Chapter 45 – After tomorrow, it will no longer be a problem

Evil Clark?

David looked strange and felt curious, hearing this for the first time.

Clark should really be here to hear these words and experience the feeling of being treated like a criminal.

“The legends circulating in your tribe have nothing to do with me.”

No longer intending to give Kara a chance to entangle him, David’s body flashed and he quickly flew away at supersonic speed, leaving behind a few tree leaves swirling in the strong wind, slowly falling.

“I don’t have the ability to turn into a wolf like you.”

Kara grabbed the yellowed tree leaf that was falling in front of her, looked in the direction David had left, her eyes filled with anticipation and her face showing complex emotions.

The kind and calm old woman from the nursing home had predicted her future before she died.

Do not get close to David and his brother, otherwise fate will fall into misfortune.

If misfortune is her destiny, she will not escape from it. She has prepared herself early, as long as she can help Nama defeat Seger.

David now understands why the transfer students were so close and wary of him before.

Under that kind of fervent gaze, like pursuing a belief, Kara made him feel uncomfortable.

It took a lot of time to gain new abilities and experiment with them in the forest.

Seeing that it was approaching afternoon, David returned home.

“David, you’re back?”

The previously gloomy atmosphere in the house disappeared.

Clark couldn’t hide a trace of pride at the corner of his mouth.

“Just now, Rickman has sent someone to terminate the contract.

Not only us, but also the contracts of several other farms.”

He had never experienced such joy in helping others, and most importantly, he surpassed his younger brother, quickly and beautifully resolving this matter.

This time, his younger brother should realize that problems don’t always have to be solved in a rough and cruel manner.

“Son, we don’t have to move anymore.”

Jonathan and Martha, the couple, smiled and nodded. “The farm and the house are back to us.”

Clark had already told his parents about what he had done.

He only mentioned that he left his younger brother behind because he was in a hurry, and he ran to Chloe’s house ahead of him, and then he concealed his identity and forced Rickman, who owned the farm, to revoke the contract using his abilities.

Jonathan and Martha also retold the story, and David learned about the course of events.

Although the two parents were somewhat worried about their son using his abilities, they also felt somewhat relieved when they thought that the meteorite might have created many people with abilities.

“You must be hungry, I’ll make lunch now. It should be ready before you go to school.”

With the matter resolved and the heavy burden lifted from her heart, Martha remembered that her two sons hadn’t eaten yet, and she happily ran into the kitchen to busy herself.

“If it weren’t for your quick and clever analysis, Clark wouldn’t have been able to resolve this matter so quickly. Well done, son.”

Jonathan patted his younger son’s shoulder with satisfaction and walked into the kitchen to help his wife, as if they had never quarreled before.

The dark clouds dispersed, and the house regained its previous ease and warmth.

David knew that his father was taking care of his emotions, hoping that he wouldn’t feel frustrated and down because Clark had solved this matter with his Superman abilities while he was left behind.

“David, why aren’t you particularly happy?”

Standing beside his younger brother, Clark asked with his arms crossed, looking puzzled.

“Is it because I solved this matter before you?”

Does David have such a strong competitive spirit?

“What’s there to be happy about?”

Taking his gaze away from his parents, David looked at him and furrowed his brows.

“Don’t you think Mom and Dad are too kind?

The house and the farm were originally ours.”

In such a situation, as long as they can get back the house and farm that were taken away, they should be satisfied. Although he had seen his parents’ kindness before, sometimes it made people feel that kindness is easily taken advantage of.

“I feel like Dad and Mom aren’t very happy either.”

Clark pulled David to the side and whispered.

He had just overheard his parents discussing reporting Rickman to the police, so that he could no longer use his abilities for evil and arbitrarily take away things that others cherished.

But with someone knowing Rickman’s secret and someone reporting him as abnormal, would it make Rickman suspect that the Blue Man is Clark?

Jonathan and Martha hesitated and kept this matter to themselves.

“We can report together with several other farm owners.”

Looking at his parents busy making lunch in the kitchen, David said.

“This way, the target won’t be too obvious.”

It would be reasonable for several farm owners who suddenly sold their farms and houses to report Rickman to the police, suspecting that Rickman had used some kind of drug or potion to make them sign the contracts, and investigate it.

“That’s a good idea.”

Clark’s eyes lit up and he nodded.

“From my understanding of Mom and Dad, if this matter isn’t resolved, they will keep it in their hearts and it will become a burden.”

He looked at David, who had just come up with the plan, with some doubt.

Why was David so gentle this time and wanted to resolve this matter completely? It didn’t fit his character at all.

Does his power as a role model have such a strong influence?

Could it be that he had misunderstood David all along? In the past, they had to expose their abilities and identities, and David had to do what he did?

“As long as I hide my identity in the future, will David no longer turn people into vegetables?”Thinking of this, Clark couldn’t help but feel elated.

He didn’t know that although David had just proposed a solution, he didn’t believe it would work.

“Making accusations out of nowhere, without any evidence, the police may not take it seriously.”

Moreover, it wouldn’t be easy to sanction a billionaire like Rickman, who had extensive connections and considerable influence.

“Add his abilities to the mix, and it’s almost certain to fail.”

David shook his head secretly.

He brought up this matter just to prevent his parents from worrying about it before tomorrow.

As for after tomorrow… this matter would no longer be a problem.

“Clark, David, it’s time to eat.”

Lunch was quickly prepared, and Martha gently called her two sons, “Hurry up and finish eating, so you can go to school.”

David sat at the dining table with Clark, smiling. After a few bites, he looked up and complimented his mother on her apple pie, which was even more delicious.

Watching their two sons wolf down their food, Jonathan gently held his wife in his arms in the kitchen. The afternoon sun shone on them, bringing warmth.

Taking care of the farm could sometimes be tiring, but perhaps, as the saying goes, some things are only cherished when they are lost.

They didn’t get a break this afternoon, but there was a faint sense of peace and happiness.

“Our family being able to stay like this is the greatest happiness,” Martha sighed.

“I’m afraid that’s unlikely,” Jonathan shook his head and laughed, “Your two beloved sons will eventually go to college, get married and have their own families.”

“I wonder what kind of wives Clark and David will find?” Thinking of this, Martha couldn’t help but fantasize.

“Cough, cough…”

David and Clark, both of whom had hearing far superior to ordinary people, looked at each other and choked a bit unnaturally.

“Eat slowly, look at you two.”

Martha quickly came over and poured a glass of water for her two sons, expressing her concern with a slight reproach. The room was filled with a warm and cozy atmosphere.

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