Chapter 59 – Speed is power?

“He…he’s in that room.”

Vulko pointed his finger out, his face stiff.

That was his original bedroom, but now it looked like it had been attacked.

He didn’t understand if the world had changed or if there were so many monsters now, but the headquarters of the crying gangsters, one by one, came like they were visiting an amusement park.


Seeing the gliding figure, David’s eyes narrowed slightly, but he was immediately attracted by another figure.

Next to the shattered window, a half-naked figure with a gloomy face waved away the irritating smoke, contemptuously looking down at the fleeing figure as if he was looking at a bug that was destined to not escape from his grasp.

It was Avery.

David turned his head and glanced at Vulko.

It was not surprising that Batman was here to cause trouble for Vulko, but he had found the wrong person.

“Suddenly realizing that it’s not an old and frail gang leader, but a monster that even a bat dart can’t penetrate.”

Hoo hoo!

The sound of wind blowing in the ears.

The cloak made of memory material turned into bat wings when electrified, gliding down, Bruce wearing a bat mask with a serious expression, turned his head and looked back.

With Gotham’s rampant gangs and villains, he felt that he should pick a few of the most well-known guys to strike and eliminate, restraining the dark wind of Gotham.

So today, he broke into the mansion of one of the biggest gang leaders, Vulko, intending to beat him up, leaving him with only his underwear, tied to the bat signal, and let the villains of Gotham see their role model.

“But why is there a stranger in Vulko’s bedroom?”

Batman frowned, feeling a pain and discomfort in his throat.

Just now, when he was about to ask, the young man blinked and appeared in front of him, pinching his neck and lifting him up from the ground with a strength greater than that of an elephant.

“A knife slashed at that guy’s neck, but it felt like it was slashing on high-density rubber, and my hand was sore from the recoil.”

When he was questioned about who he was, he quickly used the tear gas launcher on his bat belt to spray at the guy before jumping out of the window to escape.

He even threw a magnetized bat dart with gunpowder in his hand.

The bat dart, originally used to blast open buildings, didn’t even cause a scratch on that person.

As he glided down, Bruce tried to find a trace of injury on that person, but he couldn’t find any.

Suddenly, the half-naked figure in front of him disappeared from his sight, as if a frame had been taken away from the world, still there one moment and gone the next.

“Why did he disappear?”

Bruce’s heart tightened, and as he landed, he rolled to dissipate the momentum, intending to leave first. There was important information here that he hadn’t figured out, such as the identity of the young man.

But suddenly, a figure appeared like a ghost, and a powerful hand grabbed him from the ground, Avery’s voice disdainful.

“Where do you think you’re escaping to, freak?”

As Avery’s hand gradually exerted force, Bruce couldn’t breathe, his face turning red from suffocation, reaching for his waist.

Avery’s other hand lightning-fast took away his tear gas launcher, pinching him with one hand and playing with the tube-shaped tear gas disgustingly, with a mocking smile.

“The same trick, you want to play it in front of me a second time?”


A muffled sound.

A figure fell from the fifth floor without any cushioning, like a thousand-pound object falling from the sky, breaking the stone slabs, splashing debris, and rolling up smoke and dust.

Both of them looked over there.

“How is this possible?”

Avery frowned.

Since he gained his abilities, smoke could no longer block his line of sight.

In his line of sight, a slender skeleton stood upright in place, with well-defined and strong muscles tightly attached to the bones, jumping down from the fifth floor as if he hadn’t suffered any injuries.

There were already streetlights in the mansion, and after the previous commotion, even the searchlights installed on the turret-like building lit up, illuminating the mansion as bright as day.

In the smoke and dust, a figure stood, and Bruce felt like he had seen this scene before.

“Who are you?”

As the smoke dissipated under the light, David’s figure appeared.

“It’s really you.”

Bruce felt that Gotham wouldn’t hide so many terrifying birds of prey.

Avery and David were classmates of the same grade, and he should have known David, but now David looked different from before.

“How did you do it?”

Noticing that David’s physical abilities seemed far beyond ordinary people, Avery’s face darkened, casually throwing Bruce aside.

“My back…”

Crashing into a corner of a flower bed, a look of pain appeared on Bruce’s face as he stood up, clutching his aching back.

“Grab him.”

Avery casually ordered the gangsters who had gathered around to grab Batman, while he stared at David intently. Compared to the weirdo who dressed like a bat and broke into his room, he was more interested in the person in front of him now, and asked in a deep voice.

