Chapter 7 – The footsteps behind

Yang Jian’s body went weak and he almost fell to the ground. He took a deep breath and felt the cold sweat on his forehead flowing down his cheeks.

Just now, he had walked back and forth in front of the gate of hell.

“No, I can’t stay here. I must leave as soon as possible…”

He had just temporarily escaped from the ghost’s hands, and he didn’t even have time to reflect on what had just happened.

He quickly grabbed his phone, turned on the flashlight, and stood up.

An unknown ghost was wandering in the darkness of this place. The longer he stayed here, the faster he would die.

He walked forward in the dark.

Yang Jian’s whole body was trembling slightly, either from excessive tension or inexplicable fear.

After walking a few steps forward, as the darkness was dispelled by the light, he saw Duan Peng and Zheng Fei, who were standing in front of a mottled and moldy wall, frantically pounding on the wall with a look of horror on their faces.

“Who, who?” Zheng Fei’s voice trembled as he turned around in fear.

He saw a faint light.

Yang Jian, with a cold face, held his phone and said, “It’s me, Yang Jian.”

“Yang, Yang Jian? You’re not dead?” Zheng Fei was shocked and surprised.

“Did you and Fang Jing want me dead?” Yang Jian said.

Duan Peng was a little emotional, rushing over with a nervous and frightened look, grabbing Yang Jian, and shouting, “Why did you drag me in? Why? We have no grudges against each other. Why did you harm me?”

Yang Jian punched him in the face and angrily said, “We have no grudges against each other either. Didn’t you want to kill me too? You blamed me for what you did before. I said that if I had to die, I would die together with you. I regret not bringing Fang Jing in now. He should also experience the feeling of being caught by a ghost just now.”

Duan Peng was punched to the ground, too busy to feel the pain, just crying out, “I don’t want to die. I just want to live. Fang Jing made me do this… If I didn’t do it, we would all die. It’s better for you to die than for everyone to die.”

“So I should be the one to be sacrificed? It’s ridiculous. If you were so great, why didn’t you sacrifice yourself? You forced others to sacrifice,” Yang Jian said. “And don’t forget, there’s still a ghost outside. Also, don’t be naive. Fang Jing has been wanting to kill me from the beginning. He must know something, otherwise he wouldn’t have been staring at me the whole time. I will take revenge for what happened today. If I can walk out of here alive…”

But before he could finish speaking, Duan Peng suddenly trembled all over, his face showing a look of horror as he looked back.

He couldn’t see anything in the thick darkness, but he felt a cold hand grabbing his wrist.

And that cold hand transmitted an incredibly powerful force.

Duan Peng’s body was almost out of control, being dragged backwards.

“Help, help me, Yang Jian, help me…” Duan Peng screamed in terror.

Yang Jian’s heart skipped a beat. He subconsciously picked up his phone and prepared to open the audio file, hoping to scare the ghost away as before.

But as soon as his hand moved, he stopped.

Was Duan Peng really worth saving?


Not worth it.

He was in this situation because of Fang Jing, Duan Peng, and Zheng Fei.Now that they’re in danger, why should he save them? He didn’t see them save him earlier, and he only thought about finding a way to escape. Even if he wanted to save them, how could he? The audio file on his phone can only scare off the ghost, it can’t hurt him.

He was just bluffing.

If they want to survive, don’t I want to survive too?

Fang Jing was right, he was too naive before. He already heard Fang Jing planning to harm him in the classroom, but he didn’t take any precautions.

He won’t make the same mistake again.

He put down his phone and took a step back, coldly watching as Duan Peng was dragged away by the darkness, ignoring his cries and screams.

Finally, he watched as Duan Peng disappeared into the darkness, accompanied by a look of terror on his face. The pale hand also disappeared.

And as soon as the darkness swallowed Duan Peng, even his cries for help disappeared.

Everything quickly returned to calm, with only the sound of water droplets echoing clearly.

Yang Jian turned around and took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves and overcome his fear. Then, as if nothing had happened, he picked up his phone and began to search for a way out.

