Chapter 81 – The supervisor who has lost control of his emotions; it’s time to play the trump card!

Looking at the supervisor’s face, He Gu’s uneasiness grew stronger and stronger.

But He Gu still maintained his composure on his face, calmly took out a small bottle of medicine from his pocket, unscrewed the lid and poured a few white pills into the palm of his hand.

Then, He Gu put the extra pills back into the medicine bottle, leaving only one, which he put into his mouth in front of the supervisor.

Seeing this scene, the supervisor showed a satisfied expression, and his eyes revealed undisguised anticipation.

Of course, the supervisor would not know that when He Gu put his hand in his pocket to take out the medicine, he had already clamped the prepared “fake medicine” between his fingers.

Then, he pretended to pour out a few pills, and then put them all back into the medicine bottle, and finally swallowed the “fake medicine”.

After swallowing the pill, He Gu immediately felt the discomfort of headache, dizziness, and nausea disappear.

He Gu was already used to this kind of immediate “medicinal effect”.

After taking the pill, He Gu found that the supervisor had been staring at him intently.

This made He Gu very uneasy and a little at a loss, tentatively asking, “Supervisor, what’s wrong?”

The supervisor grinned, the smile even a bit ferocious, shaking his head and saying, “Nothing, nothing…”

While saying this, the supervisor’s eyes still stared straight at He Gu.

This look was like a starving beggar staring at the meat in the pot after not eating for days, just waiting for the meat to come out of the pot!

He Gu was so frightened by his stare that he quietly took two steps back and stood at the door of the warehouse, refusing to go in.

The supervisor seemed to be indifferent to this, just staring straight at He Gu with undisguised anticipation and a smile on his face.

At this moment, it seemed as if the air had frozen.

He Gu felt as if he had a sharp edge at his back, feeling extremely uneasy.

Is he going to act before he can’t wait any longer?

He Gu remembered that when he got up in the afternoon, he had checked with a lens and found that the left half of his face was almost completely white.

In other words, as long as He Gu continued to take the medicine, the white area on his face would definitely exceed half of his face in the next step.

This also meant that He Gu’s “fruit” had “preliminarily matured”.

It seemed that the supervisor really couldn’t wait to eat He Gu, seeing that He Gu had just taken the medicine again, was he waiting for He Gu to “ripen”?

However, what He Gu took was not medicine.

Time passed slowly, and soon ten minutes had passed.

At this point, the supervisor’s anticipation and madness in his eyes were gradually replaced by doubt and impatience.

The supervisor’s demeanor was visibly becoming irritable.

After waiting for a few more minutes, the supervisor suddenly became angry and said, “What’s going on!?”

“Did you really take the medicine just now?”

He Gu’s heart tightened, and he said without hesitation, “Of course.”

The supervisor’s face darkened, and he grabbed He Gu’s collar in anger, “Open your mouth!”

Feeling the huge force coming from the collar, He Gu suppressed the thought of resistance, obediently opened his mouth, and even raised his tongue to let the supervisor take a look.

After confirming that He Gu had not hidden the medicine in his mouth, the supervisor’s eyes flashed with confusion, released He Gu’s collar, and said, “Let me see your medicine!”

It was clear that the supervisor’s emotions were gradually getting out of control, and he was almost about to jump out of his skin!

He Gu knew it was not the time yet, and didn’t want to anger the supervisor, so he obediently took out the small bottle of medicine from his pocket and handed it over.

The supervisor took He Gu’s small bottle of medicine, eagerly opened the lid, poured all the pills into his palm, carefully looked at them, and then picked up a few to smell under his nose.

Soon, the supervisor’s face was filled with an expression of disbelief, and he looked deeply at He Gu, then put the pills back into the bottle and returned it to He Gu.

At this point, the supervisor’s face was constantly changing.


“How could this be…”

The supervisor looked somewhat dazed, even a little lost, muttering to himself.

After a moment, the supervisor seemed to suddenly remember something, and hurriedly got down on the ground to grab the layer of white powder he had sprinkled on the ground earlier.

After grabbing a little powder, the supervisor unhesitatingly stuffed it into his mouth, closed his eyes as if to discern something.

After a moment, the supervisor opened his eyes, full of confusion.

At this moment, the supervisor’s appearance, compared to the eager and even ferocious look just now, formed a strong contrast.

Using an inappropriate metaphor: the supervisor’s current look was like that of a top student who was full of confidence and waiting for the final exam results, suddenly finding out that he had come in last.

At this moment, the supervisor sat on the ground in a daze, his eyes even starting to lose focus, muttering some words that only he could hear.

He Gu, watching the supervisor’s appearance, felt extremely nervous.

The supervisor’s appearance… gave the impression of someone who had lost his mind.He Gu was genuinely worried that in the next moment, he might lose his mind and pounce on him without any care.

Just like that, the supervisor sat on the floor, while He Gu stood at the door, time seemed to freeze once again.

Neither side knew how long the standoff lasted when suddenly a series of footsteps came from outside the storeroom.

He Gu turned around and saw the night shift security guard, half of his face obscured by the brim of his hat, wearing a uniform coat, arriving behind him.

The security guard paid no attention to He Gu but stuck his head into the storeroom and called out in a hoarse voice, “411, what time is it now, and you still haven’t checked in?”

The supervisor sitting on the ground was slightly startled, his eyes finally regaining focus, and he said in confusion, “Checked in? I’ve already done that.”

The security guard shook his head, “I didn’t see your check-in sheet.”

The supervisor stood up, “How could that be? Let me go check…”

As he spoke, the supervisor walked towards the door, and as he passed by He Gu, he gave He Gu a deep look.

In his eyes, He Gu saw anger and unwillingness.

After the supervisor followed the security guard and left, He Gu finally let out a deep sigh of relief.

He picked up his phone again to check the time and realized that it was already 23:34 without him noticing.

It was at this moment that He Gu heard a sharp and unpleasant voice from inside the storeroom, “Finally, he’s gone… That guy in the blue was so scary, I felt like he was about to explode just now!”

Then another voice, rough as sandpaper rubbing together, spoke up, “It’s really strange, that guy in blue even used ripening powder, but how come that little pig showed no reaction at all after taking the drug?”

“Hey, it’s really thrilling. That little pig must have wanted to turn against the guy in blue too. Didn’t you see how he deliberately pushed down that empty box from above and then called the guy in blue over? It was clearly a test!”

“No wonder that guy in blue came over early today and replaced all the boxes above with empty ones…”

Listening to the conversation between the two voices, He Gu’s heart tightened, and he instantly understood.

The boxes on top of the pile were all empty!

So that was it!

While He Gu was testing the supervisor, the supervisor was also testing him!

Unbeknownst to them, He Gu and the supervisor had already gone through several rounds of gamesmanship!

But now, it was time for He Gu to play his trump card!

With that thought, He Gu took a deep breath, grabbed the radio from the table, and walked towards the corner…

ps: Three chapters today again!

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