Chapter 4 – Guiding Ghost Messenger · Osiris

"Yan Wang?"


Chronicle muttered in his heart, but he wasn't surprised.


The seemingly mysterious attack was actually a normal phenomenon caused by the self-protection mechanism of his sea of consciousness being passively triggered.


In simpler terms, his current mental power was not enough to bear the concept of "Yan Wang."


Shallow water cannot carry a boat.


In Zhuangzi's "Free and Easy Wandering," there is a saying, "If the accumulation of water is not thick, it will not be able to carry a large boat." This is the principle.


"Seven Brothers, please guide me in the future."


Chronicle didn't dwell on it and smiled lightly at the tall and thin figure not far away.


In the next moment, a sound like glass shattering echoed between heaven and earth, and countless white lights surged and poured into Osiris's body, turning him into a card:


[Guiding Ghost Messenger · Osiris]


Quality: Blue (Gray, White, Green, Blue, Purple, Orange, Red, Gold, Rainbow, Black)


Level: ★★


(Max level is ten stars, and the card level corresponds to the ten quality levels. For example, a blue card can be upgraded to a maximum of four stars. Among the same level, the higher the quality, the stronger the combat power.)


Category: Ghost/God


Card Type: Summon




[Mourning]: Osiris wields the mourning staff, dealing double damage to spiritual entities.


[Soul Summoning]: After hitting, it begins to cause continuous special damage. After the target dies, there is a certain probability of summoning its soul as our unit.


[Borrowing Path]: Consume a certain amount of mental power to summon four Guiding Ghost Messengers in the state of "Night Walk." If encountering ghost units with a quality lower than oneself during the journey, they can be forcibly recruited into the team. At the same time, it causes continuous special damage to those who obstruct, with a high probability of triggering the [Soul Separation] effect.




[Retreat]: Yin people go forward, Yang people retreat.


[Soul Intimidation]: Ghosts see Yin differences and expose their necks to be killed.


[Fortune at First Sight]: Those who thank the gods will be safe, and those who do good deeds will become wealthy.


Introduction: Osiris, the Guiding Ghost Messenger of the Underworld, holds the Mourning Staff and guides the souls back to their eternal home.


Advancement Path: [One-Sided Yin Commander · Osiris] (Purple) → [Life and Death Yin and Yang · Osiris] (Orange)


Bond: Deployed together with the [Black Osiris] series, it can activate the bond effect [Ever-changing].


"It's done."


Chronicle slowly grasped the card and felt complicated emotions that were hard to express.


After all, he was not sure before whether he could create cards with the knowledge from his "hometown." He had always been somewhat uneasy.


Now that the finished product was completed, he could finally put down the big stone in his heart.




Adjusting his mood, as Chronicle said "Return," his vision flickered, and the familiar room appeared before his eyes.


However, unlike before, the room was almost completely filled with darkness.


Chronicle picked up his phone and entered the lock screen page, only to see that the time had already jumped to 6:30 in the evening.


In his memory, he started making cards around two o'clock in the afternoon.


In other words, the seemingly simple card-making process took up the entire afternoon.


Realizing this, Chronicle also felt a faint hunger.


Just as he was about to get up and turn on the lights to find something to eat, the [Osiris] card floating leisurely in his sea of consciousness suddenly trembled. Threads of cold energy emerged and wandered through his limbs and bones before returning to his sea of consciousness.


This was the feedback from the card after a successful card-making, which not only tempered the body but also increased mental power.


Perhaps because of Osiris's extraordinary nature, this short feedback was equivalent to a month of cultivation for his previous self.


"It feels like I've gained some ancient merits."


Chronicle sighed and suddenly realized that his vision seemed much clearer.


Even in this dark environment, he could see the rough outlines of the surrounding objects.


"Have my senses become stronger too?"


Chronicle thought to himself as he closed his eyes, and indeed, he caught some extremely faint sounds.


With a sniff, a damp, cold, and slightly putrid air rushed into his nostrils.


"Where is that smell of dead rats coming from?"


The slightly abrupt smell of decay instantly caught Chronicle's attention.


After looking around at the defense cards stuck on the surrounding walls that had not been triggered, he silently infused his mental power into the [Osiris] summoning card.


Only to see threads of blue light converging in the air, slowly forming a figure standing in the center of the room:


Tall and thin, with a pale face, a slightly curled red tongue, and a bitter smile.


Wearing a white robe and holding a Mourning Staff, he wore a tall hat with the words "Wealth from the First Meeting" written on it.


To be honest, Osiris's appearance was not attractive.


But just by standing here, he gave Chronicle a strong sense of security.


"Being accompanied by the Yin Commander in the Ghost City… This is just the beginning. If Big Hammer and Leg Brother find out, they will definitely envy me to the point of fainting in the toilet."Chronicle chuckled, feeling much more relaxed. He then directed Osiris to patrol around the room.


During the patrol, nothing unusual was found, but the source of the rotten smell remained elusive.


After adjusting the positions of the defense cards again to ensure no loopholes, he, accompanied by Osiris, went to the living room.


Through the window that occupied half of the wall, the night view of the entire city was in full view.


The city was brightly lit, with neon lights flickering.


Perhaps it was the comforting effect of light, the people living in this city chose to turn on the lights in their homes before the arrival of the ghost tide, making this ghost city shine like a precious gem in the vast darkness.


It was dazzling and eye-catching.


But the beautiful scene didn't last long.


In a short while, a thick, grey fog rolled in from the southwest.


Through the fog, one could vaguely see a grand procession of terrifying and solemn figures, dancing and marching.


The procession was led by a group of fierce ghosts in dark red robes, holding tattered oil-paper umbrellas. Eight figures, as tall as buildings, carried a gigantic coffin steadily. Behind them were a band and a chariot of soldiers, giving off the air of a grand entourage.


"This is… a bit too exaggerated," Chronicle commented as he watched the scene from afar, feeling extremely grateful for his decision to prepare the cards in advance.


It wasn't that he doubted the Card Craftsman Alliance's ability to handle the crisis.


He just felt that if such a massive ghost tide were to be broken down, the local card craftsmen would not be able to clean them up in a short time.


By then, these filthy things would scatter around, and relying solely on a few defense cards to hold out while waiting for rescue would be too passive.


"Others may not have a choice, but as a Card Craftsman, if I also put my hope in others, I might as well quit now," Chronicle shook his head, his gaze lingering on the gathering of ghosts below.


Just as he had expected, the city's card craftsmen had already set up a trap on the path of the ghosts.


Suddenly, a dazzling silver light, like a sharp sword, cut through the fog, forcing the hidden ghosts to reveal themselves.


Then, flames, sword shadows, knife lights, and thunder, countless attacks fell directly into the ghost procession.


Various figures also took the opportunity to launch attacks, like a quagmire, firmly restricting the ghost army at the city entrance.


Everything was handled smoothly.


However, the pervasive fog limited the use of the "Domain Cards", preventing the card craftsmen from pulling their opponents into different spaces. This allowed many intelligent ghosts to escape into various corners of the city in the chaos.


At this point, Chronicle no longer had the mood to watch and learn.


He saw that some "good friends" were coming his way…

One response to “Chapter 4 – Guiding Ghost Messenger · Osiris”

  1. “Bond: Deployed together with the [Black Osiris] series, it can activate the bond effect [Ever-changing].”

    ?? I’m confused is this Egypt card series, as the card name is “Osiris”, but is there “Black Osiris” in Egypt myth… or is this “Black and White Impermanence” pair instead?

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