Chapter 27 – Skill “Borrowing Path”

"The yin person goes up, the yang person avoids—"


As Chronicle muttered the words "Borrowing Path" nearly 20% of his spiritual power in his sea of consciousness was directly drawn away.


A grand and magnificent chant immediately resounded between heaven and earth.


The already towering Chronicle, who was taller than 182 centimeters, grew to over one zhang tall in the blink of an eye with the infusion of spiritual power and Yin energy.


The cuffs of his robe gradually revealed intricate and enchanting patterns of crimson flowers, appearing exquisite and alluring.


On top of his tall hat, three faint flames ignited.


In the next moment, rolling dark clouds spread out from beneath him, enveloping the entire residential area in an eerie mist.


In this clearly defined black and white world, four slender and tall ghostly figures, each over one zhang tall, walked out from the mist accompanied by the sound of suona and drums.


Their figures were illusory, their steps ethereal.


Standing at the staircase, Lu Youyou couldn't help but look over. She saw them wearing crimson robes and holding tattered oil-paper umbrellas.


Indigo cloth wrapped around their heads and necks, hanging straight down to the ground. As they walked, it made the sound of chains clashing.


At the moment of their appearance, all living creatures within several li seemed to sense immense fear and hid themselves, causing the surroundings to instantly fall into silence.


Witnessing this scene, Lu Youyou couldn't help but take a deep breath, feeling that the air at this moment was somewhat cold and sticky.


She couldn't help but shiver and hurriedly turned around, rushing into the arms of the eight-foot bride.


And the not-so-spiritually-sensitive eight-foot bride, upon sensing the trembling girl in her arms, instinctively patted her shoulder gently. Her originally dull and lifeless eyes also showed a hint of fear and comforting emotions.


"This move, 'Righteous Group Beatdown,' or you could say 'shaking people,' consumes quite a lot."


Chronicle couldn't help but inhale a cold breath, feeling a headache coming on.


In fact, he had been very cautious, carefully controlling his spiritual power to just meet the minimum activation threshold for the skill, not wasting a single bit.


But in the end, his spiritual power was just that much, no matter how carefully he calculated, it was still not enough.


"Then we can only settle this quickly."


He lightly pressed his temple, quickly adjusting his state, and then decisively retreated to the doorway, leaving the battlefield to Osiris and the four guiding ghost messengers.


Fortunately, the restroom was neither low nor narrow, and it could accommodate these five towering giants who were three to four meters tall.


Otherwise, the scene would be unimaginable…


"Go in."


Chronicle said lightly, taking out a bottle of spiritual power potion from the inner pocket of his coat.


After unscrewing it, he took a sip.


Although he couldn't taste anything, his headache was greatly relieved, and the depleted spiritual power was slightly restored. The exhaustion from consecutive battles was swept away in a short time.


"It's really good stuff."


His eyes brightened, then he screwed the cap back on carefully and put it away.


Of course, he wouldn't waste such a good thing on a "show of force."


He just took this opportunity to have a taste and see its effect.


Although he didn't know the specific value of this potion, he had a feeling that this bottle of liquid might be more valuable than the materials he had collected painstakingly all night…




At this moment, a clear and gentle voice came from the staircase, interrupting his thoughts.


"Just now, those four…"


Lu Youyou paused here.


She originally wanted to use the word "ghost" to describe the four figures that suddenly appeared, but when she thought about their unique aura that was different from ordinary ghosts, she felt that this word was not quite appropriate.


So she chose to skip it and went straight to the point, saying, "Did you summon them?"


Chronicle turned around, nodded at the girl still curled up in the eight-foot bride's arms, and said, "That's right."


Lu Youyou was about to say something when Osiris and the four guiding ghost messengers returned at this moment.


She saw that the previously seen figure with a comb in its hair was now tightly bound by chains, with a face full of fear, following behind obediently.


Just a few minutes ago, it still had thick, long hair, but now there was only a thin layer of stubble left.


From a distance, its head looked like an unpeeled kiwi.


It looked quite comical.


But Chronicle didn't mind at all. He threw a blank card and drew in spiritual power, gaining another white material.


"Just this one?"


After collecting the material, he turned his head and looked behind, but he didn't see any other ghosts.


Unexpectedly, at this moment, the last guiding ghost messenger stepped forward on its own initiative, holding a small mirror emitting a ghostly aura with both hands, and respectfully handed it over.


Seeing this situation, he also understood: this thing was probably another "show of force" hidden in Lu Youyou's house.


So he took out a blank card from his pocket and stuck it on.


After a moment, a blue light flashed by, and the eerie mirror was successfully sealed, turning into a material card named "Mirror Flower Trick."


Holding it in his hand, he released a strand of spiritual power and briefly checked the basic information of the material.


Finally, he could be sure that this thing was the one who had tried to deceive him and Lu Youyou with a virtual mirror image before!


It's worth mentioning that although this thing had the word "trick" in its name, in reality, it didn't possess "spiritual thinking." It was just a rather eerie "inanimate object."


After being sealed, it became an item-type material, not a summoning-type material.


"This thing is quite interesting. Should I keep it for myself?"


This thought flashed through Chronicle's mind, but he quickly suppressed it:


Whether to sell or use the material, that was all for the future.


His current top priority was to capture as many ghosts and monsters as possible while the effect of the "Borrow the Path" skill was still active.


He also knew that his current state was of no help compared to the past.Just as the electricity in Lu Youyou's house was restored, Chronicle took out a bunch of fruits and snacks from the refrigerator.


Sitting on the sofa, he ate while waiting for the triumphant return of the five bosses.


Thus, the house fell silent once again.


After a long while, feeling the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Chronicle turned his gaze to the eight-foot bride standing guard silently nearby and asked softly, "Is this your initial battle card?"


"Um… Yes…"


Hearing Chronicle's question, Lu Youyou, who was reporting her safety to her family, quickly put down her phone and sat up straight.


When it came to the eight-foot bride, the usually reserved Lu Youyou couldn't help but show a hint of pride, "Not bad, right?"


"Indeed, not bad."


Chronicle nodded.


Although the momentum of this summoning card was far inferior to his Seven Brothers, it was commendable, deserving a "not bad".


Unexpectedly, upon hearing this praise, the pride on Lu Youyou's face quickly disappeared, turning into a sigh, "Although this card is good, I can't say I completed it independently."


"I did help her design the whole background story and spent a lot of effort on the details, but…"

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