Chapter 40 – The Little Girl and the Rules

Looking at Teacher Fang’s anxious look, He Gu also felt a little uneasy.

“Teacher Fang, that cat is…”

Teacher Fang shook his head solemnly, “Don’t say anything.”

“You should take a look at the staff manual when you get to the dorm later.”

Seeing that Teacher Fang seemed unwilling to say more, He Gu didn’t want to ask further and could only nod in agreement.

Soon, the elevator reached the first floor.

When the elevator door opened, He Gu noticed that everyone in the lobby had stopped and turned to look at him.

Teacher Fang’s face changed slightly, and he whispered, “Don’t speak, don’t look around, just walk quickly.”

He Gu felt a tightness in his heart at the words and could only lower his head and follow Teacher Fang out of the lobby.

After leaving the administrative building, Teacher Fang visibly breathed a sigh of relief. “Let’s go, I’ll take you to Building 4.”

He Gu had many doubts at this moment, but didn’t know where to start asking.

Seeing that Teacher Fang also didn’t seem to want to explain further, He Gu fell silent.

After all, he was in a strange world of supernatural tales, in a new place, and hadn’t even seen the rules yet. It was better to avoid unnecessary trouble.

So, He Gu, with one hand holding the just-received storage box and the other dragging the suitcase, followed Teacher Fang in silence towards the direction of the dormitory building.

The factory area of this Chinese medicine factory was strange, with many obviously old buildings left over from the end of the last century, mixed with some new buildings that looked like they had been built in recent years.

He Gu followed Teacher Fang for about ten minutes, passing through several buildings of unknown use, and finally arrived at a building that looked neither new nor old.

“This is Building 4. Just find the room according to the doorplate.”

Teacher Fang stopped at the entrance of the dormitory building and said, “I am the assigned teacher here this month. If you have any questions, contact me at any time.”

After saying that, Teacher Fang turned and left.

After seeing Teacher Fang off, He Gu carried his things upstairs.

The style of this building was similar to the school dormitory building, with stairs on both sides of the building leading up, and each floor had a long corridor with rooms on either side, like a beehive.

Perhaps because it was not a busy time in the dormitory, the whole building was quiet, without a sound.

In addition, the light in the stairwell was dim, and He Gu felt a little oppressed as he climbed the stairs.

Carrying the storage box in one hand and dragging the suitcase in the other, He Gu’s journey upstairs was a bit awkward.

When He Gu was panting and almost climbing to the fourth floor, there was a sudden “drip-drip” sound from the stairs above.

He Gu looked up and saw a glass marble rolling down the stairs.

The marble rolled to He Gu’s feet, and he stopped it with his foot.

At this moment, there was a hurried sound of footsteps on the stairs.

He Gu looked up and saw a little girl in a red dress running down the stairs in a hurry.

She was a four or five-year-old girl, fair-skinned, with big watery eyes, and very cute.

Thinking that some companies provide small suites for married employees, He Gu didn’t think it was strange to see a child here.

The little girl saw the marble at He Gu’s feet and politely said, “Big brother, can you give me back the marble?”

He Gu nodded, put down the suitcase, picked up the marble, and handed it to the little girl.

The little girl smiled sweetly, “Thank you, big brother!”

Seeing the sweet smile on the little girl’s face, He Gu couldn’t help but smile and said softly, “You’re welcome.”

After that, He Gu continued to drag the suitcase upstairs.

The little girl looked at him curiously and said, “Big brother, did you just move here?”

He Gu replied softly, “Yes.”

The little girl’s eyes lit up, “Great! Then we’re neighbors from now on!”

He Gu also nodded with a smile, “Yes.”

“By the way, little friend, where do you live?”

The little girl pointed up the stairs, “My home is upstairs.”

He Gu nodded and soon dragged the suitcase up the last few steps of the stairs to the fourth floor.

On both sides of the corridor were rooms, giving the feeling of a hotel.

There was a window at each end of the corridor, so the light in the entire corridor was very dim.

He Gu dragged the suitcase, held the storage box, and began to look for his room 44 at the end of the corridor.

After crossing the entire corridor and reaching the other end, He Gu finally found the room marked “4-44” on the doorplate.

As he was about to put down the suitcase and pick up the key to open the door, He Gu suddenly realized that the little girl had been following him quietly and was now standing quietly behind him.

He Gu’s heart tightened slightly, and he tentatively asked, “Little friend, why haven’t you gone home yet?”

The little girl stuck out her tongue, “My mom and dad went to work, and I was playing in the corridor. The door accidentally closed, and I don’t have the key to get back…”

He Gu thought for a moment and said, “Do you know your mom and dad’s phone number? I can help you call them.”

The little girl shook her head, “Mom and dad never bring their phones to work.”

Hearing this, He Gu frowned slightly.

If this were on Blue Star, he would probably have no hesitation in letting the little girl wait in his room until her parents came back.

But this was in the world of supernatural tales.

Without even seeing the rules, letting a stranger into his room didn’t seem like a wise choice, even if it was just a child.

As He Gu hesitated, the little girl spoke again, “Big brother, can I use your bathroom? I really need to go.”

Looking at those big eyes, He Gu couldn’t bear to refuse her.

It was just using the bathroom, so it shouldn’t be a problem.

Besides, not everyone in the world of supernatural tales was dangerous.

He Gu comforted himself in his heart and finally opened the door and led the little girl into the room.

It was a small room of about ten square meters, with one room, one window, one bed, a simple wardrobe, and a small bathroom in the corner, similar to a school dormitory.

Fortunately, the room was still clean, as if it had just been cleaned, and there was a set of clean bedding on the bed.He Gu glanced around, walked into the room, and neatly placed his suitcase and storage box.

The little girl quickly ran into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

He Gu plopped down on the bed and opened the storage box he had just received from the HR department.

There weren’t many items in the box: two sets of green work uniforms, a walkie-talkie, four sticks of sausage, a medicine bottle the size of an egg filled with white pills, and an employee handbook.

As He Gu was opening the box, the little girl stood quietly at the doorway, occasionally stepping outside to look around.

He Gu briefly scanned the items, then began to flip through the employee handbook.

The handbook was extensive, containing the rules and regulations of Kant Medicine Factory, a map of the factory area with detailed annotations, and more, spanning over twenty pages.

He Gu quickly leafed through it, his gaze finally resting on the last page.


【Rule One】:

1. Please wear your work uniform during non-rest hours;

2. Under no circumstances should you wear red clothing; (instant death)

3. If you see someone within the factory area wearing red clothing, immediately press the red button on the walkie-talkie, then press your back against the wall until the person leaves;

4. Remember, there are no children in the factory area;

5. All personnel within the factory area should refer to each other by their numbers; do not reveal your own name, and if you hear someone calling your name, do not respond; (instant death)

6. If you see a cat in the factory area, give it some sausage, but if you see a black cat, leave immediately;

7. Please take the white medicine every night between 22:00-22:30;

8. The employee dormitory has only 4 floors; please remember this;

9. You can trust people wearing blue work clothes;

10. Do not enter unauthorized areas; (instant death)

Hidden message: When alone with someone, they may lead you towards the light or drag you into hell.


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