Vol.1 – Chapter 089 – Jade

The moon set and the sun rose, a night passed unknowingly, and the Qingyuan Sect became a bit quieter. After a day of adjustment, the disciples had basically adapted to the golden tower above their heads, and they also learned to carefully protect it as they moved around.

The golden tower above Qingyuan flickered from time to time. There were always prison ghosts rushing down.

Prison ghosts had no spiritual intelligence, they just mechanically sensed living beings, repeatedly crashing down, and some prison ghosts drifted westward with the wind.

Under Listening Sea Lake, Su He was in a daze.

Just now, when the little furball was bouncing on him, it knocked down the golden tower. Then two prison ghosts rushed towards him, but like headless flies hitting a glass, they were bounced back by the external mountain shadow.

The prison ghosts, which ignored everything including the Qingyuan Sect’s large array and the Seven Meridians Mountain Protection Array, were blocked by the external mountain shadow.

Su He was stunned for a moment, but then he understood.

That’s right!

The external mountain shadow was formed by the divine ability of the mountain-bearing talent absorbing various spiritual powers and treasures. The mountain-bearing talent basically absorbs everything, sword qi, merit, magical instruments, turtle shells. Since it can absorb all kinds of things, the external form it condenses should naturally be able to block all kinds of attacks.

No matter how strange the prison ghosts are, they are essentially a kind of attack, and it makes sense to be blocked by the external form.

Su He lifted his dragon head proudly.

I, Su He, the Dragon Turtle, am unique!

Unfortunately, he couldn’t stand with his hands on his hips.

Yesterday, when he saw Feng Yaya’s uniqueness, he was a bit jealous, both amazed at Feng Yaya’s uniqueness and a little hopeful, hoping that he could be the unique one.

Isn’t this it? Although he can only defend and not attack, Su He just tried it, the sword qi in the external form had no effect on the prison ghosts.

He hasn’t received the Dragon Turtle’s inheritance yet, he only has some of the Dragon Turtle’s innate divine abilities. His attack methods are too poor, only water manipulation, sword qi, and divine might, these things against the prison ghosts…

Su He paused, divine might specifically attacks the divine soul. Are prison ghosts considered as fierce ghosts, a kind of yin entity?

He calmed down for a moment, and let out a roar of divine might.


The sound wave exploded in the water, pushing the water ripples to form waves, spreading in all directions. The little fish around him flipped over with a splash.

The sound wave swept over the prison ghosts, and the two prison ghosts were like two pieces of ice thrown into a red-hot iron pan, making a sizzling sound, and the black cloud was instantly steamed and peeled off.

What was steamed from them was a gray mist, carrying a cold and dark breath, just like the gray mist sprayed out from the Suppression Prison.

In just a moment, the two prison ghosts dissipated, leaving two amber-colored stones the size of dates falling into the water and sinking to the bottom of the lake.

Divine might can hurt prison ghosts.

Su He panted and swallowed a few mouthfuls of lake water. He suddenly realized something. Although he had been called a Divine Beast for almost a year, and he had long adapted to the identity of a Divine Beast.

But he didn’t seem to understand, what is a Divine Beast, what is a Dragon Turtle!

Ge Feng once said: The mystery is infinite, it is called divine, the ferocity is sharp, it is called beast, this is called Divine Beast.

Divine Beasts are majestic, holy, powerful…

The ignorant don’t understand the difference between Divine Beasts and Exotic Beasts, they just think it sounds mighty.

Su He also thought that Dragon Turtle sounded much stronger than Xuan Turtle and Exotic Turtle, and he also felt his uniqueness. He is now condensing True Blood, and his realm is equivalent to the True Blood Realm of cultivators and three-star Exotic Beasts.

But in fact, True Blood Realm and three-star Exotic Beasts have no chance to resist in front of Su He. Su He can easily suppress cultivators and Exotic Beasts of the same realm.

Su He thought that was what a Divine Beast was.

Invincible in the same realm, able to fight across realms.

It wasn’t until this moment that he realized his uniqueness.

Old Taoist Ge has profound cultivation, the First Seats of the Seven Meridians have numerous Fairy Swords and magical instruments, but they can’t hurt the prison ghosts, unless they are willing to give up their cultivation level and dare to die with the prison ghosts.

In terms of cultivation level, ten Su He’s are not as good as them, but Su He can kill prison ghosts, they can’t.

This is a gap… in the hierarchy of life.

He remembered someone once asked Ge Feng, humans are innate Dao bodies, and Divine Beasts are also a kind of Dao body. Since they are all similar, why can’t humans beat Divine Beasts in the same realm.

At that time, Ge Feng smiled, somewhat helplessly said: “Among the countless tigers in all the heavens and worlds, only a few Divine Beasts White Tigers can emerge, and only this one Dragon Turtle can emerge from millions of turtles in the lake. Isn’t it natural to be blessed? If you really want to compete with Divine Beasts, it should be the special Dao body among humans.”

Su He now had a slight understanding, perhaps Feng Yaya is a special Dao body?

Chasing the two amber-colored stones sinking to the bottom of the lake, Su He poked the stones. The external mountain shadow did not automatically protect, the stones were not dangerous. This is not pure hard stone, it has a slight meaty feel.

Looking at the stones, Su He felt an uncontrollable greed rising.

Eat it!

It’s not gluttony, but the body’s desire to absorb it. This is an instinct for beast evolution, just like seeing the Demon Morphing Fruit, his mind is blank, and he just wants to swallow it in one bite.

