Chapter 33 – Just like this, just like that

The Nine Cauldrons World, at the foot of the Dayan Mountain, Teng Family Village.

The residents of Teng Family Village repeated the same daily routine as the day before. The men exercised, hunted, and worked on the farm, while the women took care of the children, did household chores, and visited their neighbors.

Near the entrance of the village, there was a huge martial arts arena that could accommodate thousands of people for training. In one corner of the arena, Xu Zong was practicing spear techniques alone.

“How can I transform the Cannon Fist into spear techniques?”

Xu Zong frowned and pondered. Occasionally, he would make a move with his spear, producing a powerful force that easily created sonic booms. However, he was not satisfied with the effect at all. After a while, he muttered to himself, completely engrossed and unable to extricate himself from it.

It had been five days since he started studying the Cannon Spear technique. In the past, by this time, whether it was the Splitting Spear or the Drilling Spear, he had already mastered them. Only the Cannon Spear, he had yet to find the key to it.

The Cannon Fist was the most powerful move among the Five Elements Fist. It belonged to the Fire element, which was the most fierce and powerful. It was the opening and closing of Qi, exploding like a cannonball!

However, the essence of the Cannon Fist and the sharpness of the spear were completely opposite in nature.

With a spear, he could perform lightning-fast stabs, powerful splits, and spiraling attacks like an electric drill… But using a spear to create the same momentum as a cannon was the most contradictory to its basic nature, the most unimaginable, and the most difficult to achieve.

“I’m afraid my spear technique realm is not high enough, that’s why it’s so difficult to study this move.”

Xu Zong had a sense of realization in his heart.

In theory, there were no bottlenecks in his cultivation, but the speed of cultivation depended on the capacity of his “water bucket.” The higher and wider his water bucket was, the easier it was to cultivate. But if the water bucket was not high enough or wide enough, even if there were no bottlenecks, it would become increasingly difficult to cultivate.

“If I continue like this, it may take several months to study successfully. I should find a way to improve my spear technique realm first, and then study the Cannon Spear later!”

With no results in sight, Xu Zong finally changed his strategy.

Sharpening the knife doesn’t delay the cutting of firewood. Stubbornly focusing on one thing wouldn’t work.

The difficulty and power of the Cannon Spear were clearly not on the same level as the previous four spear techniques. It would be better to focus on the basic spear techniques for now.

But on the other hand, even without the Cannon Spear, his strength had reached an unfathomable level after learning the Multiple Forces Dharma Door. The Multiple Forces Dharma Door was unique in the entire Jiuzhou Continent. After all, with Hong’s strength, he could already be considered one of the “strongest” on the Nine Cauldrons World!


Xu Zong suddenly focused his gaze. His keen perception immediately sensed the ground trembling slightly, and the tremors became more and more pronounced.

“Form a formation! There’s a cavalry attack coming!”

Xu Zong shouted suddenly.

“Form a line!”


“Women and children, leave!”

Upon hearing his words, the villagers acted decisively. They shouted at their wives and children, then picked up their spears and formed rows of spear formations near the main entrance. Each of them had clearly adapted to this formation and was ready to face the incoming enemy.

The children and women quickly rushed towards the back of the village, and some people hurriedly ran towards the village chief’s house.


Suddenly, the three-meter-high gate of Teng Family Village flew towards them!

“Hahaha! Brothers, just like last time! Let’s kill those two men first, so that these country bumpkins will learn their lesson!”

Laughter came from behind the gate. From his tone, it was clear that he didn’t care about the lives of the men from Teng Family Village at all!

But he had the ability to back it up. The gate of Teng Family Village weighed at least two thousand jin!

“The attacker has at least six thousand jin of strength!”

Someone in the formation exclaimed.

In the entire Teng Family Village, only Teng Yongfan had recently reached a strength of two thousand jin. The difference was huge!

“No worries, he’s no match for Ah Hu!”

Beside him, someone immediately laughed.

In the field.

As the gate flew towards them, Xu Zong stepped forward and swept his spear like a whip, smashing it against the gate!

