Chapter 74 – Little girl and marbles; shift cancellation

Upon hearing the supervisor’s words, He Gu’s heart tightened, and he hurriedly said, “No need, right? I’m not tired yet, I can still work the night shift for a few more days!”

The supervisor, expressionless, shook his head. “Follow the arrangement.”

Leaving behind these words, the supervisor quickly turned and left.

Watching the supervisor’s retreating figure, He Gu frowned and sighed helplessly.

Obviously, the supervisor was anxious.

Up to now, He Gu could almost be sure that the supervisor had already noticed his intentions.

Even calling 414 to work together last night might have been the supervisor’s preparation to deal with He Gu.

The development of the situation seemed to have exceeded the supervisor’s expectations, so he had to make adjustments and transfer He Gu to the day shift.

Perhaps this was not entirely bad news. Maybe the supervisor had given up on He Gu as the “target” and now only wanted to prevent himself from being “backlashed” by the “target.”

But in the long run, dragging it out would definitely not be favorable for He Gu.

However, there was really no good way for He Gu to deal with being transferred to another shift.

“I can only take it one step at a time… If it really doesn’t work out, I’ll come to the warehouse area during the rest time at night?”

He Gu muttered softly, then turned away helplessly.

After leaving the warehouse area, He Gu first went to the restroom on the first floor of the No. 3 administrative building, where he retrieved the lens and the four-edged key that Old Ma had given him.

As for the syringe containing black cat blood, He Gu hesitated for a long time and decided to leave it here for now.

The target was too conspicuous, and it was not safe to carry it on his person.

Anyway, if He Gu were to take action, it would definitely be in the warehouse area, so he could come back to retrieve it before making a move.

After retrieving the lens, He Gu took a look at himself in the mirror using the lens in the restroom.

At this moment, almost a quarter of He Gu’s face had turned into a dark brown color like tree bark, while the other half of his face had a white patch the size of an egg, resembling plaster.

Seeing his appearance, He Gu felt a slight sense of relief.

According to Old Ma’s message, this appearance was far from mature enough to be a “target.” Even if the supervisor had given up on this “target,” it still did not reach the point where it would be “disposed of” temporarily.

After leaving the restroom, He Gu went to the cafeteria.

As before, He Gu ordered a bowl of noodles without adding “medicated skin.” The cafeteria staff’s attitude was extremely unfriendly.

After finishing breakfast, He Gu went straight back to the dormitory.

Just as he arrived at the staircase of Building No. 4, He Gu saw a familiar figure.

Next to the staircase, there was a blackboard, and Teacher Fang was standing in front of it, writing something with chalk.

It was still dark outside, and Teacher Fang was using a flashlight to write on the blackboard, giving off an indescribable sense of strangeness.

Seeing He Gu approaching, Teacher Fang took the initiative to greet him. “He Gu, you’re back? I’ve been to your dorm several times and couldn’t find you. It’s good that I’ve run into you now.”

Upon hearing Teacher Fang call his name, He Gu did not respond to her words. Instead, he went to the blackboard to take a look. Only the word “Notice” had been written on the blackboard.

“What are you planning to write?” He Gu asked.

Teacher Fang sighed helplessly. “The signal in this factory area is too poor, and I can’t contact anyone with my phone.”

“I’m the liaison coordinator sent by our school to this side this month. There’s something I want to tell you and a few other interns. I couldn’t find anyone, so I thought of leaving a notice for you since you all live in this building.”

After speaking, Teacher Fang smiled and said, “It’s good that I’ve run into you. I’ll tell you verbally. I have to go back home for a few days due to some family matters. If there’s anything in the factory that needs coordination, you’ll have to wait for me to come back to handle it.”

“Behave yourselves while I’m away. I heard that students are most likely to get into trouble when the liaison coordinator is not around!”

Upon hearing this, He Gu’s heart skipped a beat. “What kind of trouble?” he asked.

Teacher Fang waved her hand. “Hey, why are you asking about this? Just behave yourself.”

After that, Teacher Fang added, “By the way, I have to leave this afternoon. Is there anything you need me to help coordinate before I leave?”

Just as He Gu was about to shake his head, he suddenly felt a pang of curiosity and asked tentatively, “I’ve been working the night shift these past few days, and my body clock has just adjusted. But the supervisor suddenly changed me to the day shift.”

“If possible, could you try to coordinate and let me work the night shift for a few more days?”

Teacher Fang looked deeply at He Gu and nodded. “Okay, I’ll communicate with the factory and give it a try.”

Upon hearing Teacher Fang’s words, He Gu couldn’t help but feel somewhat surprised.

It seemed like there was a chance!

After that, Teacher Fang said, “One of the students from the electrical and mechanical class next door has become a supervisor and lives in Room 111. You can go and get to know this fellow alumnus when you have time.”

He Gu nodded slightly. “I understand.”

Teacher Fang nodded faintly and turned back to continue writing on the blackboard. “Alright, you’ve just finished the night shift and must be tired. Go back and rest.”

He Gu nodded, bent down to tie his shoelaces, and quickly went upstairs.

Soon, He Gu returned to his dormitory.

However, as soon as he opened the door, He Gu heard the familiar sound of glass marbles falling to the ground.

He Gu’s scalp tingled, and he quickly reached for the light switch. At the same time, he didn’t wait for the light to come on and pressed his back tightly against the wall.

The dim light flickered a few times before finally coming on and illuminating the dormitory.

In the moment the light came on, He Gu saw a glass marble rolling leisurely on the ground, right to his feet.

At the same time, He Gu also saw a flash of red behind the door of the restroom.

The little girl in the red dress!

She was still in his dormitory!Recalling the fate of 414 last night, He Gu felt a shiver run down his spine, his body hair standing on end.

At that moment, He Gu truly wanted to give up on this dormitory!

There was a little girl in a red dress who kept appearing and disappearing in his dormitory; who the hell could stand that?!

What on earth did she want?

The red shadow behind the bathroom door vanished in a flash without a sound.

He Gu stood nervously against the wall, took out the walkie-talkie, and pressed the red button, feeling utterly drained.

After waiting for a few minutes, there was no sound from the bathroom.

Gathering his courage, He Gu inched towards the bathroom with his back against the wall. When he reached the door, he pushed it open.

The bathroom was empty.

Only then did He Gu breathe a sigh of relief and, exhausted in body and mind, lay back down on his bed.

At that moment, He Gu suddenly realized something.

Last night, when he was in the storeroom and saw the woman in red, he pressed the red button on the walkie-talkie, and not long after, two people in white hazmat suits arrived.

But he had pressed the red button several times in his dormitory, and nothing had ever happened?

Just as He Gu was puzzled, the walkie-talkie in his pocket suddenly crackled to life:

“Shh… 444, 444, please respond if you receive this.”

It was the supervisor’s voice.

He Gu picked up the walkie-talkie and replied, “Supervisor, what’s the matter?”

A few seconds later, the supervisor’s voice came again: “444, shift change canceled, continue the night shift tonight.”


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