Chapter 22 – The joys and sorrows of the tribe are not in common

Lu Yao read Grandma’s plea repeatedly and confirmed that he understood it correctly.

The sea monsters are indeed the children born to the women of the Donghe tribe.

Grandma also explained the reason.

Among the babies born in the Donghe tribe, female infants will grow up healthy. But if a male infant is born, the baby will grow scales and a tail in a short period of time, with a hunched body, gradually turning into a lizard-like water monster.

Sea monsters are incredibly strong, with impenetrable scales. Their bodies continue to grow, shedding layer after layer of skin until their short lives come to an end.

Their only flaw is that they cannot stray far from a water source.

As for the reason behind this, the Donghe tribe is also unclear. They only say that it is a gift from the Gods, allowing them to rule the entire water area by giving birth to sea monsters.

Not long ago, the sea monsters collectively contracted an unprecedented disease.

The Donghe tribe couldn’t cure it and could only watch as the once mighty sea monsters lay weakly in the water. Apart from the three that had died, some sea monsters had already turned belly up on the water’s surface, foaming at the mouth, looking like they wouldn’t live much longer.

This also made Lu Yao somewhat lament.

The sea monsters in the foreground: strong bodies, thick skin, an imposing appearance, the rulers of the sea.

The sea monsters in the background: a tragic background, a painful destiny, weak and dull bodies, plagued by illness.

The seemingly invincible sea monsters in the water not only resulted from the mutation of male infants but also encountered difficulties in seeking medical treatment.

In despair, Grandma had no choice but to come and seek help from the local gods.

That is, Lu Yao.

This request left Lu Yao somewhat helpless.

Unfortunately, I am not the God of Medicine.

In this world of miracles, there are only various natural phenomena and disasters, but there is no grand healing technique.

In the Donghe tribe with over three hundred people, there are only three medicine masters, including the shaman. The scarcity of medical practitioners makes it even more impossible to treat the sea monsters.

Grandma could only silently pray outside the temple, confessing to the gods. She did not tell the prophet and the shaman about this secret that concerned the survival of the tribe.

Lu Yao pondered.

There are too many reasons for the sea monsters’ illness. The water being too cold or too hot, too much aquatic vegetation, the impact of climate change… It could even be the birth of an exclusive infectious disease for sea monsters.

At present, all he could say was that he was unable to help.

While the civilization of the Donghe tribe was not ideal, the Garlic tribe had welcomed another landmark event.

“Writing gradually became popular in the Garlic tribe, and the Garlic tribe learned to use names.”

With this reminder, Lu Yao noticed that the little people of the Garlic tribe had their own names floating above their heads.

The Prophet was called Nonglai.

The Shaman was called Liecang.

The Pigfish brothers finally had their own names.

The one who loved wild boars was the “Hero” Lie Tou, and the one who liked fish was the “Hero” Yu Zou.

There were two major surnames in the Garlic tribe, with farmers surnamed Nong and hunters surnamed Lie.

In addition, there were a few fishermen with the surname Yu due to the fishing nets. Two carpenters had the surname Mu, the medicine masters had the surname Yao, and the salt people had the surname Yan.

In summary, the names of every person in the Garlic tribe were derived from the occupations they engaged in.

From this, it can also be seen that although the Prophet and the Shaman were the leaders of the tribe, their leadership positions were not specialized roles. Their actual professions were farmers and hunters, and they also engaged in related labor in their daily lives.

The use of writing made specific names become unique symbols for each little person. The birth of names allowed pixelated people to have more complex self-reflection and close communication.

Lu Yao noticed that two little people were exchanging insights.

One was called Nong Yu, and the other was called Yu Huan.

Nong Yu asked, “The crops in the fields, like wheat and potatoes, can be planted in spring and harvested in winter. Is it the same for fish in the water?”

Yu Huan said, “Fish in the water grow on their own, just like wheat.”

“Then if we plant fish in the soil in spring, will they grow more by summer?”

“Of course not. Fish can only live in water.”

Suddenly, a exclamation mark appeared above Yu Huan’s head. “You make a good point. Although fish cannot grow in the soil, if we create a ‘water field’ by the river and raise fish in it, we can harvest a lot of fish in autumn, just like wheat.”

“We need to fertilize it.”

Nong Yu said, “Fish eat insects, and there are many insects in the fields. We can feed these insects to the fish, and they will grow bigger and more plentiful.”

“You’re right!”

The two little people suddenly became excited and ran to the riverbank to start exploring.

Lu Yao then shifted his attention to a little person named Mu Hao.

Mu Hao was one of the two carpenters in the tribe, and at this moment, he was chopping wood in the forest.

The tools of the Garlic tribe were still in the stage of mainly using wood and stone, so the carpenters used stone axes, which made chopping trees very laborious. But at this moment, Mu Hao was leisurely taking a walk, with someone else doing the work for him.

After a period of exploration, he found a good solution.

Mu Hao found a small animal called a “river beaver” by the river, which gnawed on trees to build its nest. He started raising river beavers with wheat. Every day, he would go out to chop wood and bring these small animals along.This somewhat skewed skill tree approach was highly effective in the short term.

There were quite a few situations like this.

At this point, Lu Yao could feel that the Garlic Tribe had finally emerged from its primitive state of confusion. Everyone was starting to think about how to live better and work more efficiently.

As Lu Yao was observing the lives of the people, Isabella, who had been silent for a long time, finally sent back a message.

She had found the Bedouin Tribe in the southern desert.

However, contrary to the rumors, the Bedouin Tribe now only had 32 people left. The oasis where they had lived for generations had been occupied by a group of desert monsters. The Bedouin Tribe had almost fled in the direction of the Garlic Tribe.

Having lost their oasis, their population had plummeted, leaving less than a tenth of their peak population. Due to their hasty escape, the Bedouin Tribe didn’t take any valuables with them, they just rode their camels and ran.

When Isabella encountered them, the Bedouin Tribe was being attacked by a group of desert bandits.

She described, “The bandits were dressed in simple black clothes, but underneath were linen garments. They carried cloth bags and were from the Salt Pond Tribe.”

Isabella, the Apostle, took action and killed half of the bandits. The remaining ones were captured and brought back with her, a total of 11 people.

The Salt Pond Tribe members, disguised as bandits, were strung up like sugar-coated haws on a stick, walking dejectedly behind Isabella.

【Due to Apostle Isabella’s persuasion, the Bedouin Tribe joined the Garlic Tribe.】

【The integration of the Garlic Tribe and the Bedouin Tribe slightly increased the faith.】

The population rose to 347 people.

The faith value increased by 120 points, and the total faith value was restored to 160 points, making the miracle reserve plentiful again.

Lu Yao’s gaze was firmly fixed on the two types of livestock brought by the Bedouin Tribe.

Camels and sheep.

Finally, there was hope for the livestock industry.

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