack to Chronicle.


Looking around, they found no trace of the opponent.


"I bet you guys don't play fair."


Chronicle, who had taken the opportunity to circle around when Seven Brothers was beating up the kid, looked at the backs of the students in the distance and couldn't help but smirk.


After what happened last night, he had made up his mind that he would not expose himself to the enemy's attack before he had enough self-protection ability.


How could he wait for these students to attack him?


"Seven Brothers, clear a path."


Chronicle thought to himself, pouring thirty percent of his mental power into Osiris.


The next moment, his figure became even more ghostly, and where his Mourning Staff passed, there were bursts of ghostly howls.


The cold, ghostly blue chains were like mad pythons, suppressing a dozen evil spirit card spirits so they couldn't move.


But Chronicle knew this was only temporary.


Seven Brothers' quality level hadn't reached a very high level after all. To deal with so many powerful card spirits at the same time, even if it was just a short-term confrontation, it was still a bit strenuous.


Therefore, he had to break through quickly to avoid being worn down by pointless attrition warfare and siege warfare, which would drain his already limited mental power.




As Chronicle was transferring his mental power, he suddenly felt a surge of yin energy attacking from all directions, and his heart leaped with joy.


He knew that the evil spirits chasing these students had arrived.


"Next… it's time for the march of the underworld soldiers and the night parade of a hundred demons."


Chronicle thought to himself, activating the "Exorcism" function of the "Mountain Ghost Coin" to ensure his own safety.


He then took a deep breath, ready to use the "Borrowing Path" skill.

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