Chapter 53 – Tong Clan

“Wow! The two dragons are fighting!”

The earth-shattering scene in the sky made Dou Dou and the others turn around in astonishment. They saw the two dragons entangled in a fierce battle, which ended with a loud explosion. Dou Dou widened her eyes and mouth in shock.

“The Dragon God Skill? Why does he know our Tong Clan’s forbidden martial skill, the Dragon God Skill?”

The young man in white beside them was even more shaken, his expression changing constantly.

“Hey, is that dragon flying towards us?”

Dou Dou suddenly tugged at his arm.

They saw the two divine dragons, one transforming into a human form and crashing to the ground, while the other flew towards them!

Startled, the two of them quickly tried to dodge.

Unexpectedly, just as the dragon flew past them, it also transformed into a human form and landed in front of them.

He was dressed in black, tall and muscular, but only his eyes were visible, making it impossible to see his true appearance.


The man in black suddenly clutched his chest, a taste of rust flooding his throat, almost causing him to spit out blood.

He quickly activated his Sword Mastery, circulating his qi throughout his body. After completing a small circulation of his qi, most of the shaking blood in his body had recovered, and his Dantian emitted waves of purple light.

“Hey, are you okay?”

The young man in white walked up to him and asked tentatively.

“I’m fine, I just didn’t expect Yin Zhong, that old thief, to be so powerful. I have learned so many top-notch martial skills, but I still can’t defeat him!”

Xu Zong adjusted his black mask and looked somewhat helpless.

Yin Zhong’s injury from the Spirit Mirror prevented him from exerting his full strength. In the original work, even Tong Bo, who had not yet achieved Great Achievement in the Dragon God Skill, couldn’t defeat him. Xu Zong thought he had a chance, but it turned out that Yin Zhong was not an easy opponent to defeat.

Since escaping from the Jin Kingdom’s martial arts world twenty years ago and entering the martial arts world of the Great Song Dynasty, he had been planning and cultivating various top-notch martial skills.

First, he learned the game of Go and won the Zhenglun Chess Game with his foresight, obtaining the true transmission from Wu Yazi. Then, he went to the Lingjiu Peak of Mount Hua and learned various martial skills of the Xiaoyao Sect from Tong Lao.

Not to mention stealing Xu Zhu’s opportunity, he also went to the Yuan Ming Realm and found the Nine Yang True Classic hidden in the belly of an ape in Kunlun Mountain. At the same time, he took away Zhou Zhiruo, his future confidante, on the banks of the Hanshui River.

Twenty years of hard work and several top-notch martial arts allowed him to stand at the pinnacle of the martial arts world at a young age!

Yin Zhong, who had lived for five hundred years, was indeed not to be underestimated.

It seemed that it would be difficult to kill Yin Zhong with his current strength. He would have to find some more powerful martial arts in the chat group when he had the chance.

He had just joined the chat group this morning and hadn’t had the opportunity to share Xu Zong’s skills in the group.

“Is the Blood Ruyi with you?”

Xu Zong looked up at Dou Dou, who was dressed as a man.

“What do you want?”

Dou Dou immediately became alert, holding the Blood Ruyi in her arms, refusing to let go.


Xu Zong flicked his finger, and a burst of force caused Dou Dou’s wrist to ache, causing her to involuntarily release the Blood Ruyi.

The young man in white’s eyes lit up, and he quickly leaped up to catch the Blood Ruyi.

However, Xu Zong’s movements were much faster than his. He had already grabbed the blood-red jade Ruyi, which was as thick as a child’s arm, before him.

“Give me back the Blood Ruyi!”

Dou Dou became angry and rushed forward, desperately trying to snatch it back. She had risked her life to infiltrate the Sword Mastery Villa for this thing. How could she let the duck she had just caught fly away?

“Could you lend me the Blood Ruyi? I want to use it to save my father!”

The young man in white, lying on the ground after failing to snatch it, quickly pleaded with Xu Zong.

His expression was very sincere, and there was a touch of simplicity about him that made people have a good impression of him.

“If you want to save someone, one Blood Ruyi is useless.”

Xu Zong turned around, avoiding Dou Dou’s attack, and put the Blood Ruyi into his arms.

“Brother, what do you mean by that?”

The young man in white looked puzzled.

“This Blood Ruyi was a treasure of the Tong Clan five hundred years ago. However, it is actually a pair. Only when both Blood Ruyi are gathered together can they have the power to save someone. Although it can’t bring someone back to life, as long as there is a breath left, the Blood Ruyi can completely heal them!”

“And if there is only one Blood Ruyi, it not only has no healing effect, but if it is accidentally shattered, the resulting energy will be enough to freeze everything within a few kilometers. At that time, your Water Moon Immortal Realm will be in great danger!”

“Is that really the case?”

The young man in white’s face changed drastically, and cold sweat covered his body.

The thought of the entire Water Moon Immortal Realm being frozen terrified him.

“Hey, do you really believe this guy’s words? It’s obvious that he’s just trying to deceive you so that he can keep the Blood Ruyi for himself!”

Dou Dou, on the other hand, had a face full of disbelief and stood there with a pout.