The gate was instantly sent flying like a kite, reversing its direction and falling into the crowd at the entrance.



Suddenly, screams filled the air.

“Daring! How dare you lay hands on our Iron Mountain Gang brothers?!”

Among the crowd, a bald and muscular man became furious. He held two hundred jin each of red copper hammers and rode a red fire horse between his legs. He angrily charged into the gate of Teng Family Village.

“Is my family’s gate something you can enter?”

Xu Zong sneered and stepped forward, thrusting his spear like a shooting star!

In an instant, countless indiscernible points of light attacked the bald and muscular man’s body. He instantly felt countless icy death auras rushing towards him, as if the King of Hell had opened his guillotine right in front of him.

“Wait, I surrender! I surrender!”

The bald and muscular man was scared pale and quickly surrendered.

The points of light slowly dissipated, and Xu Zong stood with his spear, staring at the bald man like a tiger.

“Since you surrender, get off your horse! Let your men sit aside!”

“Everyone, do as he says!”

The bald and muscular man, who had just survived a crisis, didn’t hesitate. He turned around and scolded the people behind him, then dismounted and sat in a row in a corner of the martial arts arena under the watchful eyes of the men from Teng Family Village.

“Good job, Brother Hu! It seems Teng Family Village has such a hero! With your strength, you must already be a top-notch expert!”

The bald and muscular man looked at Xu Zong, who was young but awe-inspiring, with a mix of awe and astonishment.

In this Nine Cauldrons World, lifting five hundred jin was considered a third-rate expert, lifting two thousand jin was barely second-rate, and having ten thousand jin of strength in both arms was considered a top-notch expert!

In his eyes, Xu Zong’s ability to easily produce spear thrusts that he couldn’t see clearly, each spear strike giving him a sense of death, meant that Xu Zong had a strength of at least twenty thousand jin. Moreover, his spear techniques were extremely proficient and clearly very advanced!


Xu Zong suddenly focused his gaze. His keen perception immediately sensed the ground trembling slightly, and the tremors became more and more pronounced.

“Form a formation! There’s a cavalry attack coming!”

Xu Zong shouted suddenly.

“Form a line!”


“Women and children, leave!”

Upon hearing his words, the villagers acted decisively. They shouted at their wives and children, then picked up their spears and formed rows of spear formations near the main entrance. Each of them had clearly adapted to this formation and was ready to face the incoming enemy.

The children and women quickly rushed towards the back of the village, and some people hurriedly ran towards the village chief’s house.


Suddenly, the three-meter-high gate of Teng Family Village flew towards them!

“Hahaha! Brothers, just like last time! Let’s kill those two men first, so that these country bumpkins will learn their lesson!”

Laughter came from behind the gate. From his tone, it was clear that he didn’t care about the lives of the men from Teng Family Village at all!

But he had the ability to back it up. The gate of Teng Family Village weighed at least two thousand jin!

“The attacker has at least six thousand jin of strength!”

Someone in the formation exclaimed.

In the entire Teng Family Village, only Teng Yongfan had recently reached a strength of two thousand jin. The difference was huge!

“No worries, he’s no match for Ah Hu!”

Beside him, someone immediately laughed.

In the field.

As the gate flew towards them, Xu Zong stepped forward and swept his spear like a whip, smashing it against the gate!

The gate was instantly sent flying like a kite, reversing its direction and falling into the crowd at the entrance.



Suddenly, screams filled the air.

“Daring! How dare you lay hands on our Iron Mountain Gang brothers?!”

Among the crowd, a bald and muscular man became furious. He held two hundred jin each of red copper hammers and rode a red fire horse between his legs. He angrily charged into the gate of Teng Family Village.

“Is my family’s gate something you can enter?”

Xu Zong sneered and stepped forward, thrusting his spear like a shooting star!

In an instant, countless indiscernible points of light attacked the bald and muscular man’s body. He instantly felt countless icy death auras rushing towards him, as if the King of Hell had opened his guillotine right in front of him.

“Wait, I surrender! I surrender!”

