Chapter 76 – Weak Water Star River

After all twenty elders had finished healing, seven days had passed.

At this point, Qing Muling and his senior sister had basically exhausted the resources they had obtained. The elder with the best condition had recovered about seventy percent of his injuries and gained nearly ten thousand years of lifespan, able to go all out when needed.

As for the elders with the least optimistic conditions, their injuries had only recovered about ten percent, but they had also gained several hundred years of lifespan and no longer needed to enter a deep sleep state all year round. If they could have more divine medicine, or even heavenly medicine resources, their injuries could further recover.

“…This is the most dangerous time for us, right?”

In the chamber, Qing Muling embraced his beautiful and alluring senior sister and said, “If the hostile forces outside, especially the armillary sphere Star Palace, were to learn the reason why the sect elders have recovered, they would definitely spare no expense to eliminate us, even if it means going to war with Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace again.”

Whether it was repairing a precious treasure or accepting a few talented disciples, it would not affect the balance of strategic power for the time being. In the eyes of those high-ranking elders, these changes in Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace were still within their tolerance.

But if the supreme elders, who were the high-end strategic power, were to collectively recover, the consequences would be extremely serious. Once the news spread, it would inevitably provoke a strong reaction from the hostile forces, and the probability of the war clouds reopening would be high.

Qi Yalan, with a content expression, stretched her beautiful body and pressed down on her junior brother lazily, saying, “That’s true, but the sect’s confidentiality measures have always been reliable. For the time being, no one will know. Even if they receive the information in the future, it will be too late. What can they do?”

“In fact, there’s no need to worry too much about this. The only thing I care about now, junior brother, is the speed of your cultivation progress. As long as you grow up, all the problems the sect faces will no longer be a problem.”

“Yes, that’s true.”

Qing Muling agreed with this. Once he reached the same realm as his master, why would he care about the attitudes of those monsters and demons outside?

Another day passed, and Senior Sister Xuebing Xuan and the others familiarized themselves with the power of the Feather Transformation Realm, ending their seclusion on the Yudao Peak and returning to the Misty Illusion Secret Realm to meet Qing Muling.

“Alright, we are now ready to explore the Weak Water Star River. This place is very dangerous, but Senior Sister and I have been there once during the last opening of the secret realm, so we are quite familiar with the surrounding area…”

In the secret room, Xuebing Xuan personally unfolded a scroll of luminous and sparkling exotic beast skin. On it was a map, drawn with delicate strokes and high precision, clearly marking the range of the most dangerous places in this Misty Illusion Secret Realm.

Qing Muling glanced at it. This place was hundreds of thousands of miles away from Longyuan City, but with the teleportation formation, it wouldn’t take much time to get there, although it would come at a high cost.

Five senior sisters sat around him, and Yu Lingzhou and Yueyi Heavenly Lord were also present. These two supreme elders had actively requested to join, as they wanted to personally observe the changes in Qing Muling’s fate and destiny, and also see if they could benefit from it. The original group of protectors were sent back by them.

With the identities of these two important figures, even if the five senior sisters had objections, their master Mu Yinghua couldn’t say anything. Therefore, the matter was settled.

Luo Huan, who was beside him, whispered, “I heard that there were signs of the opening of this place half a month ago, so many disciples and disciples of the supreme Dao Lineage had already set off early, including many monstrous-level geniuses. We are a step behind, I wonder how much we can gain.”

Qi Yalan gave her a disdainful look and said, “You don’t need to worry about that. The restrictions in that place are too terrifying. Most of the people who go there will probably end up as cannon fodder. If they want to truly obtain the opportunities inside, it will depend on our junior brother’s performance.”

“That’s right, sister.”

Luo Huan smiled obediently, not wanting to argue with her. Her current priority was to quickly integrate into this circle centered around Qing Muling. It was nothing to lower her posture a bit as long as she could gain his recognition.

Luo Wanqing grabbed Qing Muling’s hand and stuffed it into her embrace, rubbing it forcefully, ignoring the strange gazes of the other senior sisters. She smiled sweetly and said, “Junior brother, do you think our trip will go smoothly? There won’t be any problems, right?”

Smooth and tender, warm to the point of being scorching, as if rubbing against a ball of fire. Qing Muling could feel his body temperature rising… This was his current feeling.