She was already angry, and now that she heard about this energy freezing thing, she naturally didn’t believe it. How could there be such a mysterious thing in the world?

The thought of not being able to defeat him made her even angrier.

“If you don’t believe it, forget it.”

Xu Zong glanced at Dou Dou.

In the original work, it was Dou Dou’s mistake that shattered the Blood Ruyi, causing the Water Moon Immortal Realm to be frozen and leading to many troubles. But considering that she might become his sister-in-law, he didn’t want to argue with her.

“Wait, how do you know about the Tong Clan and the Water Moon Immortal Realm?”

The young man in white suddenly woke up and looked at Xu Zong, his face full of astonishment.

“Our Tong Clan has been hiding in the Water Moon Immortal Realm for five hundred years, never contacting the outside world. How do you know about us?”

“It is true that your Tong Clan has been hiding for five hundred years, but the part about ‘never contacting the outside world’ is not true.”Xu Zong was toying with the jade Ruyi in his hand, but his mouth didn’t stop.

“Not only do I know that your Tong Clan is hidden in the Water Moon Immortal Realm, but I also know that you are Tong Zhan, and your father, who is the clan leader of the Tong Clan, Tong Zhen, is now in critical condition. That’s why you broke the clan rules and came out to find the Blood Ruyi!”

“Why do you know so much about our Tong Clan?”

The young man in white, Tong Zhan, was even more shocked.

“Why would I know—”

Xu Zong chuckled lightly, his gaze suddenly becoming sharp.

He saw a ripple in the sky ahead, and a figure emerged from the ripple, reaching out with both hands to grab Tong Zhan and Dou Dou, pulling them towards him!

Xu Zong’s eyes lit up instantly, and he took a deep breath, rising lightly.

He didn’t try to save Tong Zhan and Dou Dou, but instead, he aimed directly at the ripple and leaped towards it!

In an instant, he felt as if the scenery in front of him was being pulled back and forth, as if space itself was affected, like the myth of shrinking the earth into inches, crossing countless distances.

This feeling only lasted for a second.

A second later, Xu Zong jumped out of a formation altar and landed on the open ground next to it.

Looking around, it was a desert-like wilderness, with bare rocks everywhere. In front of him was an eight-diagram formation, and next to it was an old man with white hair and beard, trying hard to prevent the stone statues in the formation from resetting.

“Who are you? Why did you break into my Water Moon Immortal Realm?”

A stern voice came.

Xu Zong turned his head to look, thinking to himself, ‘Just as I thought.’

He saw a young man with noodle-like hair standing next to Tong Zhan and Dou Dou, looking seriously at Xu Zong who had come to this wilderness through the formation.

He looked to be about twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, tall and straight, with thick eyebrows and starry eyes, handsome, not aggressive in his speech, but rather elegant and polite, which made people like him instantly.

“Where… where is this?”

Dou Dou looked around, her face full of confusion.

Who am I, where am I, what am I going to do?

How did they get from Sword Mastery Villa to this wilderness in an instant? Was she dreaming? How could she wake up?

“Big brother, it’s like this…”

Tong Zhan stepped forward and whispered in the noodle-haired young man’s ear.

“My name is Tong Bo, the eldest son of the clan leader of the Tong Clan. Thank you for saving my younger brother!”

The noodle-haired young man, Tong Bo, looked surprised, then thanked Xu Zong very seriously.

“Why do you know so much about my Water Moon Immortal Realm?”

After knowing that Xu Zong had saved Tong Zhan, the vigilance in Tong Bo’s eyes had eased, but he still didn’t fully trust Xu Zong.

After all, he knew Dragon God’s power and always wore a mask, which made it hard not to be suspicious.

“Instead of chatting here, why don’t you take me to see Clan Leader Tong Zhen’s condition, how about that?”

Xu Zong crossed his arms and looked at Tong Bo with interest.

He didn’t answer Tong Bo’s question directly, but instead brought the topic to the clan leader of the Tong Clan.

“As long as I see Clan Leader Tong Zhen, my identity will naturally be revealed, and maybe, I can help with his condition, right?”


Tong Zhan’s face lit up with joy.

He seemed to have no guile at all, taking Xu Zong’s words at face value, without any guard.

“Then let’s go now!”

“Tong Zhan!”

Tong Bo quickly stopped Tong Zhan, who was as innocent as a puppy, and then turned to look at Xu Zong with a smile.

“My father is seriously ill and cannot be disturbed by strangers. However, since you say so, I can go and inform my father and let him know about your existence. But you should also give me a signal, so my father knows it’s you, right?”

Xu Zong wanted to applaud him.

Living in the peaceful Water Moon Immortal Realm, where everyone is kind, gentle, and peace-loving, anyone would be “corrupted” by peace, becoming unguarded and unsuspecting, just like Tong Zhan, naive like a fool.

In contrast, Tong Bo, while being gentle, is also alert and intelligent, which is truly commendable!

“In that case, you can tell him—”

Under Xu Zong’s mask, a smile appeared.

“My surname is Long (Dragon)!”

As soon as these words came out, Tong Bo and Tong Zhan looked at each other and their faces changed dramatically.

“A descendant of the Dragon God!”

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