Chapter 29 – The saying of the ancient great world

“I’ve read your mission report. You did a great job using your intelligence to get rid of a Painted Skin Demon,” praised Senior Sister.

Lu Yang was pleased to receive Senior Sister’s praise. The trip to Tai Ping Village was worth it.

After giving a brief comment, Yun Zhi’s expression turned gloomy as she thought about the meaning behind the Painted Skin Demon.

“In the past hundred years, as the great era arrived, various forces hidden in the dark have been stirring, and ghosts and demons have been rampant. Although the Da Xia Dynasty seems peaceful, there are many disasters hidden within. The Da Xia Dynasty is too proud to seek help from the Five Great Immortal Sects,” Yun Zhi sighed lightly, but her words were not meant for Lu Yang’s ears.

Lu Yang noticed a word in Senior Sister’s words, “great era?”

He had never heard of this term before, nor had he seen it in any books.

Yun Zhi’s voice was ethereal, as if she was not in this world. “One hundred years ago, the Supreme Elder of the Tian Ce Sect walked out of the Dead Pass, blood staining the Qing River, and asked the heavens with his life. No one knows what he found out.”

The Tian Ce Sect was known as the sect that could measure everything and solve all problems. They believed in the principles of heaven and justice, cause and effect. They were the ones who questioned the insurance provided by the Falling Gold Trading Company.

“The Supreme Elder then announced to the world that the great era had arrived, and the brilliant scene of ancient cultivation had reappeared.”

“According to tradition, it was considered good to have one single spiritual root per generation from the Five Great Immortal Sects. But your generation has produced ancient barbarians, three single spiritual roots, and even more rare immortal bodies. I heard that other immortal sects have also recruited many geniuses that are no less than single spiritual roots. From these, we can see a glimpse of the ancient great era.”

Yun Zhi’s rare smile appeared, seemingly mocking. “The ancient great era was said to be a brilliant scene, but it was actually extremely chaotic. The great era was also a chaotic era, with various forces and interests intertwined, and demons and ghosts scheming against each other. People’s hearts were unpredictable, and many innocent people died before a cultivator of great power appeared. In terms of peace and stability, it is far worse than the present.”

Lu Yang felt that Senior Sister’s smile was very cold.

Lu Yang had read descriptions of the ancient great era in books. In the ancient great era, strength was everything, the winner was king, and there was no distinction between good and evil. At that time, the human race was only one of the many powerful forces and was far from the position of the current mainland hegemon.

With the emergence of demons and monsters, the struggle between dragons and tigers, and the rise of the talented, countless cultivators forged their reputation with blood and bones, decisive in killing, and many great powers became the legendary figures that millions of people admired during this process. The goal that cultivators strive for in their entire lives is unattainable, making people’s hearts surge with excitement. They can’t wait to travel back in time to that era and show off their talents.

It was precisely in such a chaotic era that various heroes and talents had the opportunity to emerge.

But seeing Senior Sister’s expression, Lu Yang realized that the ancient great era was a good thing for the talented, but a nightmare for ordinary people.

Living one day at a time, their lives were not guaranteed. In an ordinary confrontation between the upper echelons, their own people would become slaves and prisoners, subject to the enslavement and slaughter of others, with no stability.

The description of the ancient great era in the book was magnificent because the author was himself a high-level cultivator who yearned for that scene in his heart.If viewed from the perspective of an ordinary person, the scene would be completely different.

Lu Yang realized that he had ignored the fact that he was once a mortal after becoming a cultivator.

This shouldn’t be.

Yun Zhi didn’t talk much about this topic, which was too early for Lu Yang: “What else do you want to ask?”

“Um, Senior Sister, do you have any spells for traveling quickly?”

“Of course, but what do you need this kind of spell for?”

Seek Tao Sect has an agreement with the Falling Money Merchant Guild. The expenses for living and traveling of Seek Tao Sect disciples are recorded in the Seek Tao Sect’s account. Lu Yang doesn’t even need to pay for the flying boat, so where does he want to use the spell for?

Lu Yang scratched his head, showing a rare embarrassed expression: “Nothing, I just want to learn it to save money for our Seek Tao Sect.”

Yun Zhi didn’t doubt him: “Since you have this intention, as your Senior Sister, I can’t refuse your request. You have just built your foundation, and there aren’t many spells that you can use.”

Lu Yang grinned and rubbed his hands: “As long as it’s usable.”

“I have been watching your cultivation for the past year, and you’re worthy of the name of Sword Spiritual Root. I have a flying sword technique that allows you to ride on a flying sword and travel the world freely.”

“There is also a teleportation technique that can train your divine sense to be strong enough to move your body and fly at will. Its speed is not as fast as the flying sword technique, but it’s more energy-saving. Training your divine sense will also be helpful for future battles.”

“Transformation technique is also an option. After learning it, you can transform into a bird and soar freely in the sky.”

“Little Junior Brother, which one do you choose?” Yun Zhi casually mentioned several spells for Lu Yang to choose from.

“Um… do you have any spells that don’t require flying?”

Yun Zhi looked at Lu Yang with interest as he blushed: “Oh, why do you want to learn a traveling spell that doesn’t require flying?”

Lu Yang stuttered and couldn’t speak for a long time.

Yun Zhi didn’t ask further: “There are spells that don’t require flying, but they require extremely high comprehension of the Tao and also have requirements for mana. Learning it now may be a bit early for you.”

“It doesn’t matter, let me try it first. If I fail, then forget it.”

“This spell is called Shrinking into Inches. It’s extremely difficult to cultivate, and this is the mantra. After you memorize it proficiently, I will teach you formally.”

Yun Zhi lifted her jade hand and casually opened up a space, taking out a page of golden paper with neat and beautiful characters.

Lu Yang carefully took the golden paper. It looked expensive, and he couldn’t afford to tear it by accident.

After Lu Yang left, Yun Zhi closed her eyes and continued to cultivate. As a cold wind blew, an old and mournful voice came to her ears, making her shudder and feel as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

“My good disciple, how much longer will you keep me here?”

The voice sounded like it was coming from the depths of hell, giving people chills and making their spine tingle!

“It’s not often that I teach you, and you have come this far in your cultivation, which is not easy. I am proud of you as my disciple.”

“As the saying goes, a day as a teacher, a lifetime as a father. You can’t ignore the gratitude for my guidance and imprison me here.””The Seek Tao Sect has been without a sect leader for ten years. You have acted as the sect leader on behalf of me. Aren’t you afraid of rumors affecting the glorious image of your senior sister?”

“You took in a sword genius as a disciple on behalf of me. I won’t pursue it further.”

“But at least release me and let me see my disciple. It’s ridiculous to let him worship my portrait instead of me in person. It will only make people laugh.”

The voice contained a certain kind of magic that stirred the heartstrings and made people involuntarily want to believe. The owner of the voice, who had unlocked the seal and released the sound, disappeared completely as if it had never appeared.

Yun Zhi focused on cultivating and ignored everything else.

The old voice sighed deeply after seeing that Yun Zhi was unmoved and disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared.

Yun Zhi remained calm and focused, unchanged.

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