Xuebing Xuan gave her a somewhat speechless look and said, “Regarding this matter, I think junior brother, you can try using the Heavenly Secret Art of divination to see how our luck will be on this trip.”


Qing Muling nodded and agreed, taking the snow-white turtle shell and jade divination sticks handed to him by Xuebing Xuan. Although his own Heavenly Secret Art was far inferior to his senior sisters’, his extraordinary luck could greatly compensate for his lack of cultivation, and it could greatly increase the accuracy as well.

He sat quietly for a moment, silently praying. Mysterious energy began to permeate the room, deep and profound rays of light emerged, and distant thunderous sounds echoed in the void. A massive amount of the rhyme of heaven and earth surged like tidal waves, surrounding Qing Muling.After a short while, Qing Muling released his hand. As the jade token bounced and scattered on the table until it came to a complete stop, a clear divination image appeared before the senior sisters.

The divination result was simple: there would be surprises but no danger, and good fortune would be found in misfortune. The five senior sisters felt a surge of confidence, having faith in Qing Muling’s luck without any doubt.

The women left the inn and headed towards the city lord’s mansion in the central area of the giant city. Here, there were numerous cross-domain teleportation formation arrays. No matter where the foreign cultivators wanted to go, whether it was any city or settlement of the Heavenly Human Clan, they could easily reach it.

Qing Muling had seen relevant information before. In the map publicly provided by the high-ranking members of the Heavenly Human Clan, there were hundreds of thousands of geographical coordinates to choose from. The distance between cities could be as little as hundreds of thousands of miles, or as much as billions of miles.

If the foreign cultivators were skilled enough and had connections in all the right places, there were tens of thousands of hidden towns and settlements for them to choose from. These were all gateways to special regions rich in rare resources. Of course, the risk and reward were proportional, and those without sufficient strength should not attempt it.

From the small to the large, one could imagine how vast and expansive the territory ruled by the Heavenly Human Clan was. In the Great Void, it was at least equivalent to the combined power range of dozens of super Dao Lineages.

However, in the entire Misty Illusion Secret Realm, the territory that the Heavenly Human Clan could control was only a tiny fraction of the secret realm. The rest were all wild areas, with no information available for inquiry.

“Sister, if we want to explore those uninhabited wild areas in the future, how should we prepare?”

Qing Muling asked Yu Lingzhou in a low voice. This was her special request, to address each other as senior and junior siblings when they were out.

Yu Lingzhou replied, “There are no specific requirements. The Heavenly Human Clan doesn’t care about this. All you need to do is take the teleportation formation array to their border cities. The rest is up to you. Whether you can return alive from those places is all up to fate.”

“Have you been to the wild areas?”

“Of course, I went there in my early years when I was still an ignorant core disciple. I ventured into the wild areas alone for a few days. I didn’t encounter any opportunities, but I did see a lot of strange things. In the end, I was targeted by a beast that looked like a rabbit. I wanted to snatch the exotic fruits it was guarding, but it almost killed me with one swipe of its paw. I barely managed to escape.”

Yu Lingzhou did not shy away from talking about her past misadventures.

“I see, that beast must have been very powerful, right?”

“Yes, I was only at the Heart Demon Realm at that time, and it was at least a genuine immortal. I could feel that it didn’t want to kill me, so it held back when it attacked. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have had a chance to escape.”

As they were talking, they arrived at the city lord’s mansion. There were hundreds, if not thousands, of cross-domain teleportation formation arrays within a hundred feet radius, each glowing with brilliant lights. Around each formation array, there were large groups of cultivators waiting, including many from the Heavenly Human Clan.

After paying the fees, the seven women, along with Qing Muling, stood in the center of the large formation array. The teleportation process went smoothly, and in the blink of an eye, they had traversed an unimaginable distance.

When their vision returned to normal, the architectural style of the city in front of them had changed significantly, and the temperature seemed to be slightly higher, although this had no effect on the cultivators.

The Weak Water Star River was located in the vast mountains outside this city, less than eighty thousand miles away in a straight line. It was a rather magnificent and magical place.

Once they left the city gate, Xuebing Xuan took out a flying boat from her Space Bracelet. The women stepped onto it, injected their mana to drive it, and the slender boat slowly lit up, rose into the air, and turned into a streak of light that disappeared into the distance.

——Author’s Note——

I’m a bit late, but I didn’t break my promise.

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