Chapter 84 – Street Tofu Shop

After seeing Lu Yang’s set of pictographic boxing, which turned him into the appearance of Man Gu, Lan Ting silently took out a yellow talisman paper.

I should just draw a transformation talisman myself.

It is no wonder that the immortal sect, famous for its creativity and spells, can use boxing to disguise as transformation magic. It takes a profound understanding of spells to achieve such a thing.

Presumably, Lu Yang’s understanding of spells has reached the level of seeing the law as non-law, seeing the art as non-art, and pointing directly to the origin.

Among the same level, Lan Ting believes that no one can surpass Lu Yang in spell attainments.

Only then did Lu Yang remember that Lan Ting had taken the tiger skin before to make talismans. It seems that she has great achievements in the field of runes.

Lan Ting pointed to her eyes, “This young lady’s eyes are somewhat mystical, very sensitive to patterns, and can decipher the core of the rune and the eyes of the formation. She is naturally good at making talismans and drawing formations.”

“But this young lady’s energy is limited, and I mainly focus on making talismans. I only have a slight understanding of formations.”

Lan Ting was humble, but in fact, this is a very remarkable talent. This talent is destined to go far in the field of runes and formations, making many rune and formation masters envy.

Soon, Lan Ting drew a transformation talisman and pasted it on herself. The whole person changed from stunning beauty to ordinary, which was quite magical.

In this way, the barbecue shop welcomed a new employee.

Two days after Lan Ting joined the barbecue shop, the shop was still as busy as ever. With the addition of a new employee, the workload of the three people was reduced.

Lu Yang noticed that Man Gu was a little unhappy, so he helped customers serve dishes while using his divine sense to ask, “Did something happen? You seem unhappy.”

Man Gu nodded, “I don’t know if Brother Lu noticed, but the number of customers in our barbecue shop has decreased in the past few days. I calculated the income these days, and it is indeed the case.”

Lu Yang was surprised. He really didn’t notice this: “Because of Lan Ting?”

Having a female employee join should increase business.

“No, it decreased before Lan Ting came. I haven’t figured out the reason yet. I don’t know where the problem is.” Man Gu has been thinking about this issue.

Lu Yang didn’t care. He just wanted the barbecue shop to have less business: “You think about it first, I’ll go deliver the food.”

A month ago, at Meng Jingzhou’s suggestion, the barbecue shop added a delivery service. During the day, they placed a box at the door. Whoever wanted to order delivery could write down the skewers they wanted, the delivery time, and address on paper. At night, the three of them randomly took turns to deliver.

Today was Lu Yang’s turn.

Lu Yang hadn’t been out at night for the past few days. This time, he found that there were fewer pedestrians on the street than before.

Perhaps this is the reason for the decrease in customer flow in the barbecue shop, Lu Yang thought.

“I’ll see where I need to deliver this time…to the tofu shop on Front Street?”

Wen Xiangyu had heard about a very popular barbecue shop nearby for a long time and wanted to taste it to see if it was as delicious as rumored. However, since her husband passed away, she inherited her husband’s tofu shop and rarely went out at night.

It’s not that she boasts, she is fair-skinned and beautiful, and has been coveted by many people. Going out alone is a very dangerous thing.

Later, she heard that the barbecue shop had a delivery service, so she wrote down what she wanted to eat on paper and put it in the box outside the barbecue shop.In the past few days, she had been very sleepy. Today, it was even worse. Before the skewers arrived, she couldn’t resist the drowsiness and went to bed early.

The staff at the barbecue shop should be able to wake her up.

Lu Zhi was a thief who had been causing headaches for the constables recently. He often sneaked into other people’s homes at night, stole their money while they were asleep, and quickly left without leaving any clues. When the constables asked the neighbors, they would say they were sleeping too deeply to notice any outside movements.

This time, he targeted the tofu shop on Front Door Street. The tofu shop’s boss was a famous pretty widow who made tofu that was famous far and wide. She had earned a lot of money over the years, making the surrounding shop owners envious.

Lu Zhi was agile like a monkey. He climbed onto the roof silently and opened the second-floor window with a twist of his body.

“She should be asleep.”

Lu Zhi was very confident. He had accidentally obtained a yellow paper talisman that could make people fall asleep. When he pasted it outside the house, everyone within fifty meters would be affected and fall asleep. This move had never failed.

Lu Zhi tiptoed and held his breath. When he saw the beauty lying on the bed, he smiled cunningly.

Then, he turned to search for valuable things in the cabinet. According to his experience, women liked to keep their things there.

“Nothing?” Lu Zhi frowned and turned to look at where the tofu shop’s boss was.

If there was nothing here, it should be under the bed.

He carefully squatted down and looked under the bed, but his heart stopped.

There was a face under the bed!

“A ghost!”

Zheng Shouhe was a flower thief who had been causing headaches for the constables recently. He often hid under the bed of single women in advance and took advantage of them while they were asleep.

However, sometimes he would encounter situations where the women were having affairs, and he could only hide under the bed and wait.

This time, he targeted the tofu shop on Front Door Street. The tofu shop’s boss was a famous pretty widow who had bewitched many men.

Zheng Shouhe, as usual, hid under the bed early and waited for the night to come, so he could have a good time with the tofu shop’s boss.

“I’m so sleepy.” Zheng Shouhe had never been so sleepy before. He used to be more energetic the longer he waited, but he didn’t know what was wrong today. The drowsiness kept rising.

He struggled to keep his eyes open but couldn’t resist the drowsiness and fell asleep.

A scream woke him up, as if someone was shouting about ghosts.

Zheng Shouhe opened his eyes abruptly and saw Lu Zhi crouching under the bed, looking at him in horror. He immediately reached out and covered Lu Zhi’s mouth, crawled out from under the bed, and held a dagger to Lu Zhi’s neck.

Zheng Shouhe also saw a warm fragrant jade curled up on the bed, trembling with fear.

Obviously, Warm Fragrant Jade was also awakened by Lu Zhi’s shout.

“You get up too! What a unlucky day today!” Zheng Shouhe cursed and found a rope to tie up Lu Zhi. He planned to kill both of them after enjoying Warm Fragrant Jade.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door downstairs.

“Is anyone there? I’m here to deliver takeaway.”

Zheng Shouhe clicked his tongue. His luck was really bad today. He tied up Lu Zhi and asked Warm Fragrant Jade and himself to go downstairs together.

Zheng Shouhe threatened Warm Fragrant Jade with a dagger and whispered, “Make the person outside leave!”The people of Yanjiang County all knew that the pretty widow of the tofu shop lived alone. If she let someone outside hear a man’s voice, they would surely become suspicious.

“Just leave the things at the door, I’ll go out and get them later,” Wen Xiangyu shouted with a soft voice.

“No, you haven’t paid yet,” the person at the door responded.

Zheng Shouhe’s face showed a fierce expression. Since you’re looking for death, don’t blame others!

(End of chapter)

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