The bald and muscular man was scared pale and quickly surrendered.

The points of light slowly dissipated, and Xu Zong stood with his spear, staring at the bald man like a tiger.

“Since you surrender, get off your horse! Let your men sit aside!”

“Everyone, do as he says!”

The bald and muscular man, who had just survived a crisis, didn’t hesitate. He turned around and scolded the people behind him, then dismounted and sat in a row in a corner of the martial arts arena under the watchful eyes of the men from Teng Family Village.

“Good job, Brother Hu! It seems Teng Family Village has such a hero! With your strength, you must already be a top-notch expert!”

The bald and muscular man looked at Xu Zong, who was young but awe-inspiring, with a mix of awe and astonishment.

In this Nine Cauldrons World, lifting five hundred jin was considered a third-rate expert, lifting two thousand jin was barely second-rate, and having ten thousand jin of strength in both arms was considered a top-notch expert!

In his eyes, Xu Zong’s ability to easily produce spear thrusts that he couldn’t see clearly, each spear strike giving him a sense of death, meant that Xu Zong had a strength of at least twenty thousand jin. Moreover, his spear techniques were extremely proficient and clearly very advanced!

“Big Brother, go and call Qingshan.”

Xu Zong instructed a middle-aged man in his forties who was standing beside him, then looked at the bald and muscular man.

“Are you Wang Er from the Iron Mountain Gang?”

Xu Zong looked up and down at the bald and muscular man.

“That’s right, my real name is Wang Tiefeng! Please forgive me for the trouble I caused to your village. I, Wang Tiefeng, am willing to compensate twice the losses to your village!”

Wang Tiefeng was straightforward and didn’t care about his face, appearing quite rogue.

“Compensation is definitely necessary, but we’ll discuss the specifics later!”

Xu Zong saw Teng Qingshan rushing over from a distance and asked the villagers to tie up Wang Er and sit him in a row in a corner.

“Brother Hu, I have long admired the Iron Mountain Gang and have been planning to pay a visit! There’s no better time than now. Let’s go and visit your gang!”

“This… If Brother Teng is willing to come, the Iron Mountain Gang will naturally welcome you with open arms! Prepare a feast! After the banquet, we’ll directly attack the White Horse Gang and take Hong Si’s head!”

After much consideration, Wang Tiefeng laughed heartily and agreed to Xu Zong’s proposal.

Xu Zong and Wang Tiefeng, along with their men, left Teng Family Village under the worried gazes of the villagers.

The Iron Mountain Gang’s headquarters was located in another part of the Dayan Mountain, about forty li away from Teng Family Village. They arrived in the forest when the sun was setting.

Like ancient bandits, the Iron Mountain Gang of six thousand people lived in this forest. The surrounding woods were all arranged with wooden houses, and the scale was even larger than Teng Family Village. Numerous traps were set up around the area.

“Old Second, who is this?”

Upon learning that the Second Brother had returned, Wang Tieshan and Wang Tiehai appeared first. Wang Tiefeng took the initiative to greet them, and the three brothers whispered to each other, occasionally looking surprised in Xu Zong’s direction.

“Big Brother Wang, I, Teng Qinghu, speak frankly! I’m dissatisfied with the current situation where Teng Family Village is too small in this vast Dayan Mountain. So I want to make a deal with you. Let’s join forces to crush the White Horse Gang!”

Xu Zong walked up proactively and confessed his intentions to the three brothers.

“The Dayan Mountain is vast, and Teng Family Village is too small. I’m very dissatisfied with this situation, so I want to make a deal with you. Let’s join forces to crush the White Horse Gang!”

Xu Zong extended his hand, making a gesture of negotiation.

And his tone was full of dominance, as if he didn’t allow any objections.

“Hahaha, since Brother Teng is willing to help, I, Wang Tieshan, naturally welcome it! Prepare a feast! After the banquet, we’ll directly attack the White Horse Gang and take Hong Si’s head!”

After much consideration, Wang Tieshan laughed heartily and agreed to Xu Zong’s proposal.

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