Chapter 16 – Li Baitian? Sunday?

Luo Youyou saw the situation and quickly got up to distribute snacks to her classmates.


Chronicle took out his phone and wanted to see if the class list had been released. At this moment, a familiar figure walked into the classroom.


It was their former homeroom teacher, Chen Xuebing.


The first thing he did when he entered the room was to create a sentimental and inspiring atmosphere. After the atmosphere was almost set, he spoke, "I just received the class list and was a bit surprised. Our class actually has two students who can enter the Elite Class."


As soon as Chen Xuebing finished speaking, the classroom instantly became noisy.


Obviously, the specific list had not been released yet, and everyone only knew their own situation. They had no idea about others.


Chen Xuebing no longer kept them in suspense and looked at Luo Youyou, who was distributing snacks, and then glanced at Chronicle, who was sitting on the side, playing with his phone in boredom.


After calling their names, he laughed and said, "Come with me to the Elite Class."


As soon as these words came out, the students in the class were instantly confused.


It was not surprising that Luo Youyou had good grades and could create a blue card.


But Chronicle, other than his appearance, there was nothing outstanding about him before. It was unexpected that he could also create a blue card. This surprised them.


"You've got something, Brother Chronicle."


A male student with a good relationship with Chronicle gave him a thumbs up.


Chronicle smiled in response, picked up his school bag, put the snacks given by Luo Youyou in his pocket, and followed Chen Xuebing to find the classroom of the Elite Class.


On the way, Luo Youyou couldn't suppress her curiosity any longer and asked softly, "Did you also create a blue card?"


"Yes." Chronicle smiled. "Surprised?"


"A little bit." Luo Youyou nodded.


After chatting quietly for a while, they arrived at the classroom of the Elite Class.


"Wei Teacher, we brought the two kids from our class. We'll trouble you from now on," Chen Xuebing said reluctantly.


Wei Ya smiled and said, "Taking care of my own students is not troublesome at all."


Saying that, she ignored Chen Xuebing, who was standing at the door, and led Chronicle and Luo Youyou into the classroom.


At this time, there was already a girl sitting in the class, but it was not Ginger Tea, whom Chronicle knew, but a somewhat unfamiliar face.


Short hair, neutral dressing, tall with long legs, and a cold face.


From the outside, she looked like a typical "cool girl," but she wasn't aloof.


As soon as she saw the two enter the room, she took the initiative to greet them and introduced herself, "I'm Li Baitian. Nice to meet you."


"Sunday?" Luo Youyou blinked her beautiful eyes, feeling a bit confused.


Li Baitian, who was already used to this, sighed and explained the meaning of her name.


"Nice name, very spirited," Chronicle said beside her.


But in his heart, he secretly complained: These parents are really bold. They dare to give their daughter such a domineering name even though she was born in the Transcendent World. They're not afraid of being overwhelmed.


Li Baitian couldn't tell what he was thinking and immediately responded with a approving look, "You have good taste."


Just then, another boy with glasses and a middle part walked into the room. He greeted Luo Youyou first, looking quite familiar with her.


Then he turned to Chronicle and Li Baitian, without the need for introductions, he called out their names and smiled, "I'm Yao Yuan. We are classmates from now on. Please take care of me."


Before the two could respond, a soft female voice came, "Hello, everyone."


Everyone turned their heads and saw a petite and beautiful girl smiling at them.


"Jiang Cha?" Chronicle nodded at her.


At this point, the five members of the Elite Class had all arrived.


Wei Ya seemed a little excited. Although there were only five students in the room, she counted them several times, as if counting more times would suddenly add a few more people.




Seeing the students looking at her with some surprise, she cleared her throat and said with her unique clear voice, "Hello, everyone. My name is Wei Ya, your new homeroom teacher."


"To be honest, as a teacher, I feel very honored to be able to learn from and progress together with such outstanding students like you."


"But I won't relax my requirements for you because of this. On the contrary, I will be even stricter. So… please be mentally prepared. You may have a tough and tiring year ahead."


After finishing her speech, Wei Ya calmly observed the students below.


The five of them had different expressions.


The most well-behaved was Luo Youyou, who was sitting as seriously as an elementary school student, looking at her with a serious expression.


Then there was Chronicle. After all, he had just taken a form from her and owed her a favor. Even if he was pretending, he still pretended to be seriously thinking.


Yao Yuan, as the president of the student council, also seemed to be attentive, but there was always a smile on his face, which made people doubt whether he was really paying attention.


As for Li Baitian and Jiang Cha, the two girls who had a good relationship with her and had a good relationship with her, they didn't even bother to put on a show. They seemed a bit absent-minded.


Seeing this scene, Wei Ya couldn't help but smile and shook her head.


She then turned to the main topic and her face immediately became serious. "Now, let me talk about the unified training."


"Previously, Youyou and Baitian were not in the group, so I'll emphasize it again: the final assessment results of this training will directly determine the investment and resources the school can obtain in the new school year."


"So, here, the teacher hopes that you can do your best and strive for good results, not only for the school but also for yourselves."


"In addition, let me share a piece of inside information. Many of the teachers in this unified training come from major universities. If you perform well, you may have the opportunity to receive recommendations from them. You can enjoy the resources of the university during your senior year."


"And some teachers hold important positions in the Card Craftsman Association. If they value you and accept you as their disciples, you can learn the most cutting-edge knowledge."


"In short, there are many hidden benefits in this unified training, far more than it seems."


"The school understands that such a heavy responsibility will put a lot of pressure on everyone, so they have specially prepared some materials and mental strength potions as incentives."


After saying this, she turned her head to look at Chronicle, saying, "Chronicle, come with me to receive them."


Upon hearing this, Chronicle quickly stood up and left the classroom with her.


"When it's time to distribute the items, just take your share normally. I've spoken to the school about your situation, and the school leaders have expressed their intention to increase their investment in you, to provide you with more resources…"


As Wei Ya spoke, she lightly patted Chronicle's shoulder, whispering, "But you must understand, there is no such thing as unconditional love in this world. The reason the school is treating you so well is simply because they value your talent and potential."


"After the incident of the secret realm losing control, the school leaders unanimously believe that your overall quality is the best among this year's card makers… Eh, I'm not flattering you, don't get cocky."


Hearing this, Chronicle couldn't help but laugh.


Seeing this, Wei Ya flicked his forehead with her finger, saying, "In any case, the school is now betting on you for the unified training results. Don't tell the other four when you go back, just keep it in mind."


"Of course, don't feel too much pressure, if there's anything, just talk to the teacher…"

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