Chapter 77 – Shen Yan’s unreasonable behavior

Su Ran was smart this time. Instead of going directly to He Ju’s door, she drove to his house and waited in a hidden spot for her prey to appear.

Su Ran thought she wouldn’t see He Ju, but before long, a strange Mercedes appeared in her sight.

Intuition made Su Ran stare at the car, and sure enough, she saw He Ju get out of the driver’s seat after the car parked downstairs, then went to the passenger seat and opened the door to pick up a person.

Due to the angle, Su Ran could only see He Ju’s back, but the woman in He Ju’s arms was clearly visible to her.

Su Ran looked at her phone screen and, after careful comparison, confirmed that the person was Si Hua, the current chairman of the Starshine Group.

Su Ran’s hands on the steering wheel were shaking non-stop, and her eyes were red with hatred.

She saw He Ju kiss Si Hua tenderly, saw Si Hua respond to He Ju’s kiss, act coquettishly and hug He Ju’s neck, with He Ju’s suit jacket covering her legs.

He Ju was even reluctant to let Si Hua walk.

In Su Ran’s memory, He Ju, who was so gentle, used to be like that only to her.

But over the years, they had never kissed, so why did Si Hua get to him first?

At this moment, Su Ran was overwhelmed with anger.

She took out her phone and did the same thing as Qiu Shaoze, taking clear pictures of He Ju and Si Hua’s actions.

She also didn’t believe that someone like He Ju could win Si Hua’s favor. Who was Si Hua?

It can be said that as long as something happens to Si Hua, the entire City A will be in an uproar. Starshine is the recognized strongest enterprise in City A, with a market presence throughout the country.

Su Ran felt that He Ju had no backbone and must have climbed into the bed of a rich woman, he must have been maintained.

Su Ran was so angry. Just because she didn’t want to be with He Ju, did he have to fall like this?

Why not do something else? Be a rich woman’s lover?

He Ju didn’t know Su Ran’s thoughts, and even if he did, he wouldn’t care. He took Si Hua upstairs, into the bathroom, came out after taking a shower, put Si Hua on the bed, and then went to work on his drawings.

It wasn’t until one in the morning that He Ju turned off the computer, went back to bed satisfied with his fragrant wife.

And Su Ran, also at one in the morning, left after seeing the lights go out at He Ju’s house and returned home.

Just as she got home and turned on the lights, Su Ran was startled.

Because Shen Yan was sitting on the sofa, wearing pajamas, holding a glass of red wine, and there were already many empty wine bottles on the table, it looked like she had already drunk a lot.

Seeing Su Ran come back, Shen Yan asked coldly, “I heard from Xiao Li that you left the company before work was over and didn’t tell your dad where you were going. Su Ran, where did you go?”

Su Ran couldn’t help but frowned slightly. She had gradually become impatient with Shen Yan’s countless interrogations.

Seeing Shen Yan’s calm questioning, Su Ran had no doubt that she might explode the next second.

Su Ran answered calmly, “I went to find He Ju.”

Sure enough, Shen Yan’s face suddenly darkened. “He Ju again? Did he save your life? Su Ran, can’t you have some self-respect?”

Thinking of the scene she had just seen and the grievances she had suffered in recent days, the surging emotions made her lose her rationality in an instant.

Su Ran stared at Shen Yan. “Mom, He Ju not only saved my life, but also saved yours and Dad’s life. Have you forgotten? When I was thirteen, I fell into the pool, and He Ju saved me. When I was fifteen, he came to my house after school to help me with my homework. The gas at home was left on by the maid, and we all passed out from gas poisoning. He called 911. When I was eighteen, I had a stomach illness, and he took me to the hospital. Mom, I just don’t understand, how can you look down on him like this? Isn’t his past sincerity to me better than Qiu Shaoze, a playboy like that?”

Shen Yan was momentarily taken aback. “What?”

Su Ran walked step by step towards Shen Yan. “It seems that you really forgot. When I was thirteen, I fell into the pool, and He Ju saved me. When I was fifteen, he came to my house after school to help me with my homework. The gas at home was left on by the maid, and we all passed out from gas poisoning. He called 911. When I was eighteen, I had a stomach illness, and he took me to the hospital. Mom, I just don’t understand, how can you look down on him like this? Isn’t his past sincerity to me better than Qiu Shaoze, a playboy like that?”

Shen Yan was momentarily taken aback. “What?”

Su Ran fell silent at Shen Yan’s words, her eyes turning red.

In the end, Su Ran gave a bitter smile. “Yes, it was me who looked down on him in the first place. What right do I have to say these things now?”

Shen Yan finally realized the seriousness of the situation and walked towards Su Ran. “Ran Ran, tell Mom, what happened?”

With tears in her eyes, Su Ran looked at Shen Yan with sadness. “He is living with Si Hua, the chairman of the Starshine Group.”

Shen Yan was stunned. “Are you kidding? That’s the Si family…”

Shen Yan knew a little about the Si family because her father was promoted by Si Hua’s grandfather with just a word.

Her father was just a driver for the Si family back then.

They and the Si family were completely different people.

The Si family was the real billionaire, and Si Hua was the real young lady.

He Ju?

How could that fool He Ju possibly do that?

Su Ran wiped away her tears and sneered, “Mom, are you satisfied now? He will never bother you again.”

After speaking, Su Ran went upstairs with her bag.

Not long after Su Ran left, Su Zhen came back.

Because the company had too many projects recently, he worked late almost every day. Today, Su Ran left early again, so he stayed late again.

He thought he would be welcomed home by his wife and child.

But as soon as he entered, Su Zhen had just changed his shoes when Shen Yan sarcastically said, “You’re willing to come back? Looking so exhausted, did you go fool around with some woman…”

Su Zhen’s anger flared up. “Shen Yan, are you okay? What nonsense are you spouting again?”

Su Zhen was getting more and more intolerant of Shen Yan’s suspicions.

Seeing that Su Zhen was really angry, Shen Yan restrained herself and got up to get Su Zhen’s coat. “Just kidding, why are you overreacting? I’m angry because your daughter went to find He Ju again tonight…”Su Zhen finally managed to suppress his anger, took a deep breath, and said, “That’s Su Ran’s own business, you shouldn’t interfere.”

Shen Yan’s anger was reignited: “What do you mean I shouldn’t interfere? She’s my daughter, I’m her mother, isn’t it only right for me to look after her?”

Su Zhen was utterly exhausted, too tired from a day’s work to get entangled with Shen Yan over this, so he dropped the subject: “I’m going to take a shower and go to bed.”

Shen Yan kept nagging as she followed Su Zhen: “Mr. Su, what are you trying to say? Whenever we talk about this, you’re either belittling your wife and daughter or praising He Ju. Now you even tell me not to get involved, why do you always side with outsiders?”

Su Zhen frowned at Shen Yan, remained silent for a long moment, and then let out a sentence: “Are you going through menopause? Maybe you should go to the hospital and have your brain checked.”

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