Chapter 10 – Everyone is guilty

"Although I am confused about where I come from, this is undoubtedly my home," David said. Clark fell silent and spoke with an unprecedented seriousness, as if he was speaking to himself, "I am certain of this, David. You and my father and mother are my family. This will never change."


There were some things that Clark had taken for granted before, but today, after almost losing them, he suddenly realized that he should cherish and protect those things with all his might, such as family and loved ones…


"Thank you for today, little brother."


"Don't expect a few kind words to stop me from telling mother what you've been doing with this telescope all day."


Clark, who was usually a bit introverted, spoke so frankly that David was taken aback for a moment and looked into the distance.


"This telescope was created to help humans observe the sublime and vast universe, not for people to use it to spy on their crushes and have material for their dreams."


"David, I never had such thoughts."


Clark panicked and tried to explain. He really didn't have such thoughts.


"I understand, I understand."


But David, who had already made Clark flustered with just one sentence, didn't give him the chance to explain. He left with a clearly perfunctory remark.


[Clark's anxiety +7, embarrassment +4…]


Today was different from before. Many things happened in succession, and the emotions of the Kent couple and Clark were intense. As a result, David gained a lot of emotional points and his integration level improved.


[Template integration level 81% → 83%]


The further the template, the harder it was to improve the integration level. However, even a slight increase in integration level could bring a stronger power than before.



The morning breeze blew through Smallville High School.


Pairs of sneakers moved quickly, and girls whispered and giggled shyly from time to time. The boys raised their chins and boasted to their friends.


The campus life was different from before, and the students' faces were filled with excitement and anticipation.


Tonight was the spring dance.


"You didn't come to school with David again today, Clark," Pete asked Clark what was going on.


"There were some things. I saved someone, and he gave me a gift, but I couldn't accept it." Clark explained, "I went to return the gift this morning."


This morning, he had no complaints and obediently listened to his father's words and went to Lex Luthor's mansion to have a polite conversation with Lex Luthor, and returned the pickup truck.


"What gift?"


Pete became interested and was about to ask more.


"That necklace is very important to me."


A faint voice came, and Lana, who was not far away, looked sad and upset.


Whitney, with a purple nose and a swollen forehead, was constantly comforting his girlfriend and explaining.


"What happened to Whitney's face?"


Pete was puzzled.


"Maybe he got drunk and fell?" Clark explained awkwardly, glancing at David, who didn't seem to care about it.


"That necklace was carved from a meteorite that my parents left behind when they died in a meteor shower when I was a child. My aunt left it to me to remember my parents. But you lost it."


"There were… some people in the bar who got drunk and deliberately caused trouble. We had a fight with them, and after the fight, we found that the necklace was gone. Lana, I promise I will find it."


Clark's super hearing allowed him to hear the conversation between the two, and he frowned at Whitney's lies and deception towards Lana.


He hesitated for a moment after hearing about the origin of Lana's necklace, and then looked at David with a pleading look, wanting to say something.


"You are really kind, Clark."


David, who had already guessed what he wanted to say, could only comment with a hint of helplessness and walked away.


Although Thanos' super hearing was not as good as a Kryptonian's, this distance was not a problem for him.


Needless to say, Clark was reluctant to miss the opportunity to talk to his dream girl.


But he still decided to return the necklace to Lana.


Even if the necklace went back, the rift between Lana and Whitney would immediately disappear. It would help Whitney, even if he lost the opportunity himself.


"Excessively kind, truly the future Superman."


David could only comment on this.



Before the dance in the evening.


Clark kept pestering David, wanting to get the necklace.


David just brushed him off.


Why should he return the Kryptonite that was already in his hands?


In addition, Clark kept requesting and accumulating emotional points.


At the dance.


Chloe, who didn't receive an invitation from a dance partner, had to team up with Pete to avoid embarrassment.


As for David and Clark, they didn't care about these things.


Melodious music played in the bright dance floor.


Pairs of young men and women in formal attire met each other's gaze, their faces filled with smiles, dancing like birds.


At a long table.


David casually picked up a pastry and tasted it.


"Look, your dream girl is dancing with another man, with his arm around her waist."


He pointed his fork at the most eye-catching couple in the center and lightly laughed at Clark, who had been continuously requesting.


"Even so, do you still want to return the necklace?"


Clark looked at the center of the dance floor, his heart sour as if he had eaten a lemon.


Even though he was a bit angry, Lana, who was unaware of the situation, was comforted by Whitney's lies and took all the blame off herself. She didn't refuse Whitney's invitation to the dance.


Under the envious gaze of everyone, the two of them looked deeply into each other's eyes, dancing slowly, the most dazzling couple in the dance floor.


The girl attended the dance in formal attire , but it wasn't for him.


He was just standing on the edge of the dance, an inconspicuous transparent person.


"That necklace belongs to Lana, David."


Clark couldn't hide his disappointment in his tone, but he still said it.


David was a little impressed by Clark's persistence and didn't want to add insult to injury to him.


"Alright, I'll give it to you tomorrow."


"Anyway, you don't have a chance. Lana is not suitable for you."


Clark's face brightened, and upon hearing this, he wanted to ask why.


Suddenly, the fire alarm on the ceiling of the school auditorium was triggered, and water from the pipes poured down like a torrential rain.




"Where's the water coming from?"


"The fire alarm has been triggered, where's the fire?!"


Screams echoed around the auditorium as everyone was caught off guard, turning into drenched rats. Delicate makeup was washed away, hair styled with wax collapsed, everyone was in a state of disarray and panic.


The pastries in his hand were soaked through. David glanced at his wet clothes, his face turning sour.


"Is it an accident?"


Clark quickly scanned the room, but saw no signs of fire, not even smoke.


"Is the fire alarm broken?"


Or was the main control outside triggered?




At that moment, the auditorium doors were suddenly kicked open.


Clear footsteps echoed.




"God said, everyone is born with original sin."


As the entire silent auditorium turned to look, a thin figure with a hood walked in. He lifted his head to reveal a cold face, and dazzling currents like silver snakes sprang from his hand, filling the air with a burnt smell.


"Although my target this time is not all of you, however…"


Under the horrified and puzzled gazes of the crowd, he paused, then slammed his hand, charged with a powerful current capable of melting steel, onto the damp ground.


"I don't mind helping you cleanse your sins ahead of time!"

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