Chapter 40 – Observer Dad

After parting with Yingu Lite, Sonia walked towards the meditation tower and asked in her mind, “You said I can use the Torrent Artisan on my own?”

“Yes,” the observer walked alongside her. “Don’t you have a bit of a foundation in water sorcery? I remember one of the core Sorcery Spirits of the Sword Art Miracle is the Wave Sword and the Torrent.”

“Do you know the specific trick of that miracle?”

Sonia became excited. If she could master a Sword Art Miracle, she would not only gain Professor Teluozan’s appreciation but also qualify for Garlean’s intercollegiate league, knocking on the door of high society with her own strength.

“I don’t know,” the observer said casually. “The wonder of Artificers is that they can combine any number of Sorcery Spirits into incredible miracles.”

“I asked Professor Teluozan, but even he would have to spend several months to create a water sword miracle based on the Wave Sword and the Torrent,” Sonia said.

“How does he compare to you? You are the Sword Girl I found.”

Sonia rolled her eyes. She was not a three-year-old child and would not believe in such flattery. If you really think so highly of me, just tell me the miracle formula!

I will remember your kindness and repay you when I become successful!

If you die before I become successful, I will prepare a grand funeral for you!

She controlled her emotions as much as possible and continued to ask, “So, Observer, did you take the Substitute Artisan away from me to give me the Torrent Sorcery Spirit? You are so kind to me~”

The observer shuddered and took a step to the side, seemingly suspicious. He looked at Sonia with his dark face.

Sonia continued to maintain her sweet smile and tried her best to control her thoughts, not letting the observer hear her true feelings.

“…Okay, don’t test me. I needed the Substitute Sorcery Spirit, so I took it away.”

“As an Artificer like you, do you also need a winged Sorcery Spirit?”

“First of all, there are no weak Sorcery Spirits, only weak Artificers. This should be the lesson taught in every Artificer textbook,” the observer said. “Secondly, I am now just a weakling, even weaker than you, and I am in danger. My real body is imprisoned. I not only lost a lot of memories during my consciousness, but I also need to learn about the common sense of Artificers from you.”

Now weak… which means he used to be strong?

Lost memories… could it be that he was affected by the Miracle of Forgetting?

No wonder he asked so many stupid questions. He really is stupid.

But even Sonia, who rarely read fantasy literature, instantly imagined a bunch of plots like “The Return of the Strong,” “The Fall of the Legendary Artificer,” and “The Resurrection of the Great Existence,” and couldn’t help but be moved.

Isn’t this the potential stock she has been looking for?

Although the situation is not good now, as long as she gives him time to grow, he will definitely become an unparalleled powerhouse, a towering tree, and become the master of one side, enjoying all the glory and wealth!

Ordinary potential stocks have to rely on probability, but the observer has returned to the peak. As long as he has enough time, he is almost 100% guaranteed to succeed!Sonia has never been fond of Felix because she hopes to find a potential stock herself. After all, it’s not easy to take advantage of the nobles. Even if Felix, a nobleman, is a fool, his parents are not. If she wants to rely on the power of a big noble family, she must give up a large piece of meat – really give up meat. If she doesn’t have children, she can’t escape.

If she can find a potential stock to marry, Sonia can not only enjoy wealth and glory, but also maintain her autonomy and have a say in the family.

Although the Observer is her boss, finding a marriage partner and finding a boss are the same reason.

It’s better to become an elder who starts a business with a potential stock boss than to join a big organization as a screw!

“Do you have any danger, Observer? Do you need my help? Just speak up! We Artificers are duty-bound to protect your safety!”

“…… When we explore the Virtual Realm later, if we encounter the Sorcery Spirit needed for my miracle, let me have it.”

“Sorcery Spirit?”

“Oh, I haven’t told you yet. I am now imprisoned somewhere and need the miracle of my sword, ‘Slaying Me Miracle’ to escape.”

When the Observer described the ‘Slaying Me Miracle’ in detail, Sonia was stunned – if she remembered correctly, this was a miracle that had not yet been registered in the ‘Star Miracle Catalog’!

A miracle that has never appeared in the Star Kingdom!

And it is a very practical miracle that can be used by Silver Sorcerers for self-healing swordsmanship!

