Chapter 18 – Let them know what a greenhouse flower is

The Wilderness Zone, as its name suggests, is a scene where the entire land has returned to its natural state after being abandoned by humans. Not only is there a thick layer of dust everywhere, even the cement roads are filled with cracks.

Occasionally, one or two monsters can be seen wandering freely in the wilderness.

In this era, the Wilderness Zone has long been occupied by a large number of land monsters. Except for the ruins of towns that have been abandoned for decades, there are no traces of human survival anywhere.

The warriors advance in such a wilderness zone, hunting monsters and then bringing back monster materials to the base to sell at a high price. This is the most common way for warriors to survive.


On the cement road, two young men each held a straight sword and fought against a monster with a long horn on its forehead.

The monster resembled a pig-like livestock called a pig before the Great Nirvana, but it had a black horn on its forehead that stood nearly as tall as a person, and its eyes emitted a fierce red light!

“Stop it, don’t let it escape!”

“Be careful of its charge, the power of the horn is astonishing!”

Protected in the middle by two quasi-warriors holding shields, Bai Ziwen continuously issued anxious commands to the two warriors who were fighting.

The battle was dangerous, and one of them accidentally got hit on the arm by the horn. Although his battle armor was not pierced, his face instantly turned pale.

After a while, the two of them finally managed to cut off the head of the horned wild boar and won the battle.

“You two intermediate warriors, fighting against a junior beast soldier and still getting injured, it’s simply outrageous!”

Bai Ziwen’s face turned black.

While commanding the remaining few people to dig out the horn of the wild boar, he sneered at the two quasi-warriors.

Among the warriors, there are warriors, warlords, and war gods.

Among the monsters, there are beast soldiers, beast commanders, and lords.

Warriors correspond to beast soldiers, warlords correspond to beast commanders, and war gods correspond to lords.

Each level is further divided into three sub-levels: junior, intermediate, and advanced, so there are a total of nine levels.

Just like there are senators above the rank of war gods in humans, there are also king-level monsters above the rank of lords. However, monsters at that level are as rare as senators in humans and cannot be seen in ordinary wilderness zones.

“Master Bai, this is the first time for all of us to fight against monsters.”

The intact quasi-warrior smiled bitterly.

“For now, let’s focus on healing Aje. The combat suit of the 3rd series can withstand the attacks of higher-level beast soldiers, but the impact force of monsters is still terrifying.”

All weapons and equipment are divided into 1-9 series according to the difference in manufacturing materials, corresponding to the previous warrior level and monster level. The 1st series represents the same level as the junior warrior and junior beast soldier, and it is difficult for the junior beast soldier to tear the combat suit of the 1st series.

The young man named Aje opened his combat suit, and there was indeed a purple area on his elbow, and his whole arm was trembling uncontrollably.

“This injury can only be treated when we go back. Take some painkillers first!”

Bai Ziwen frowned helplessly.

These four people were all brought by the family. Although they passed the physical assessment, they missed the practical assessment in January for various reasons. After practicing the guiding technique for a few months, they all have the strength of intermediate warriors.

The only problem is that none of them have experience in fighting against monsters. They are completely newcomers and rookies. Even with the strength of intermediate warriors, they still get injured in the fight against junior beast soldiers!

They have no idea how to effectively kill monsters or understand the fighting habits of monsters, so they can only explore little by little on their own.

“There are no beast commanders around, right?”

Aje swallowed the painkillers and looked around nervously.

“Don’t worry, there are usually only beast soldiers in the wilderness.”

Although Bai Ziwen didn’t think highly of these bodyguards, he still comforted their emotions. After all, his own life is now linked to these people.

“From time to time, military vehicles will come out for sweeps in the wilderness. This is one of the ways the military earns money. Those intelligent beast commanders and lord-level monsters also don’t want to confront the military, so they have long hidden in various city areas. In the wilderness, there are usually only beast soldiers, and it’s rare to see beast commanders!”

Military vehicles are almost invincible in the wilderness, fearless of monsters below the lord level.

The more powerful the monster, the higher its intelligence. Those beast commanders with some intelligence will actively avoid military vehicles and go to the city areas where the military is less effective to build their nests.

Lord-level monsters are not afraid of military vehicles, but once they move, they are likely to attract multiple war gods. In order to avoid being surrounded, they will not bother the military for no reason.

Therefore, lord-level monsters either live in the center of the city or in the deep mountains and forests where people rarely go. They are almost extinct in the wilderness.

“Moreover, this place is very close to the Northern District Base of Jiangnan City, and most monsters here are afraid of it. Only some low-intelligence monsters dare to wander around here.”

