Chapter 16 – Yun Zhi’s talent

Lu Yang’s senior brother noticed the mission and whispered, “Every time I see this long-term mission, I always think of Senior Sister’s great achievements.”

Another person said, “When Senior Sister was exposed for creating her own martial arts and pretending to have obtained them from a relic cave, she caused quite a stir.”

“I heard from our master that there is a relic cave named Si Shui in Lingnan, and the most precious treasure inside is the martial arts left by the owner of the cave called ‘Chaos Dawn Art.’”

“Senior Sister once claimed to have found a martial art book named ‘Chaos Dawn Art’ in Si Shui Cave, which could break through the chaos and reveal all the truths of the world when cultivated to the highest level.”

“After Senior Sister’s lie was exposed, someone accidentally stumbled and made it to the deepest part of Si Shui Cave, where they found the real ‘Chaos Dawn Art.’”

“But when the sect compared the two martial arts, they found that the real one was not as good as Senior Sister’s created one in terms of cultivation difficulty and effectiveness.”

“After that, many martial arts manuals were discovered in the relic caves, but none of them were as powerful as Senior Sister’s created ones with the same name. The elders were silent for several days after learning about this.”

Lu Yang: “…”

Lu Yang had never seen Yun Zhi, who was in charge of the scripture pavilion, probably because Senior Sister’s created martial arts were too heaven-defying and were stored on the highest floor of the scripture pavilion. Without special permission, no one could read or cultivate them.

That was what people called a taboo.

“Senior Sister has extraordinary talent and is rarely seen in all ages. She also has the talent of a genius, and her mind is like a vast ocean. Otherwise, everyone wouldn’t say that it’s a good thing for the sect master to entrust her with the duty of acting as the sect master during his seclusion.”

“I also heard a rumor that Senior Sister seized power and imprisoned the sect master, and that she herself wanted to become the true martial arts. She also held the evidence of the eight elders, so the high-level officials dared not resist her. Some people heard weeping sounds at night on Tianmen Peak, which were the sounds of the sect master in the dungeon!”

“Hahaha, that must be a groundless rumor. It’s impossible.”

Lu Yang had never heard of the so-called weeping of the sect master on Tianmen Peak, so he didn’t care and continued to look for missions.

Finally, he found one that met the requirements.

“According to the people of Taiping Township in Quhe County, a kind of demonic bird that can speak has appeared in this area. Its specific species is unknown, and there are no records of it harming people or using demonic techniques. Seek Tao Sect, please solve this demonic bird.”

After thinking for a moment, Lu Yang accepted this mission.

From the description, it seemed like a demonic beast that had mistakenly entered the human territory or had gained enlightenment and intelligence. This kind of demonic beast would not have a cultivation level higher than the Foundation Establishment stage, and its attack power would not be high. It might even be a demonic beast that was friendly to humans, making it the most suitable for a newcomer like him.Moreover, the rewards given by the Task Hall also confirmed this point.

The minimum reward for a task is thirty contribution points.

The task rewards are calculated by a specialist in the Seek Tao Sect and verified by another person, with double assurance, so mistakes are rare.

The lower the task reward, the simpler the task.

Lu Yang came to the front desk. “Senior Brother, I’ll take on the task of dealing with bird-type demon beasts.”

“I’ll take on the task of dealing with bird-type demon beasts,” another voice sounded almost at the same time as Lu Yang.

The owner of the voice was a young girl in a pale pink dress, with delicate features, fair skin, and a bewitching beauty like blooming peach blossoms.

With a sweet appearance and at the Foundation Establishment stage like Lu Yang, the identity of the young girl was about to be revealed.

“Tao Yaoye Junior Sister, what a coincidence!” Lu Yang smiled. He had only seen Tao Yaoye when he first entered the sect, and had rarely seen outsiders since then.

Lu Yang was the first in the entrance examination, and before the rankings were reset, he was the senior brother of this cohort.

In fact, Tao Yaoye’s choice of this task was not a coincidence. There were not many tasks suitable for the Foundation Establishment stage, and there were only a few that they could complete in this cohort.

“It turns out to be Senior Brother Lu, congratulations on your Foundation Establishment. There aren’t many Foundation Establishment stage tasks, why don’t we work together to complete it and split the reward evenly?” Tao Yaoye sweetly smiled and showed some curiosity towards this senior brother who rarely appeared.

Lu Yang readily agreed.

Doing tasks is not all about the rewards. They wanted to gain experience in the process of doing tasks.

“Do you know, Junior Sister Tao Yaoye, that our human race is a rather contradictory race, often fearing and worshiping what they desire.”

“I heard that in ancient times, demons and monsters ran rampant, disasters were frequent, and the human race was weak, struggling to survive in the cracks.”

“Those great demons relied on their ancestors’ bloodlines, strong physique, and divine skills to dominate the wilderness.”

“The human race feared the great demons, thinking of them as disasters that were impossible to resist, but at the same time, they also worshiped the great demons and hoped to gain the same power as them.”

“Thus, the ancient ancestors developed cultivation methods, learned divine skills from the bloodlines of demon beasts, overcame numerous difficulties, stood at the pinnacle of the continent, and opened up a new world for the human race, allowing them to thrive and multiply from then on!”

“For example, wind, rain, thunder, and lightning, the ancient ancestors were afraid of them, but also yearned for them. They were the great power and authority of nature, the unchallengeable will of nature!””The human race yearns for them, also wanting to obtain the grand power and authority of nature. The ancient ancestors asked the heavens and earth nine questions, facing thunder and lightning, contemplating in the wind and rain, comprehending the principles of man following the earth, earth following the heavens, heavens following the Dao, and the Dao following the laws of nature, comprehending one technique after another!”

“Have you noticed? This kind of contradictory mentality is a necessary element for the human race to become the hegemon of the continent!”

“For example, the sky. The human race yearns for the sky, hoping to freely soar in the sky like a bird, but also reveres the sky, feeling that it is mysterious and unfathomable. This kind of reverent heart flows in the blood, it is a mentality that every human has, whether it is shown or hidden…”

On the flying boat, Lu Yang was excited and impassioned. When he spoke to the point of excitement, he suddenly stood up, gesturing with both hands and speaking at length.

Tao Yaoye calmly thought for a moment and interrupted Lu Yang’s lengthy discourse.

“So, is this the reason why you’re afraid of heights?”


Tao Yaoye: “…”

The two sat in the compartment of the flying boat, flying among the clouds. The bottom of the flying boat was inscribed with a balance formation produced in bulk by a formation master, so even if a strong storm came, the people inside the flying boat would not feel a thing.

At this time, the sky was clear and the air was fresh, making it a good opportunity to sunbathe and meditate on the deck. Tao Yaoye suggested that the two go out on the deck for a walk, but Lu Yang’s Dao heart was firm and he refused to agree no matter what.

Curiosity got the better of Tao Yaoye, and after repeatedly questioning, Lu Yang had to start explaining why he was afraid of heights from ancient history, citing references and allusions, talking eloquently to prove that the fear of heights was a reasonable and ancient psychology that could even help the human race progress.

Fortunately, Tao Yaoye didn’t believe a word of it.

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