Although Sonia cannot sell this miracle – she cannot even say the source of the miracle, and she does not have the conditions to create a miracle (she cannot even gather Sorcery Spirits). Once sold, it will only be recognized by the Sorcerer’s Association as stealing someone else’s patent. But if she can authorize and sell the secrets of this miracle, the money she will receive will be enough to make Sonia a wealthy Garlean!

So, the fact that Sonia is a small-minded person is a fact. Being discovered by the Observer for her swordsmanship talent and being taken on adventures in the Virtual Realm only makes her ‘grateful.’

However, the fact that the Observer gave her the secret of a miracle that she cannot use or sell right now, but is more valuable in the Star Kingdom, makes Sonia unable to contain her excitement.

This is called the future pie is no match for the current salary, and spiritual satisfaction cannot replace material satisfaction.

“Is this the swordsmanship miracle you invented?”


The Observer glanced at Sonia.

“This is a swordsmanship miracle I stole from an enemy.”

Sonia blinked, “Will I have trouble using this miracle?”

“You can rest assured that my enemy will never appear in front of you.”

He paused, “Absolutely not.”

Does that mean the inventor of the patent is already dead?

Sonia was excited at the thought that once she fully spread her Silver Wings and gathered the Sorcery Spirits needed for ‘Slaying Me Miracle,’ she could claim the miracle as her own and sell it with authorization. This small benefit and welfare should not matter to the Observer, a big shot, right?

“Well, I will definitely work harder in the Virtual Realm exploration and help you find the Sorcery Spirits needed for ‘Slaying Me Miracle.’ By the way, there is something I want to discuss with you…”

“Let’s talk about it in the Virtual Realm. There is plenty of time in the Virtual Realm. By the way, don’t you hate that I can listen to your thoughts? I have decided to take care of your wishes.”

Sonia was overjoyed, “Are you going to cancel the monitoring of my mind?””No, I’ve decided not to bother you in your daily life anymore.” The observer shrugged. “You don’t have to call out ‘observer’ in your mind before going to the bathroom or taking a shower anymore. I’m not toilet paper or a towel.”

「How do you know that I call out to you in my mind before going to the bathroom or taking a shower?」

“That’s not important!”

The observer waved his hand, “If you have anything to say, just tell me in the Virtual Realm. I won’t appear in your normal life anymore.”

「If… if you don’t listen to my inner voice, I’d still welcome you. Even if you insist on listening to my inner voice, I think I’m getting used to it…」

Sonia’s response was somewhat hesitant, and she was clearly undecided. She undoubtedly disliked the observer invading her privacy, but it was because of this that she could reveal her true self in front of him, without the need or ability to wear any masks.

This was also why Sonia was so happy when she previously suspected that the observer was the shadow of her mental split.

An intelligent existence that knows everything about her but cannot affect her social relationships, isn’t that the most ideal confidant?

“You talk as if your daily life is so interesting that I have to watch it persistently.” The observer folded his arms, “I have my own things to do, and I don’t have time to watch you change clothes every day.”

「So you’ve been peeking at me changing clothes?」

“In short, the few hours in the Virtual Realm are our communication time. At other times, I won’t bother you, and I won’t appear even if you call me.”

「What if I have something urgent to find you?」

“Then it’s useless to find me.” The observer spread his hands, “The me that descends to your side is just an illusion, and I can’t even pick up a single hair. I can’t provide you with any substantial help. If you find me, all I can do is ridicule you.”

「Ridicule is fine.」Sonia insisted,「Will you appear when I call you then?」

“It’s hard to refuse such a request. But I’m a little curious, do you need me so much because I’ve filled the void of fatherly love in your childhood?”

「Do you want me to call you Observer Dad then?」

“No need, just call me Observer.” The observer retreated, “Otherwise, I’ll have nightmares.”

While talking, the two had already arrived at the independent meditation room. Sonia sat cross-legged, glanced at the observer beside her, took out the Wave Sword Sorcery Spirit, searched for the Door of Truth, and entered the Virtual Realm.

Watching Sonia close her eyes, establishing a connection between her consciousness and the distant Virtual Realm, the observer suddenly sighed.

It’s terrifying…

In just two days, she has already found a way to hide her inner voice, and can even deceive me in her mind…

Truly worthy of the witch bearing the name ‘Dead Crazy’…

This talent, this aptitude, allowing her to discover her potential in advance, is it a good or bad thing…

However, that’s not something I need to worry about anymore.

The observer shrugged and disappeared from the meditation room.

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