Su He backed away a bit, squinting at the two stones. Unknown things, with fatal attraction, should be kept away.

Su He poked the furball on his head: “Contact Master, let him come and take a look.”

Inside the Hall of Longevity, Feng Yiju was pacing back and forth, looking anxious. Just then, a small sword shot through the Qingyuan Sect’s Mountain Protection Array and directly entered the Hall of Longevity, landing and turning into a projection.

A young man dressed as a merchant.

It should be a similar method to Su Huanian.

“Sect Leader Feng!” The young man’s eyebrows drooped slightly, and he was about to scold as soon as he opened his mouth.

Feng Yiju, however, looked as if he had seen a savior, his face instantly showing surprise, and he hurriedly greeted him: “Hall Master Luo, you’re here, please ask Xuantian Sect to approve a piece of land for us as soon as possible, Qingyuan Sect… We Qingyuan Sect must move!”

The young man’s scolding voice was stuck in his chest. He was the Hall Master of the West Peace Hall of the Xuantian Sect’s External Affairs Department. He came to scold Qingyuan Sect for not guarding the Suppression Prison well, but before he could speak, Qingyuan Sect dropped a big bomb.

Approve a piece of land? Move?

Feng Yiju looked miserable: “Hall Master Luo must have seen it when he came in just now, the sky above Qingyuan is full of prison ghosts, we can’t drive them away or kill them, how can we survive here? We hope that the Xuantian Sect will remember that Qingyuan Sect has guarded Dongyun for many years, and allow Qingyuan to move immediately!”

The young man, who was dressed as a merchant, had his scolding voice stuck in his chest. He was the Hall Master of the West Peace Hall of the Xuantian Sect’s External Affairs Department. He came to scold Qingyuan Sect for not guarding the Suppression Prison well, but before he could speak, Qingyuan Sect dropped a big bomb.

Approve a piece of land? Move?

Feng Yiju looked miserable: “Hall Master Luo must have seen it when he came in just now, the sky above Qingyuan is full of prison ghosts, we can’t drive them away or kill them, how can we survive here? We hope that the Xuantian Sect will remember that Qingyuan Sect has guarded Dongyun for many years, and allow Qingyuan to move immediately!””Impossible!” Hall Master Luo’s eyes widened. At this moment, the prison ghosts were wreaking havoc on Qingyuan Mountain. Who would clean up the mess if the Qingyuan Sect left?

“Then, please ask the Xuantian Sect to send experts immediately to deal with the prison ghosts. The Qingyuan Sect really can’t hold on any longer!”

The Hall Master opened his mouth.

Wasn’t this his original argument? First, he would sternly reprimand Feng Yiju, then threaten and warn him. If the Qingyuan Sect couldn’t handle it, the Xuantian Sect would send people over – which sect would allow another sect to station in their territory?

Would it be easy to leave once they entered?

Why did Feng Yiju now take the initiative to ask for help, stealing his lines?

For a moment, he didn’t know how to respond.

“Step back!” A voice came faintly from his body. The projection flickered and instantly changed to a dignified middle-aged man who glanced at Feng Yiju, “Sect Leader Feng, since I’m here, stop playing childish games. Just state your request.”

The Hall Master of the Xuantian Sect’s External Affairs Hall. The real high-level figure in the Xuantian Sect.

Feng Yiju bowed his hand, all expressions on his face disappeared, “In the name of the Xuantian Sect, I urge all the sects in Dongyun to sell their prisoners and captives to Qingyuan.”

The Hall Master glanced at Feng Yiju, his eyes full of profound meaning, “Agreed!”

Feng Yiju bowed his hand, and the projection instantly disappeared. The small sword on the ground shattered and vanished.

Feng Yiju looked at the dust on the ground, lost in thought.

In front of an inconspicuous thatched house in the Xuantian Sect, the Hall Master of the External Affairs Hall was feeding chickens, ordinary farm chickens.

Outside the chicken coop, Hall Master Luo looked at him puzzled, “Grandfather, why did you agree to Feng Yiju’s request? The elders all said that the Suppression Prison might be Feng Yiju’s doing!”

The Hall Master shook his head, “Do you know what’s most important when two armies are at war?”

Hall Master Luo frowned, not knowing why his grandfather brought this up.

The Hall Master scattered a handful of corn, watching the chickens pecking, “It’s about looking beyond the surface and understanding the essence. We don’t need to care about what Feng Yiju is doing, watching too closely might lead us into his trap. We just need to know what he ultimately wants to do.”

“What does he want to do?” Hall Master Luo gently kicked away a hen.

“He just wants to take the Qingyuan Sect a step further and dominate Dongyun!”

Hall Master Luo looked at his grandfather.

The Hall Master put down the chicken feed and walked out of the chicken coop, “If he wants to dominate Dongyun, he needs to do two things: eliminate the sects in Dongyun and clear out the prison ghosts.”

“We don’t need to know what he’s plotting, just keep an eye on these two things. The prison ghosts have always been in the hands of the sects, he can’t take them away or eliminate them. If he just wants to wear them down with the true essence of cultivators, it would take nearly a hundred thousand cultivators to eliminate the hundred thousand prison ghosts in Qingyuan. Where would he get so many cultivators?”

“Relying solely on buying prisoners from Dongyun? The sects in Dongyun have a limit of three to five thousand prisoners. Why not let him buy them? It’s a good opportunity to see his methods. It also happens to let him feed the prison ghosts, the consumption of soul jade and warm jade in the sect has been huge in the past two years, and it will take some time for the longevity world to mature. It’s a good time to raise and harvest a batch here.”

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