Chapter 87 – Su Ran publicly confesses her love, He Ju has nothing to fear of being embarrassed

Su Ran was embarrassed to the extreme at that moment.

He Ju was eating seriously, as if he didn’t hear anything outside the window, with a calm expression. It was a completely different state from when he used to chase after Su Ran.

Bai Yan also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and quickly called out to Fatty and Motor, “Let’s eat first. Don’t let the presence of outsiders affect your appetite.”

Fatty and Motor didn’t know what mood they were in, they just nodded.

They remembered that the former Su Ran was always the priority in He Ju’s eyes.

If it were a year ago, they wouldn’t even dare to think about He Ju’s indifferent and disdainful attitude towards Su Ran.

Love really needs to meet the right person at the right time. Once missed, even if it’s just for a day, a month, or a year, it’s hard to get back on track.

Su Ran was like this, and so was He Ju.

Everyone present was like this.

Su Ran’s eyes dimmed, and her tears fell like broken beads. This was the first time she truly felt sadness and panic.

She, who always cared about her reputation, would have resented He Ju if this had happened before. But not now.

She tapped on the window, giving up her last bit of dignity, crying, “Brother He Ju… don’t treat me like this. You can’t forget, can you? You clearly liked me the most…”

“I know, I was too overbearing before, I couldn’t see my own heart clearly, it was my fault. Can’t you be less indifferent… can you give me another chance, just one chance, I will definitely treat you well, or…”

Su Ran cried even harder, “You can hit me or scold me, I’m willing to endure it. Please, don’t be like this, you can’t be with another woman just because I made a mistake…”

“What will I do if you’re with her? Brother He Ju, I will die…”

Su Ran pounded on the window even harder, and more and more people gathered around to watch the show.

He Ju recorded it directly and sent it to Su Zhen.

He didn’t want to be embarrassed with him.

He Ju and the others quickly finished their meal and left, without even looking at the porcelain on this floor, and went up to the fifteenth floor.

Su Ran was still making a scene, crying and shouting.

A girl suddenly rushed out of the crowd, grabbed Su Ran’s wrist, and led her away from the bustling corridor.

In the room, Fang Yuxue took off her mask, her face full of incredulity. “Su Ran, I really don’t understand, have you gone crazy?”

Su Ran ignored Fang Yuxue and ran to the bed, crying heartbreakingly.

Fang Yuxue grabbed a handful of hair in frustration. “He’s just a poor boy, what’s so special about He Ju? I really don’t understand why you’re so upset over him.”

Su Ran still ignored Fang Yuxue.

Fang Yuxue laughed in exasperation. “For a man, you took off your mask at such a high-end auction, exposed your identity, and put the Su family in the spotlight. Su Ran, as the young lady of the Su family, although you’re still inexperienced in managing the company, can’t you see the implications of this?”

Su Ran’s crying stopped abruptly.

Fang Yuxue said, “Su Ran, you’re really something. Sometimes, I don’t know what’s going on in your head.”

Su Ran said with red eyes, looking at Fang Yuxue, “He Ju is not worthless.”

Fang Yuxue found it ridiculous. “What does he have? Assets worth millions? A company? A villa within the second ring road? A car worth over a million?”

Fang Yuxue also felt a headache. “Su Ran, do you understand that marriage is not a joke? Social status is important, and someone like He Ju, you can just have fun with him, why do you have to give your heart to him?”

Su Ran looked at Fang Yuxue with red eyes. “He Ju, he’s different now. He can make my dad wary of him on his own, lock me in the house and not let me out, and he’s also with the chairman of Starshine Group…”

Fang Yuxue’s heart skipped a beat, and she turned to look at Su Ran. “Who did you say he’s with?”

Su Ran said, “The chairman of Starshine Group, Si Hua.”

Although Fang Yuxue didn’t care about business matters, Si Hua’s name was well-known, and she knew it too.


How could He Ju attract Si Hua’s attention?

Could it be that he’s being kept?

This was the only reason that made sense.

Fang Yuxue looked down on He Ju even more. “In that case, why are you still thinking about him? He has made a move on your family, do you still expect him to listen to you like he did before?”

Su Ran seemed very tired, no longer as proud and dazzling as before, her voice hoarse. “During the time my dad locked me in the house, I called him and messaged him every day, but I never got through, and the messages never went through. So I looked at our chat history, there were really a lot of messages… but most of them were him talking to himself, you know?”Su Ran forced a bitter smile through her tears: “I reveled in the adoration of others, surrounded by countless admirers. I never turned them away, yet I never committed. Yuxue, I was wrong…”

“He Ju once told me that a person’s passion can be worn down to nothing. Back then, I always believed that, even so, his feelings for me would surely surpass anyone else’s…”

As Su Ran laughed, she began to cry: “It was me who didn’t cherish the one before me. Do you know… Fang Yuxue, today… standing where he once stood, I finally understand the agony of a heart being torn apart…”

Fang Yuxue’s expression instantly grew complicated. She still didn’t understand why Su Ran was so smitten with He Ju, but she knew…

Su Ran had changed; she wouldn’t give up on He Ju so easily.

If He Ju were still the same person as before, for the sake of sisterhood, she could have endured it, even gone to the extent of helping Su Ran chase after He Ju.


He Ju was now with Si Hua.

What was Si Hua’s status? Among the elite of City A, even ten Su Rans couldn’t compete.

It could even lead to offending Starshine Group, and that could mean the Su family’s bankruptcy in a matter of minutes.

Never underestimate the jealousy of a woman.

Even if He Ju was being kept by Si Hua, these wealthy daughters usually wouldn’t allow their lovers to have affairs with other women.

It used to be that Su Ran didn’t want He Ju, but now, Su Ran couldn’t have He Ju.

Fang Yuxue sighed: “Su Ran, give it up. You still have the Su family. You can’t gamble their fate on the mercy of He Ju and Si Hua. One misstep, and it’s an irreversible disaster…”

Su Ran’s face suddenly twisted with rage: “It was Si Hua who took advantage of the situation. Why does everyone expect me to give up on He Ju? Yuxue, she’s the homewrecker! Si Hua is the homewrecker!!! Help me, Yuxue, help me get rid of Si Hua!!”

Fang Yuxue looked at Su Ran, feeling nothing but pity.

Fang Yuxue shook her head: “I won’t touch her. No matter how you see it, you just need to know that if you harm a single hair on Si Hua’s head, the Su family will crumble to dust, losing all standing in City A. Your parents will be driven out like homeless dogs, and you’ll be deserted by everyone. Even so, are you willing to take that gamble?”

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