Chapter 32 – Ginseng doll

To be honest, digging into the medicine garden is indeed a good way to practice the spell of “shrinking the ground” and learn about herbal knowledge in practice, making up for the lack of knowledge in this area. Killing two birds with one stone.

Senior Sister is thinking about herself.

Senior Sister is thinking about herself.

Senior Sister is thinking about herself.

Lu Yang hypnotized himself to believe that Senior Sister had good intentions and truly accepted the task of replacing the earthworms to drill the ground. Then he thought of something: earthworms should not have gender.

“Why do earthworms have couples?”

Uncle Ba explained, “Earthworms in the mortal world do not have gender, that is a manifestation of low-level creatures…oh, I don’t mean to belittle them. Earthworms with intelligence and the ability to transform are divided by gender. Especially the Silver Ring Heavenly King Worm, which is the royal family of earthworms, has bloodline suppression over all earthworms.”

“I understand, please continue.”

Uncle Ba continued, “Originally, there was a silver ring Heavenly King Worm couple. There was no problem with loosening the soil. But it was all my fault that day. I asked the wife of the Silver Ring Heavenly King Worm, and she said that if the earthworms were cut in half, they could still live. So, if you cut yourself in half, wouldn’t you be able to work one day and rest one day, taking turns with your new self?”

“The other party was moved by what I said and immediately cut herself in half, becoming two people.”

“They were exactly the same, just like twin sisters or even like the technique of creating a clone. I watched as one person became two people, and I couldn’t tell who was the original one.”

“Fortunately, they could tell themselves apart.”

“When the husband came back and saw two wives, he was completely stunned. The two asked him which one he liked.”

“The husband was an honest person and said that he liked the two sisters.”

“Then a family war broke out between them, and they have been heartbroken ever since.” Uncle Ba was full of self-blame in his words.

Lu Yang: “…”

Damn, they’re crazy.

“What should I do specifically?” After venting, Lu Yang quickly calmed down and gradually adapted to the thinking of a cultivator.

It’s just a small matter.

Uncle Ba smiled and stroked his white beard. “You go in, someone will guide you. But I have to remind you that you are here to loosen the soil in the medicine garden. If you dare to steal herbs, the Law Enforcement Peak will hold you responsible!”

The Law Enforcement Peak, managed by the Grand Elder, is fair and strict, and does not show mercy.

Lu Yang thanked Uncle Ba and walked into the medicine garden.

As soon as he entered, Lu Yang smelled a medicine fragrance that was tens of times stronger than before.

The distance of a few steps could not possibly have such a big difference in fragrance.

Lu Yang immediately realized that although it seemed that Uncle Ba was the only one guarding the medicine garden, there was actually a whole set of formations protecting it, preventing outsiders from entering.

This formation locked the breath of the medicine garden, but the medicine fragrance was too strong, and the formation could not completely lock it, leaking a trace.

This trace of medicine fragrance alone could extend the lifespan of mortals. One can only imagine the amazing effects of the fragrance inside the medicine garden!

Apart from the medicine fragrance, the biggest feeling was the spiritual energy, which was too rich. Lu Yang suspected that the drops on the surface of the herbs were not dew, but drops of spiritual energy condensed into water droplets, each of which was no less than a low-grade spirit stone!

As far as Lu Yang’s eyes could see, there were various herbs that he had never seen or smelled before, planted in an orderly manner in rows and divided into different areas according to their species. Lu Yang was dazzled by the sight.

He didn’t dare to move his feet easily, for fear of stepping on a precious herb.Lu Yang squatted down and looked at several types of herbs in a row. Finally, he saw one that he recognized. The plant had three leaves with clear veins, like they were condensed from ice, emitting a faint coldness.

“Ice Soul Grass. Remember that this flower is helpful for practicing ice attribute techniques and can increase the speed of absorbing spiritual energy.”

Each Ice Soul Flower was far apart from each other, as Lu Yang was afraid that the coldness emitted by the flowers would join together and freeze him.

Lu Yang had fought against a puppet before and was beaten badly. Afterwards, the puppet used Ice Soul Flowers to apply to his wounds, which he still remembered vividly.

He didn’t recognize any of the other flowers and plants.

“Hey, who are you?” A not-so-polite voice came. Lu Yang instinctively turned his head but didn’t see anyone.

“Who’s talking?”

“Hey, look down.” The voice reminded him.

Lu Yang lowered his head and saw a three-inch ginseng doll jumping around at his feet, seeming dissatisfied that he noticed it too late and needed to be reminded.

“You’re so dumb. How can you not look down and still need me to remind you!”

The ginseng doll had thick legs and was chubby. Its two root whiskers served as arms, fluctuating as it ran around Lu Yang. Its body lines formed facial features, and its expressions were as rich as a human’s.

“Youngster, who are you?” The ginseng doll asked arrogantly.

As a spirit ginseng, it was definitely not young. Lu Yang didn’t dare to be impolite and bowed, saying, “I am Lu Yang, here to take on the task of loosening the soil in the medicinal garden.”

“So, you’re just here to loosen the soil.” The ginseng doll breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it was another hateful human coming to pick them.

All the herbs in the medicinal garden were cultivated by it.

“You can come in because you must have gotten Little Ba’s permission. Come to think of it, except for Little Ba and that female devil, it’s been a while since we’ve seen outsiders.”

To the ginseng doll, the old man Ba was just a latecomer. Having high cultivation was useless, as they competed to see who lived longer.

It looked down on every sect in the Central Continent.

Lu Yang had heard of the rules of the medicinal garden. The herbs in the garden were precious, and if you wanted to take them, you needed to let the person guarding the garden pick them. Except for the person guarding the garden, no one could enter the garden.

If Lu Yang didn’t have this task, he couldn’t enter the garden either.

He didn’t know who the female devil the ginseng doll mentioned was. Was she another person guarding the garden?

The ginseng doll put its two whiskers on its waist, dissatisfied, “Why are all you humans so tall?”

Lu Yang also felt that talking while looking down was difficult. He used the spell “Shrink” and shrank to the same height as the ginseng doll.

“Wow, you’re much stronger than Little Ba.” The ginseng doll was surprised at first, then happy. It was rare to see a human who was as tall as it was. It was always unhappy when it had to look up at humans.

The ginseng doll’s head and torso were one entity, without a neck.

“From now on, you’ll just follow me in this garden!” The ginseng doll said boldly, patting Lu Yang’s shoulder with its whiskers, which was a kind of recognition.

“I still have some things to do. You follow me, and after I’m done, I’ll take you to see other medicinal kings.”

As a spirit herb, a medicinal king was the most precious herb. Even extremely powerful sects didn’t necessarily have one. If you obtained a medicinal king, you could worship it as an ancestor.

From what the ginseng doll said, it seemed that there were quite a few medicinal kings in the garden.

Lu Yang secretly marveled at the terrifying background of the Seek Tao Sect.

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