Bai Ziwen paused and added.

“Besides, I won’t joke about my own safety!”

Overall, this area is very safe.

After listening to his words, the few people looked at each other and finally relaxed a bit.

“By the way, Young Master Bai, isn’t your family very influential?”

One of the warriors who protected Bai Ziwen with a shield suddenly spoke in a secretive manner.

“Find a few powerful warriors to wait in the wilderness, and then we can join them and ask for their help in killing monsters. Isn’t it simple?”

The others also brightened up, thinking that this idea was really good.

“Are you stupid?”

Bai Ziwen looked at him as if he was an idiot.

“Do you think the assessment organizers haven’t thought of this? Why do you think they provided us with equipment? It’s because these equipment are installed with surveillance and eavesdropping devices! They will only let us pass the assessment if they are sure that we killed the monsters ourselves!”

Bai Ziwen pointed to the wristwatch used for positioning on his wrist and the small holes on the armor that looked like screw holes.

There are surveillance devices installed inside!

“I see!”

The others suddenly realized, and they could only give up the idea of taking shortcuts reluctantly.

“If it could be done easily, why would I need you? You have no intelligence at all!”

Bai Ziwen secretly despised them in his heart.

In fact, when he first learned about the assessment system, he also had the idea of taking shortcuts, but it was rejected by his uncle Bai Chengying on the grounds that “real warriors should overcome difficulties on their own”.



Bai Ziwen’s face suddenly changed.

Unconsciously, the surrounding monsters suddenly increased. Four or five junior beast soldiers were wandering around, staring at them with caution and bloodthirst. The number of monsters was even increasing.

His gaze swept around and finally fell on the corpse of the horned wild boar.

“Trouble! The smell of blood has attracted the monsters. Run!”

Bai Ziwen immediately shouted angrily and ran in the direction they came from without hesitation.

The other four people were stunned for a moment before hurriedly following his footsteps.

The monsters that gathered around them almost started chasing after them the moment they started running, crazily pursuing the five of them!

In the sky.

A flying monster about the height of a person passed by here.

“Hahaha! I can’t stop laughing, boss! After killing the monsters, these idiots actually stopped and chatted on the spot!”

A very arrogant human laughter came from this flying monster.

“Is it true?”

“Don’t they even know that the smell of blood will attract monsters?”

“I’m really laughing! A bunch of rookies!”

Laughter erupted in the team channel.

“Enough laughing, Xiao Jiu, is the surveillance in place?”

“Completely OK~”

“Good, Xiao Liu, continue to monitor their every move with the glider. Xiao Jiu, report their exact location. Team B and Team C, seize the opportunity and flank them from both sides! Let them understand what it means to be a flower in a greenhouse!”


“Team B understood!”

“Team C understood!”

On the other side.

The glider disguised as a flying monster flew across the sky, and below it, Bai Ziwen and the other four were desperately fleeing from the pursuit of a dozen junior beast soldiers and two intermediate beast soldiers.

“We’re done, we can’t escape!”

Aje, whose arm was injured, turned pale, with a look of despair on his face.

“You idiot! As long as we rush to the vicinity of the armored vehicle, those monsters will definitely not dare to approach!”

Bai Ziwen scolded him angrily.

His words made Aje and the others suddenly realize, igniting their desire to survive. They exerted all their strength and ran desperately.

In fact, at this moment, if Bai Ziwen chose to abandon Aje and use him to attract the monsters, the chances of the remaining four escaping would greatly increase.

But he instinctively gave up this idea.

Because his uncle Bai Chengying had always taught him.

“Warriors can have arrogance and look down on others, that’s normal, because we are the strong ones, and the weak can only accept our protection. The weak should naturally look up to us! But the strong should also have their own pride and dignity! As a strong person, one must never abandon their dignity!”

Driven by this lesson, he has never done anything out of line!

“The target is about to arrive!”


Suddenly, dust flew up on both sides of the road ahead, and five figures appeared from the bushes, fighting against the monsters while jumping out from the jungle.

“Oh, isn’t this Young Master Bai from the Bai Family? How coincidental that you guys intruded into our brother’s hunting ground. Oh, you must be in danger, right? No problem, our brothers love to lend a helping hand. Just one word, five million!”

“From the Flame Legion?”

Bai Ziwen’s face changed several times.

Is this their hunting ground? Is this their designated hunting area?

The monsters behind them were about to catch up, and Bai Ziwen didn’t have time to think too much.

“Oh well, deal!”

He gritted his teeth and decisively agreed.

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