The ghost was still lingering here, so he couldn’t guarantee that the ghost wouldn’t attack him next time if he stayed. Fang Jing had said before that people can temporarily hold off ghosts.

He was hit by the ghost earlier because he wanted to use his life to hold off the ghost.

Since Duan Peng had been taken by the ghost, there would be a certain interval before the next appearance of the ghost. If his analysis was correct, he was safe before the next ghost attack.

He could only pray for that.

With that in mind, Yang Jian immediately began to search for a way out.

“Yang Jian, where are you going? Take…take me with you.”

Zheng Fei saw him leaving and hurried to catch up.

But Yang Jian ignored him and coldly refused, “You figure it out yourself. Don’t follow me. Do you expect me to take you out of here? Remember, I came to this ghostly place because of you guys.”

After speaking, he quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Not taking revenge on the spot was already giving them face. The ghost would definitely come for him after killing Duan Peng, so he would let himself wait here to buy some time.

If the ghost were to attack again, it would definitely prioritize Zheng Fei.

Zheng Fei was startled and followed him, but there was no sign of Yang Jian, only endless darkness.

“Yang, Yang Jian, where are you? Come out, I didn’t mean it before, I’m sorry, I apologize to you…”

With a trembling voice, Zheng Fei searched for him in the darkness, but found nothing.

He soon realized he was lost and tried to turn back to the wall where they were before, but he couldn’t find it.

This place no longer seemed like the familiar restroom, but an endless space of darkness.

Fear slowly crept up on him, drowning out what little courage he had left.

Then he heard the sound of heavy footsteps coming closer and closer from behind.

“Du…Duan Peng, is that…is that you?” Zheng Fei asked nervously.

Before he could finish his sentence, a pale hand reached out from the darkness and grabbed his neck from behind.The cold, stiff hand that didn’t seem like it belonged to a living person…

“Ah~!” A hysterical scream rang out.

But Yang Jian didn’t hear the scream; he was currently facing a problem of his own.

He had gotten lost in the darkness.

“This definitely isn’t the bathroom…” he thought to himself, feeling a chill.

The darkness in front of him seemed endless, and he had already walked further than the distance of a typical bathroom.

He checked his phone and saw that twenty minutes had passed.

Twenty minutes without finding a bathroom or even touching a wall or toilet; it was completely illogical.

The only explanation was that he had stumbled upon some unknown place.

“Dammit, what exactly is the Ghost Realm? Why didn’t Zhou Zheng mention anything during his lecture?” Yang Jian was getting anxious.

Without enough information, he couldn’t analyze anything, let alone find a way to break out of this Ghost Realm.

“Drip, drip.”

The sound of a dripping faucet echoed.

“Wait, that dripping sound… it disappeared for a while, why is it back now?”

Yang Jian’s expression changed, and he immediately followed the direction of the dripping sound.

If there was the sound of a dripping faucet, then the bathroom must be nearby. Once he found the familiar bathroom, he could find the door and leave this ghostly place.

He cursed himself for not noticing this earlier.

With a direction in mind, Yang Jian gained some confidence and quickened his pace.

But soon, he heard his phone’s low battery reminder. This startled him, and he hesitated before gritting his teeth and turning off his phone.

He was more afraid of the ghost that was lurking here than the darkness.

He had to save his battery for when he really needed it.

He moved forward cautiously in the darkness.

The only sound was the dripping of the faucet. Everything else was silent.

The silence around him was eerie, and he could even hear his own breathing.

But not long after he turned off his phone…

“Step, step!”

A series of footsteps echoed behind him, heavy and clear.

The footsteps grew closer and closer to him.

In an instant, Yang Jian froze and tensed up. He quickly turned on his phone’s flashlight and looked back.

The light illuminated an area about a meter away from him, but there was nothing behind him except for the darkness.

However, the footsteps grew closer.

“It can’t be Zheng Fei and Duan Peng…” Yang Jian’s face twitched.

A living person couldn’t follow him so accurately in the darkness.

If it wasn’t Zheng Fei and Duan Peng, then it was most likely the ghost that was lurking in the bathroom.


Feeling the footsteps getting closer, Yang Jian’s heart skipped a beat and he quickly increased his speed.

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