Chapter 26 – David, Clark, what’s wrong with you?


As for the hunting rifle in Jonathan’s hand, it was no different from a burning stick in Tina’s eyes.

In the instant she leaped up, grass and leaves splashed into the air, and the flow of time in the whole world seemed to slow down by a hundred times. Clark agilely leaped out and carried Tina on his back, running towards the distance.

Although he was confident in subduing Tina after seeing her “slowed down” speed, judging from the force she displayed when she kicked the ground, her strength was definitely not small. Even breaking the railing in front of the door with a casual strike could turn the broken wood into bullets.

Clark didn’t want any accidents to happen.

After Clark and Tina disappeared, David aimed in a direction and chased after them at the speed of a normal athlete.

“I’ll go help Clark, Father, you protect Mother.”

“David, don’t go!”

Jonathan, holding the hunting rifle, wanted to call his son back, but his son had already run far away and couldn’t be seen.

David turned his head and confirmed that his parents couldn’t see him anymore, and his speed suddenly soared.

On the outskirts of the highway, under the streetlights.

Clark slowed down to put Tina down, but before Tina could react, she fiercely swung her hands together and smashed them onto Clark’s back.


A dull sound.

Like being hit by a car, Clark was caught off guard and fell to the ground, cracking the road surface and causing pebbles on the highway to jump.

“You also have abilities, Clark!”

Seeing that Clark was still alive, Tina grabbed Clark’s neck and was about to lift him up.

Clark grabbed her wrist tightly, restraining her movements, his expression serious.

“Tina, until you make a bigger mistake, you can still turn back.”

Just now, he sensed Tina’s anger. Perhaps there was more to Aunt Catherine’s death than meets the eye. If it wasn’t Tina’s doing, then she hadn’t killed anyone yet, only robbed a bank.

“A mistake?”

Tina sneered.

“I’m just using my abilities to pursue happiness. What’s wrong with that?”

She was about to use force to see whose strength was greater between her and Clark.


A cold figure rushed towards them like lightning, and a fist fiercely struck Tina’s face, causing an explosion of airwaves. Tina tumbled and flew out like a stone thrown into a lake, quickly colliding with the ground several times before falling dozens of meters away.

Clark, who was being held by Tina, was also affected and flew six or seven meters before landing on the ground.


Tina’s face was red as if scratched, and she angrily looked at the person who attacked her.

David’s face was cold and indifferent as he appeared under the streetlights and touched his fist.

“Your bones are quite hard.”

When he punched this woman’s cheekbone just now, it felt like hitting high-density alloy.


Tina vaguely recognized David and glanced between him and Clark, her face fierce.

“Big brother has abilities, little brother is a monster.”

“But your family shouldn’t have come to provoke me!”

Her speed was faster than a charging cheetah. In the blink of an eye, she ran dozens of meters, swinging her fist and roaring towards David.

[Tina’s surprise +0.4, anger +0.6…]


Her fist was as fast as a bullet and carried astonishing force. David dodged her punch by retreating, and when she struck again, he grabbed her wrist. Tina tried to break free, but it was like being caught by iron tongs.

“You have good strength, but your fighting style is completely that of a woman.”

There was no logic to it.

His gaze was icy, and he exerted force with his hand, applying pressure of several hundred tons.

“Let go of me!”

Tina, with a fierce expression, screamed in pain. Her other fist tore through the air and struck towards David’s head.

As if he didn’t see it at all, David’s body didn’t move, he just suddenly exerted force with his hand. Under the terrifying force of over a thousand tons, even steel ingots would be crushed into iron mud.


Halfway through the punch, an intense pain came from her wrist, and Tina screamed in agony. Her body felt like it was being electrocuted, and she let go of David’s hand, unable to pry it open at all.

She looked at his handsome and cold face as if she was facing a ruthless and terrifying creature, and fear involuntarily arose in her heart.

“David… David.”

In a critical situation, Tina’s facial features deformed like mud, turning into the face of a woman with fine wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, deliberately making her expression look extremely painful.

Tina had turned into Martha’s face, thinking that David would let go when he saw his mother’s face in extreme pain.

And David did just that, releasing his grip as if being electrocuted.

“How dare you!”

But in the next moment, he realized it and felt furious.

Before Tina could escape, she felt a hand, as if made of steel, grab her head and forcefully smash her face into the ground.


Gravel splashed, and Tina’s entire head was almost forcefully pressed into the ground.

Crack, crack, crack!

“Ah, ah!”

Tina screamed in pain, wanting to lift her head, but under the forceful pressure of that big hand, her skull made a sound as if it couldn’t bear the weight, and the fear of death filled her body and mind.

“Help, help!” She shouted for help, and her muffled voice came from underground.

David remained unmoved, his face cold, and raised his fist to strike.


“Let go, David.”

Clark hurriedly came up and grabbed David’s wrist.

This time, he didn’t hold back, increasing his strength rapidly. But when he found that even with his maximum strength, he couldn’t pull David away, he stared at him in astonishment.

Clark was about to use both hands.

“Get out of the way!”

David swung his arm back, and Clark was thrown away as if weightless. He swung his fist down.


Tina’s hands, struggling like a drowning person, weakly hit the ground, and her head was buried in the soil, motionless.


Clark shouted and rushed to Tina’s side, flipping over the person who was in a state of unknown life or death.

Fortunately, she was still breathing.

But… she couldn’t be awakened no matter what.

“Once again, you’ve turned someone into a vegetable.”

He glared angrily at his younger brother.

“Daring to turn into Mother’s appearance, I’ve already been lenient by not killing her.”David stood up, clapped his hands, and looked down at his feet, his tone icy cold.

【Fear from Tina +0.8, Confusion +0.3, Anxiety +1.0, Anxiety, Anxiety… Fear +1.2, Fear, Fear…】

A complete process – fainting and realizing that one still has consciousness, wondering why one can’t control their body, followed by anxiety and another attempt, then realizing something, and finally, fear…

He didn’t kill Tina.

In the maximum-security prison, the punishment for disobedient and riotous criminals is often solitary confinement.

There’s only a sliver of weak light from the cell door, the space is so narrow that one can’t take two steps, and in the darkness, there’s no one to talk to, one can’t even see their own hands.

“Even the most brutal criminals will behave after three days in solitary confinement.”

What awaits Tina is an enhanced version of solitary confinement that lasts for decades.

By the chilling lakeside, cars are parked and bonfires are lit.

It’s a lively outdoor barbecue party on a holiday afternoon.

David and Chloe are sitting by the fire, grilling meat.

“David, Clark, what’s wrong with you guys?” Chloe, dressed in a down jacket, asked in confusion, “If I remember correctly, I haven’t seen you guys talk for several days!”

“The atmosphere between you guys these past few days has been as cold as this lakeside.” Pete rubbed his body deliberately, his voice trembling, pretending to be freezing to death, his teeth chattering. “Oh God, save me.”

He exaggeratedly acted in a comical manner, trying to create a lively and relaxed atmosphere, giving the two a chance to reconcile.

“I don’t feel cold.” Clark’s voice was dull as he turned the beef on the grill.

David took a sip of his cold fruit beer, looking at the distant lakeside, as if he hadn’t heard.

“Are you guys from the icy extraterrestrial?” Chloe was curious.

She had never seen such a situation between the two before.

What exactly had happened between these two brothers?

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