Chapter 36 – Not a worry-free one

“Although Senior Sister appears calm on the surface, she’s actually very temperamental. It’s just that she doesn’t show it on her face. As they say, accompanying a ruler is like accompanying a tiger. Being by her side is no different from being with a tiger!”

“She’s truly a rare beauty, or rather, the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. You can’t judge a person by their appearance. Can you imagine that she makes me eat the limbs of wild beasts and the bodies of spirit herbs at every meal? And in the dead of night, she even makes me soak in water filled with the bodies of spirit herbs, saying that it will strengthen my physique!”

“Once, I wanted to learn spatial magic to make traveling easier in the future, but she taught me how to shrink and held me in the palm of her hand, playing with me as if I were a toy!”

Lu Yang condemned Yun Zhi’s various atrocities and quickly gained the sympathy of the Little Medicine Kings, who began to sympathize with him.

The Ginseng Baby couldn’t help but say, “In that case, we’ll work together. You’ll be the insider, and we’ll be the outside help. Let’s overthrow the female demon!”

Lu Yang was taken aback and quickly dissuaded them, “Absolutely not. We need to think this through carefully. Senior Sister is the number one disciple of the Seek Tao Sect, and her cultivation is unfathomable. We few are no match for her.”

He analyzed the situation calmly, “For safety’s sake, it’s better to wait until I reach the Tribulation Crossing stage. That way, we’ll have a better chance of success when we attack Senior Sister together. At that time, we can get revenge for any grievances we have.”

“Wouldn’t that be better?”

The Little Medicine Kings felt that he was indeed a member of the human race, always thinking ahead. “I thought your intelligence was slightly inferior to mine, but I didn’t expect you to have such a well-thought-out plan. It seems that our intelligence is evenly matched!”

With a common enemy, Lu Yang and the Little Medicine Kings quickly became allies, howling and clamoring to defeat the female demon.

With Lu Yang on their side, the Little Medicine Kings were like a tiger with wings added, and victory was as easy as taking candy from a baby!

At the entrance of the medicine garden, Uncle Ba sighed as he watched Lu Yang’s inspiring plan through a water mirror.

Yun Zhi had specifically instructed him to keep an eye on Lu Yang’s movements and to inform her immediately if anything unexpected happened in the medicine garden. In this situation, was it considered unexpected or not?

If he really told Yun Zhi, even if it wasn’t unexpected, something unexpected might happen.

“Why aren’t there any easy-going young people these days?”

“…I’ve said so much, but I haven’t shown you the spells I know.” Lu Yang stretched his body and cast the “Earth-shrinking” spell, striking a diving posture and jumping directly into the ground.The reactions of the Wudao Tree King and Yun Zhi were similar, both amazed by what they saw. The spell was unlike anything they had ever seen before. At first glance, it seemed like a spatial spell such as shrinking space, but in reality, it was more like a five-element spell. To be able to cast a spell that had never appeared before at such a young age was truly a sign of a spell genius.

Now Lu Yang was proficient in the “Shrinking Earth” spell, and he could swim freestyle, breaststroke, butterfly, and backstroke. Watching him smoothly dive in and out of the ground could easily create the illusion that the ground was water.

After finishing the Qilin Immortal Pill and the End of Time Flower, the Ginseng Doll and the Three-Leaf Star Grass recounted Lu Yang’s tragic encounter with the Female Demon Head, which resonated with them and made them excited.

“Our Medicine King finally has a spy planted in the human race!”

The four little Medicine Kings sat on the trunk of the Wudao Tree King, applauding and thinking Lu Yang was amazing.

Lu Yang shouted and jumped high into the air, arms outstretched in a cross shape, rotating 3600 degrees in the air before falling to the ground with a thud, landing face down. He had become dizzy from spinning in the air and failed to show off.

The little Medicine Kings quickly rushed to lift Lu Yang up, but this injury was only a skin injury for a Foundation Building period cultivator and would soon heal.

The little Medicine Kings saw that Lu Yang could really loosen the soil, so they took out the map of the medicinal garden and let Lu Yang drill the soil in order.

“The root system of this herb is very deep, reaching three meters into the soil layer. Be careful not to touch their roots and cause misunderstandings. My advice is to drill the soil between three and five meters underground. This is the safe zone.”

“The root systems of other areas of herbs are between half a meter and two meters, so you can dig below two meters.”

Lu Yang was curious, “What happens if I touch the roots?”

The Ginseng Doll said seriously, “We will think you have a foot fetish.”


The End of Time Flower interrupted, “You humans have many perverts who like to suck on the feet of our plants while drinking. They say it’s delicious and goes well with alcohol, and they even cultivate them on a large scale.”

“What plants are you talking about?”


Lu Yang couldn’t keep up with the little Medicine Kings’ thinking, but fortunately, he didn’t dwell too much on this issue and began to drill the soil according to the route given by the Ginseng Doll.

The Ginseng Doll was bored of watching the earthworm couple drill the soil and found it amusing to watch humans drill the soil, so they ran behind Lu Yang, closely following him. The little Medicine Kings also had the ability to burrow, but they were integrated with the soil, which was different from Lu Yang’s way of pushing the soil away.Lu Yang passed through an area with soft soil, which was perfect for the little medicine kings.

The Enlightenment Tree King looked at the little medicine kings playing happily and sighed. Trees couldn’t burrow into the ground.

It looked up at the scorching sun in the sky and sighed again. “Why am I so tall? I can’t even find a shady spot.”

The Enlightenment Tree King felt that the world was full of malice towards it.

The little medicine kings followed Lu Yang around all day, playing and goofing off. “Let’s boil some water and take a bath!” they exclaimed.

The Enlightenment Tree King had already prepared a wooden barrel filled with water from the stream used to water the herbs.

A bright light appeared from the abdomen of the Qilin Immortal Pill and slowly moved up to its mouth, spewing out the Qilin True Fire.

The Qilin Immortal Pill looked like a real Qilin. No wonder ancient people would say they saw a Qilin when they saw it.

The temperature of the Qilin True Fire was extremely high, and the water was boiling in no time.

One by one, the little medicine kings jumped into the water and floated on the surface with their eyes closed.

Lu Yang felt that this scene was particularly familiar, like something he had seen in the kitchen before.

He remembered. It was called medicinal cuisine.

However, he had never seen ingredients jump into the pot on their own.

Soon, the fragrance of the medicine wafted through the air. Lu Yang took a deep breath and felt invigorated. His cultivation seemed to be improving.

“No wonder they call them medicine kings. Their power is truly terrifying.”

Lu Yang looked at the little medicine kings playing in the water with a helpless smile.

He remembered what his senior sister had said: longevity was poison, a pain that ordinary people couldn’t bear. Only those with extraordinary personalities could endure it.

The little medicine kings had experienced endless years and witnessed countless historical events. Those people and things that were recorded in history had all passed away, but the little medicine kings were still alive.

Perhaps only a childlike personality could allow the little medicine kings to live for so long without collapsing.

But they were also too easy to deceive.

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