“You have the same ability as me, transcending ordinary humans.

How did you do it?”Listening to Avery’s tone, which was both high and uneasy as if he considered himself a deity, David sneered.

“It’s not like I was struck by lightning!”

“How do you know?”

For some reason, Avery felt a sense of familiarity from this stranger and his expression changed as he secretly observed him.

This was his biggest secret. How could this stranger in front of him know about it?

Could it be that more than one person had gained abilities through lightning strikes?

Woof, woof…

Bang, boom!

Batman, dressed in his battle suit, fought against the waves of gangsters and attack dogs. Despite being injured and surrounded, he found a familiar scent amidst the chaos.

This was the Gotham he knew.

Those two over there seemed like they had come from another world.

“You stole someone else’s abilities and came here to act recklessly.”

Looking at Avery, who lived in a castle with a group of henchmen at his beck and call, living a seemingly comfortable life, David’s voice was as cold as the wind blowing down from a snowy mountain.

“I had to chase after you because of the trouble you caused. If it weren’t for the fact that you still have some use, I would have dealt with you right here and now!”

Unfortunately, he had to keep him alive to try and transfer the abilities back to Clark. Otherwise, it would be much easier to just eliminate him.


The sound of metal tearing made one’s teeth ache.

“What are you saying?”

Avery, furious, pulled a street lamp from the side and hurled it towards David as if he were a chicken or a dog that could be killed at will.

“This is my ability.”

The street lamp carried a violent gust of wind as it flew towards David. However, David stood still, his hands unmoving.


Two beams of highly concentrated energy shot out from his eyes, melting half of the street lamp into molten iron in mid-air. The other half spun past him, crashing into the castle wall behind him.

As if a gentle breeze had passed by, David remained unfazed. His eyes narrowed, and he suddenly shot out a powerful laser beam that burned the air, instantly appearing in front of Avery.

This laser beam was several times thicker than the one that had melted the steel earlier, emitting a terrifying energy fluctuation.


Avery’s face changed dramatically. He crossed his arms in front of his eyes, and under the tremendous impact, his legs moved as if pushed by a bulldozer, leaving two deep grooves in the ground.

Since gaining his abilities, he thought that there was nothing and no one on this planet that could harm him except for meteorites. But now he realized he was wrong.

With astonishing heat and high temperatures, the surrounding air distorted. After a few seconds, as the energy continued to rise in waves, his arms began to feel a burning pain, and he couldn’t help but scream in pain.

“Ah, ah, ah…”

It felt like being splashed with sparks, and Avery quickly moved away from his original position.

He realized that he wasn’t as invincible as he had imagined. This guy in front of him, who knows where he came from, could actually harm him. In a panic, he briefly thought about turning and running away. However, he soon realized that David’s reaction was slow, and his head didn’t turn with his movements.

He stopped and stood several tens of meters away in another direction, looking at David with a grim smirk on his face.

“You’re strong, but not strong enough. I’ve found your weakness!”


David smiled.

“What is my weakness?”

“That’s because you’re too slow!”

Time seemed to slow down, and Avery unleashed his extreme speed. At this moment, the wind flowing between heaven and earth also became extremely slow. In less than a hundredth of a blink of an eye for an ordinary person, he appeared in front of David, his fist carrying terrifying speed, ready to strike his face.

“Speed is power!”

Although his strength was already formidable, the punch he threw after being multiplied by dozens of times the speed of sound was his most powerful attack.

The air was compressed by the violent force, almost solidifying, and a white wave of air rolled towards David. With his palm clenched into a fist, David unleashed a burst of violent cosmic energy!


The ground collapsed, and the earth rolled away like waves caused by a meteorite impact. Cracks extended for over ten meters, as if an earthquake had occurred.

The entire mansion trembled, and the wave of air was like a raging tide.

The glass of several castles shattered one after another, and Vulko and the others standing by the window on the upper floor were blown back.

In the mansion, the gangsters and attack dogs fighting against Batman were all swept away by the violent wave of air, as if they were weightless pieces of paper. Batman quickly reacted and used his grappling hook to hook onto a street lamp, narrowly avoiding the disaster by hiding behind a flower bed.

Under the impact of the purple energy tsunami, Avery was sent flying, his body turning bright red as if scalded by hot oil. He flew uncontrollably for dozens of meters before crashing to the ground, clutching his chest, looking at the figure standing tall on the earth in disbelief, unable to help but blurt out.”This is impossible!”

(End of Chapter)

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