Chapter 47 – Eating melon: What are you doing? Who are you preserving your chastity for?

He Ju rode the bike with Liu Jia sitting behind him. The wind whistled past their ears, but Liu Jia only dared to hold onto He Ju’s clothes, looking at his profile. Although Liu Jia couldn’t see much due to He Ju wearing a helmet, her eyes were full of love for him.

Liu Jia couldn’t remember how long ago she fell in love with He Ju, but when she realized it, she was already deeply infatuated.

Suddenly, a dog darted out from the side of the road, causing He Ju to quickly slow down. This made Liu Jia instinctively grab onto He Ju’s slender waist.

In that moment, Liu Jia was stunned, but she didn’t let go.

This was the first time in many years that she had been so close to He Ju, and she didn’t want to let go. She even unconsciously tightened her arms.

He Ju’s eyes under the helmet widened slightly, and he felt the hairs on his body stand up. Finally, he couldn’t help but speak, “Liu Jia?”

Startled, Liu Jia subconsciously let go of her grip and leaned back. Due to inertia, she almost got thrown off, but He Ju slowed down and quickly reached back, grabbing Liu Jia’s wrist accurately.

After Liu Jia stabilized herself, he quickly let go, only saying two words: “Hold on.”

He Ju didn’t say anything more, but focused on riding the bike.

Liu Jia forced a smile and lowered her head.

Why could Su Ran and that sister receive your favor, but not her?

They soon arrived at the restaurant Liu Jia mentioned, a cozy Western restaurant with a violinist playing in the background, creating a pleasant atmosphere.

Suddenly, He Ju felt a bit uneasy. He felt that Liu Jia might say something she shouldn’t.

Perhaps it was the shadow left by his previous relationship that made He Ju not in the mood for love at the moment. Even with Si Hua, he was only in an accepting state.

He admitted that Liu Jia was very pretty, like a doll, and had a gentle temperament, making her a good candidate for a relationship.

But when it came to feelings, he… couldn’t force it.

This was a lesson taught to him by Su Ran, and it took him ten years to learn.

He Ju and Liu Jia sat face to face, and both tacitly avoided mentioning the awkward situation in the car. The waiter brought the menu, and He Ju politely let Liu Jia order.

Liu Jia just smiled at He Ju, took the menu, and after ordering, handed it back to He Ju.

Looking at it, He Ju saw that Liu Jia had only ordered two steaks and two glasses of lemonade, nothing else.

He Ju smiled. He knew that Liu Jia was trying to save money for him, but ever since Bai Yan had returned the ring he had given to Su Ran, his financial situation had been relatively comfortable.

Liu Jia was very considerate.

He Ju didn’t say anything, just silently checked off a few dishes: German cuisine, sauerkraut roasted pork knuckle, two servings of spaghetti, three-color pizza, and clam chowder.

After ordering, He Ju said to Liu Jia, “The weather isn’t very good today, and it’s not good for girls to drink cold drinks. Can we change the lemonade to hot milk?”

Liu Jia blushed and nodded, and He Ju turned to tell the waiter, “Please change the lemonade to two cups of hot milk.”

The waiter asked, “How would you like the steaks cooked, sir?”

He Ju looked at Liu Jia, and she said softly, “I like it well-done.”

He Ju nodded in understanding, “One well-done, and one medium-rare.”

The waiter nodded, “Alright, sir, please wait a moment.”

Liu Jia smiled shyly, “Actually, I’ve never had Western food before.”

Liu Jia’s parents had strict control over her diet since she was young, and she rarely ate out. There was a dedicated cook at home, and the food was prepared according to Liu Jia’s preferences.

He Ju couldn’t help but wonder, “Then why did you choose to come here?”

Liu Jia nodded slightly, “I saw a video that said this place has a great atmosphere, so…”

He Ju understood, “It’s normal for girls to like romantic places. I quite like it too. We should go out more often in the future and see the world outside. It’s nice.”

It was just a simple conversation, but Liu Jia suddenly said, “Is that so? I’m not the only one who likes romantic places, but I think it’s even better to go to romantic places with someone who understands romance, don’t you think so, He Ju?”

He Ju’s guard that had just been lowered was instantly raised again.

This was a… fatal question.

As He Ju was thinking about how to respond, he didn’t realize that someone in the nearby booth was also listening intently.

Just as He Ju was about to speak, the waiter pushed the food cart over, and He Ju breathed a sigh of relief, quickly raising his hand, “Over here, our food…”

The table was soon filled with delicious food, and Liu Jia looked a bit surprised, “I have a small appetite, you don’t have to order so much.”

He Ju politely smiled, “Since I’m treating you to a meal, it can’t be too shabby.”He Ju raised his milk glass: “Liu Jia, I really appreciate the encouragement you’ve given me recently. Today, let’s toast with milk instead of wine, to you.”

He Ju tilted his head back, taking a large gulp of the hot milk. His Adam’s apple rolled in Liu Jia’s view, which only intensified her fascination with him.

A man who could make even drinking milk look so sexy—who wouldn’t love that?

Liu Jia sipped her milk slowly, once again lamenting Su Ran’s lack of taste.

Liu Jia smiled: “Actually, I didn’t do much, but seeing you now, lively and well, everything moving in a positive direction, it makes me very happy.”

He Ju couldn’t help but feel a bit sentimental. Those first few days, he seemed indifferent, but only he knew the determination it took to persevere.

But that didn’t matter anymore. What mattered was…

He had made it through.

The two quietly ate and chatted.

Just when He Ju thought the meal was coming to an end, Liu Jia suddenly repeated the question He Ju had not answered earlier: “He Ju, do you think being with a romantic person in a romantic place makes you feel different than usual?”

He Ju felt on guard in an instant; this was Liu Jia’s obvious probing.

He Ju couldn’t help but be annoyed with himself for carelessly mentioning his liking for romantic places.

And behind He Ju, someone else’s ears perked up.

He Ju didn’t notice, only breaking the silence after a while to say: “Indeed, it does feel different…”

Liu Jia immediately smiled, but He Ju quickly added: “I like romantic places, but I’m not a romantic person, otherwise I wouldn’t have spent so many years unable to catch up with the girl I like.”

He Ju firmly didn’t give Liu Jia any room to continue, even using Su Ran as a shield.

Liu Jia was a good friend, but if she crossed the line… they couldn’t even remain friends.

Zhang Da burst into laughter. Sitting across from him was a girl with a fresh and clean look, who immediately gave him a look of disgust: “What are you doing?”

At that moment, He Ju also turned around, and Zhang Da turned to look at He Ju.

Their eyes met, and He Ju’s widened in surprise: “Motor, what are you doing here?”

So this guy had been behind him all along, enjoying the show? He Ju’s face darkened.

Zhang Da’s laughter was exaggerated: “Hahaha, I’m here for dinner with my girlfriend, man, you really are… impervious to oil and salt, huh!? What’s the deal, preserving your chastity for someone?”

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