Chapter 13 – Self-protection

Xie Shu didn’t say much to them.

Because Ruan Nianxi’s game had already been downloaded and updated, and she had completed the novice tasks.

After she logged in, Xie Shu directly invited her to join the team and started the game.

Considering that Ruan Nianxi was a complete novice, they played in entertainment mode.

When choosing a hero, Xie Shu messaged Ruan Nianxi to turn on the voice chat, as it was faster to teach her directly through speaking.

Ruan Nianxi listened to Xie Shu’s commands throughout the game, always following behind him and being protected by him.

Ruan Nianxi was also studying very seriously, trying hard not to lag behind.

She was worried that her lack of skill would make Xie Shu angry, so she would apologize immediately every time she died.

Contrary to what she had imagined, Xie Shu did not get angry. He was very patient in teaching her and told her not to apologize all the time, saying that winning and losing in the game was normal.

It had been a long time since Ruan Nianxi had felt such tenderness from Xie Shu. For a moment, she suddenly felt that a certain desire in her heart had been magnified.

But she quickly suppressed it forcibly.

She had persisted for so many years and couldn’t mess things up.

She was afraid that Xie Shu would be like the people she had seen in the information, changing addresses and phone numbers behind her back, deleting her as a friend, and avoiding her when they saw each other… She really couldn’t bear that, it would be more painful than death.

After playing a few rounds, Ruan Nianxi gradually understood how to play the game.

Later, her operation became smoother, she could check the mini-map, and she could also explore the grass.

They started another round, and Xie Shu was talking to Ruan Nianxi, intending to tell her not to run too far to avoid being ambushed. But before he could finish speaking, he heard someone else’s voice on Ruan Nianxi’s end, abruptly interrupting him.

“Squad leader, what are you doing?!”

“I thought you didn’t know how to play games? You’re doing pretty well now.”

“Okay, you don’t usually play with us, but now you’re playing with someone else behind our backs. I just heard a man’s voice, who is it? Your boyfriend?”

“No, just a friend.”

Xie Shu heard Ruan Nianxi’s nervous voice again.

Her side had been quiet since they turned on the voice chat, and he had thought her roommates were deliberately keeping quiet. But now, seeing the situation, her roommates should not have been there just now.

Because Ruan Nianxi was interrupted, the hero she was controlling clearly started to slow down.

Xie Shu didn’t rush her or say anything, he just silently controlled his own hero to guard the tower first.

Regarding the question Ruan Nianxi’s friends had asked her just now, he did not answer, but he did not deny it either.

Although Xie Shu’s three sons did not turn on the voice chat, they were all on the same team, so they also heard what Ruan Nianxi’s roommates said.

They didn’t say anything, just turned to look at Xie Shu and started to communicate telepathically.

“This is a good opportunity. Why not just go along with what they said and see if Ruan Nianxi will refuse?”

Xie Shu understood what they meant, but he didn’t do that.

He wasn’t worried that Ruan Nianxi would reject him like Su Qianyi. On the contrary, he was very sure that Ruan Nianxi would accept his confession.

He remembered clearly what Ruan Nianxi had said to him in their past life.

He knew that Ruan Nianxi liked him.

But was he going to take advantage of Ruan Nianxi’s feelings for him and easily confess?

He had been willing to do so much for someone who didn’t love him. Why did he feel like he could do nothing for someone who truly loved him?

That wouldn’t do.

What Su Qianyi had, Ruan Nianxi should also have, and he would definitely do better than before!

So, in the end, Xie Shu chose to remain silent.

Not denying, but not confirming either.

It was as if he had said everything, but also as if he had said nothing.

On the other end, Ruan Nianxi nervously explained to her roommates, as she was worried that Xie Shu would be angry.

Because she knew clearly that he liked Su Qianyi and only wanted to be with Su Qianyi…

But her roommates were just enjoying the show and kept teasing her, even speaking into her phone’s microphone to talk to Xie Shu, wanting to confirm whether they were just friends or boyfriend and girlfriend.

As soon as they said this, Ruan Nianxi, who was already anxious, instantly turned pale.

In her eyes, their actions undoubtedly added fuel to the fire, and their words had already threatened her own interests. They would make Xie Shu angry and make him distance himself from her again.

She began to feel uneasy.

She felt threatened, she felt that they were deliberately hurting her, and she wanted to resist.

Her roommates were still talking into the microphone, and no one noticed that Ruan Nianxi’s face had already turned pale.

Ruan Nianxi’s mind was in chaos. She wanted to put down her phone and deal with the situation in front of her first, but before she could do so, Xie Shu’s voice came in time.


His speech was moderate, his tone gentle, and there was no trace of anger that Ruan Nianxi had expected.

“Are you Nianxi’s roommates?” he continued.


“Did we disturb you?”

“No, we were just curious about who Squad Leader was playing with. She never played with us when we asked her to play games before.”

Xie Shu silently chuckled, did not respond to them, and instead asked Ruan Nianxi, “Nianxi, are you still playing?”


Ruan Nianxi was brought back to her senses by Xie Shu’s words.Soon, she resumed controlling her hero, following behind Xie Shu and clashing with the enemy.

Her roommates, though still very curious about the man playing games with Ruan Nianxi, saw how seriously she was playing and felt it would be impolite to interrupt her, so they returned to their seats and focused on their own games.

Ruan Nianxi glanced at them, feeling uneasy, but the unease was gradually soothed with every word Xie Shu said behind her.

Time passed, and just when Ruan Nianxi was filled with joy, one of her roommates suddenly spoke to her, “Class leader, someone @mentioned you in the big group chat, saying they’re short-handed below and want you to help out.”

Ruan Nianxi looked at the girl, about to ask her to decline on her behalf, but before she could speak, Xie Shu, having heard the conversation, asked, “Do you need to go and take care of something?”


She didn’t want to go.

She wanted to keep playing with him.

There might not be another chance like this in the future.

But as the words reached her lips, she hesitated, wondering if saying so would make Xie Shu think she was slacking off.

She always tried to hide her flaws; she didn’t want Xie Shu to see her bad side.

“Then you should go take care of it first. Being a class leader means you have many miscellaneous tasks and great responsibility. These things are unavoidable. Let’s play again next time,” Xie Shu continued.

Ruan Nianxi was stunned for a few seconds before responding, “Okay, next time… we’ll play together again.”

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