Chapter 37 – Old Li

“Vice President Guo, are you serious?”

Bai Bing and Ye Qiu were both taken aback, finding it hard to believe.

“What, Director Bai, do you think I’m lying?” Guo Danu asked with a chuckle.

“No, it’s not that. It just seems a bit too sudden.”

Bai Bing had gone out of her way to speak with Guo Danu on behalf of Ye Qiu’s tenure, only to be rejected on the spot.

But now, Guo Danu was offering the tenure spot to Ye Qiu, which was quite strange!

Guo Danu explained, “After Director Bai came to me last time, I took a closer look at Little Ye’s resume. Since joining the hospital, he has been diligent and selfless, unafraid of hardship. If such a young man can’t obtain tenure, then no one else is more deserving.”

“For this reason, I proposed at today’s hospital affairs meeting to give this year’s only tenure spot in Surgery to Ye Qiu, and everyone agreed.”

Guo Danu spoke earnestly, “Little Ye, from now on you’re an official member of the Surgery department. You must work hard and contribute your strength, striving to build upon our surgical endeavors.”

“Thank you, Vice President Guo, I will certainly do my best,” Ye Qiu replied politely.

He always felt that things were not so simple.

“There’s no need to thank me. If you’re going to thank anyone, thank Director Bai! If she hadn’t come to me to explain your situation, I wouldn’t have known we had such an outstanding talent in our Surgery department.” Guo Danu’s tone shifted, “Of course, I also put in a little effort.”

“I will remember your cultivation, Vice President Guo, and will surely thank you properly when the opportunity arises,” Ye Qiu said.

Guo Danu’s expression became serious, “Little Ye, are you serious?”

“Of course.”

“Then don’t wait for later; thank me now!”

Ye Qiu was stunned again.

I was just being polite, and you took it seriously?

Isn’t that a bit too thick-skinned?

“What would you like me to do, Vice President Guo?” Ye Qiu inquired.

“It’s nothing big, just a small favor I need from you,” Guo Danu said with a smile.

“Go ahead.”

“Well, you have the ability to bring people back from the brink of death, so I’d like you to step in and help treat Old Li in the special care ward.”

As soon as Guo Danu said this, Bai Bing’s expression changed slightly, and she quickly interjected, “Vice President Guo, you’re overestimating Ye Qiu. He doesn’t really have the ability to bring people back from the dead; it was just luck that he saved a patient. As for Old Li, I’m afraid Ye Qiu is helpless.”

“Director Bai, you should have confidence in your staff. I believe Little Ye can do it. Besides, Director Li has already inquired about this matter, and I’ve assured him that Ye Qiu can definitely cure Old Li.”

Bai Bing’s face showed concern.

Ye Qiu also realized that this matter was not simple and couldn’t help asking, “Director Bai, what’s wrong with Old Li?”

“Old Li is in a vegetative state, having been bedridden for five years,” Bai Bing said.

What, a vegetative state?

How can this be treated?

Vegetative states are different from other diseases. With other diseases, you can prescribe treatment accordingly, and even if you can’t cure it, you know where to start. But it’s different with vegetative states.

Vegetative states are considered complicated and difficult cases. Some people inexplicably become vegetative, and doctors have no idea where to begin.

Moreover, clinical experience shows that treating vegetative patients is not only difficult but also has poor outcomes.

Ye Qiu glared at Guo Danu, thinking to himself, do you think I’m a god? How can a vegetative person be cured?

Guo Danu said with a smile, “Little Ye, since you have the ability to bring people back from the dead, treating a vegetative person should be a simple matter for you, right?”

“Vice President Guo, I’m just an ordinary person, I don’t have the power to bring people back from the dead. Don’t believe their nonsense. As for Old Li, I’m afraid I can’t cure him.”

“Little Ye, you’re making this difficult for me. I’ve already promised Director Li that you can cure Old Li,” Guo Danu continued, “You might not know this, but Old Li’s eldest son, Li Xiangyang, is the top official in our Jiangzhou City Bureau.”

Damn it!

Ye Qiu couldn’t help but want to curse Guo Danu.

“And I’ve also mentioned your tenure to Director Li. He said that if you can cure Old Li, he will definitely thank you properly.”

“And if I can’t?”

“I believe you can.”

Ye Qiu said, “Vice President Guo, as you know, we are doctors, not gods. Not all diseases can be cured, especially not something as complicated as a vegetative state.”

Guo Danu’s smile faded, and he said, “Little Ye, I hope you can cure Old Li. Otherwise, your tenure might run into trouble.”

“Vice President Guo, wasn’t Ye Qiu’s tenure already approved at the hospital affairs meeting? How could there be any trouble?” Bai Bing asked, puzzled.

Guo Danu replied, “Director Li has a deep affection for his father. During these five years of Old Li’s coma, no matter how busy he is, Director Li always finds time to visit Old Li every week, and he stays for half a day each time. His greatest wish is to see Old Li wake up.”

“When he heard that Ye Qiu has the ability to bring people back from the dead, Director Li was very pleased and immediately expressed his hope that Ye Qiu could treat Old Li.”

“If Ye Qiu successfully revives Old Li, his future will be bright, and from then on, his career will soar.”

“But if he fails and turns Director Li’s hope into disappointment, then the tenure might face unexpected changes.”

“Of course, whether to treat or not is still up to Ye Qiu.”

Ye Qiu knew that although Guo Danu seemed to give him a choice, he actually had no choice.

If he didn’t treat Old Li, it would surely displease Director Li, and then, not only might he lose his chance at tenure, but he could also lose his job. He might even find no place for himself in Jiangzhou.

Who would dare to hire him after offending Director Li?

So, whether Ye Qiu liked it or not, he had to agree to this matter.

“Little Ye, give me an answer quickly; I still need to report back to Director Li,” Guo Danu urged.

“Vice President Guo, please tell Director Li that I am willing to take a look at Old Li. As for whether I can wake him up, I can’t make any promises,” Ye Qiu said.

“I’m relieved to hear that! Director Bai, please take Little Ye to see Old Li now.”

“Okay.” Bai Bing stood up and led Ye Qiu out of the office.

Just as they were about to leave the office, Guo Danu suddenly spoke up again, “Little Ye…”

Ye Qiu paused and turned back, asking in confusion, “Vice President Guo, is there anything else?”

“It’s nothing major, just a small matter I’d like to inquire about,” Guo Danu asked with a smile, “Have you seen Shao Cong these past few days?”

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