Chapter 6 – Chen Hao is going to break down!

After coming out of the toilet, Chen Hao instantly felt a surge of hunger sweeping over his body.


"What the hell? Did I just eat and poop it all out?"


Chen Hao silently complained and could only go back to the cafeteria window to order another full meal.


After a gust of wind passed by.


Full… just a little bit.


"What the hell is happening to me?"


Chen Hao's eyes widened in shock. When did he become such a big eater?


There's no choice, he was just too hungry.


He went to order another meal.


Finished in two minutes.


Then he went to order another meal.



The cafeteria aunties were all dumbfounded.


This child… is he a reincarnation of a pig demon?


Even the pigs they raised at home couldn't eat this much!


Although the students' appetites have generally increased due to daily sports training, it shouldn't be this exaggerated, right?


Ten minutes later.


Chen Hao, who was eating his tenth meal, fell into deep thought.


What's wrong with me today?


Why does everything feel off?


Could it be that I've really mutated?


Did I mutate after drinking half a bottle of water from Teacher Chu?


What if it's not just any water but the water from the Ganges River?!


Wait, what would my superpower be after mutating… being able to eat a lot and poop a lot, and being overly confident?


Isn't that just pure trash?!


However, at this moment, something strange happened again.


Chen Hao suddenly felt a surge of energy and vitality rushing through his body, burning like a raging fire.


Damn! I'm so hot-tempered!


Chen Hao widened his eyes, which had turned red, and only one thought remained in his mind!


I must release all the strength and energy in my body!


Otherwise, I'll break!


Chen Hao quickly finished the last few bites of his meal, got up, and hurriedly walked outside.



On the playground.


Many senior high school students who had just finished eating gathered here, waiting for their physical education class in the evening.


The physical education students from Class One gathered in the area with parallel bars and uneven bars, pretending to be cool in front of other students as usual.


A physical education student with arms as thick as an average person's calf was hanging on the parallel bars, doing pull-ups.


"15! 16! 17!"


"21! 22! 23!"


The other physical education students surrounded him, excitedly counting out loud.


The expression of the physical education student on the parallel bars had become fierce, indicating that he was about to reach his limit.




In the end, he did 30 pull-ups. After coming down from the parallel bars, he took a few breaths and revealed a proud smile, stretching his arms to intentionally or unintentionally show off his muscular arm muscles.


"Li Zicheng is awesome!"


"Damn! 30! That's amazing!"


"What level is 30 pull-ups? Even athletes from the provincial team might not be able to do it, right?"


"Li Zicheng is not just a first-level athlete! Awesome!"


"Li Zicheng! Awesome!"


The physical education students cheered excitedly, their eyes filled with admiration.


There were also many students nearby watching the scene, and their gazes were complicated.


Ah, this is so frustrating.


The current new college entrance examination policy is clearly tailored for these physical education students!


After studying hard for so many years, in the end, I lost to this group of mostly untalented physical education students.


Li Zicheng's smile became even more proud. As one of the few physical education students in North Hill High School who had obtained a national first-level athlete certificate, he had been in the spotlight recently.


Li Zicheng's academic performance was very poor. If it were based on the original college entrance examination plan, he would have to achieve a top ten result in the city in terms of physical education to be admitted to a better university.


That was basically impossible.


Compared to those top students, he was completely inferior.


But now?


With Li Zicheng's physical education performance, it was almost certain that he would be in the top hundred in the city for the college entrance examination in physical education.


According to the current policy, he could easily go to Yan University or Huaqing University!


Isn't that just fantastic?


And those top students who used to look down on him and call him a "barbarian"?


It didn't matter much for those who had some physical fitness.


But for those top students with poor physical fitness… well, they're done for!


The more Li Zicheng thought about it, the more proud he felt. His gaze swept across the faces of the students watching nearby, seeing their jealous, resentful, and helpless expressions. His chin almost reached the sky.


He felt like the chosen one in a novel.


Originally, it was extremely difficult to become superior by relying on sports.


But this sudden new college entrance examination policy could directly propel him to great heights!


What else could it be if not being the chosen one?


Just then, Chen Hao's figure appeared among the students watching. His face looked very unpleasant, his eyes were bloodshot, and he seemed extremely anxious.


He had just run several kilometers in the school.


But the boiling blood in his body didn't decrease much.


Obviously, aerobic exercise wouldn't work!


So, Chen Hao came to the equipment area of the playground, wanting to see if anaerobic exercise could suppress the restless blood in his body.


"Hmm? Chen Hao?"


Li Zicheng noticed him and was momentarily stunned.


They were in the same class.


Not long ago, Li Zicheng was still considered a troublemaker in the class, while Chen Hao was admired and chased after by many classmates, recognized as the top student in the class.


Chen Hao's grades were excellent. In the last grade exam, he ranked sixth in the whole grade. Moreover, he had a slim and fair appearance, which was the type that many girls in the class liked.


At that time, Li Zicheng was very dissatisfied. Why did the girls in the class say that my muscles were ugly when I worked so hard to build them?


And Chen Hao, this skinny dog, was so popular among the girls?


Just because he was handsome? Just because he had good grades?Damn it! The more he thought about it, the angrier he got!


And now, the tables had completely turned!


Due to his poor physical condition, Chen Hao was assigned to the worst sports class, Class 20, led by Chu Yi, who was also a weakling. He was completely abandoned.


What's the use of good grades now? He couldn't even get into a university.


Now, he could easily get into Yan University or Huaqing University!


Li Zicheng's mouth curled up in a smug grin, his face full of triumph. He taunted Chen Hao, "What are you looking at, Chen Hao? Do you want me to help you train?"


The athletes were taken aback, following his gaze.


"Who's that?"


"That's Chen Hao. He used to be in the same academic class as Brother Cheng. He was a top student, ranked in the top ten of the grade."


"Just look at his physique, he's definitely a weakling. Don't tell me he's in Class 20 now?"


"You guessed it, haha, another former top student turned physical failure. Classic!"


These people took pleasure in others' misfortunes as always.

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