Chapter 5 – Lost

周正’s shout woke up everyone in the classroom.

Although they were all scared by this sudden change, survival was the instinct of every creature.

“Those who want to live, follow me.”

Fang Jing shouted first, then rushed out at an extremely fast speed, heading straight for the back door of the classroom.

They were on the fifth floor, and to leave the school, they had to go downstairs first. If they were on the second or first floor, he believed he would not hesitate to jump out of the window.

But jumping from the fifth floor was no different from suicide.

Fang Jing’s escape action had a strong mobilization effect. Other people reacted and instinctively followed him out of the classroom.

Yang Jian didn’t hesitate and immediately left.

He had a hunch that Zhou Zheng seemed unable to hold on to the old man for too long.


The previously weathered ground collapsed immediately due to the weight of so many people. Several students fell directly down.

“Zhang Wei, Miao Xiaoshan.”

Yang Jian was startled and quickly avoided the collapsed area.

“Hey, I’m okay. Damn it, that bastard pushed me just now, I’m going to sue him for murder.” Zhang Wei rubbed his butt, gasping in pain.

Fortunately, he only fell to the classroom below, and the height of about three meters was not enough to kill anyone.

But when Zhang Wei turned his head to see the person who fell with the others, he was shocked.

A person lay on the ground, eyes wide open, blood oozing from her neck, making a gurgling sound from her mouth. It seemed that she had not yet died. Yang Jian saw a blood-stained steel bar piercing through her neck.

It was Su Lei!

She was a good student in the class, and she was quite pretty. She had many admirers outside of school. Unexpectedly, she had an accident too.

With such a serious injury, it was too late to call an ambulance, let alone in the current situation.

“You all get up and leave here quickly, don’t waste time.”

Yang Jian shouted, and then didn’t care about others, immediately leaving.

“Yang Jian, I’m leaving this ghost place even if you don’t say it…damn it, you just ran away. Don’t expect me to give you any resources in the future.” Zhang Wei cursed.

At this moment, a group of students were like crazy, rushing out of the classroom and down the stairs.

“Can we leave here safely?”

Yang Jian was uneasy at this moment. The figure of the old man in a black long gown covered in corpse spots had been haunting his mind.

If the old man was really a ghost, could Zhou Zheng handle it?

He also said that ghosts cannot be killed.

Only ghosts can deal with ghosts.

Wait…could it be that Zhou Zheng was also a ghost?

In an instant, Yang Jian felt his scalp numb and his whole body shivered.

Did he just listen to a ghost’s lecture in the classroom?

What was happening to this world?

But outside the classroom corridor, Zhou Zheng was still trying his best to hold back the old man, not letting him use the ghost domain again.Once the Ghost Realm appears again, as long as those students are still inside the Ghost Realm, they won’t be able to leave alive even if they leave the classroom.

However, the terror of the man in black has exceeded his imagination, and he has no idea how long he can hold on.

At this moment, everyone ran down the stairs frantically, like a group of frightened rabbits.

One floor, two floors, three floors…

It seemed like hope was within reach.

But just as Fang Jing ran to the corner of the stairs, a slight rustling sound suddenly came from the middle of the stairs, and the lights inside the stairs went out instantly, plunging the entire staircase into darkness.

The darkness was so thick that one couldn’t see their own hand in front of their face, and not even a glimmer of light could be seen through the windows.


As soon as the lights went out, a female student screamed in fear.

“Damn it, has Zhou Zheng reached his limit? Could it be that the Ghost Realm has appeared again? What level of ghost is that old man, he’s really terrifying.”

Fang Jing’s face was covered in cold sweat. In the darkness, he dared not linger too long and shouted, “Keep going, don’t stop.”

He didn’t really want to save these people, but he couldn’t let them die inside the Ghost Realm.

Otherwise, the Ghost Realm would become even more terrifying.

They continued down the stairs in the darkness, which was not difficult for them, as they were familiar with the environment.

But as they continued down, Fang Jing suddenly stopped in his tracks, realizing that something was wrong.

Not just him, Yang Jian behind him also noticed something unusual. He was tense and had already noticed that the stairs he had walked on seemed to be more than five floors high… and there were still stairs ahead.

“Stop. Don’t go any further.”

As Fang Jing stopped, the others behind him also stopped subconsciously.

In this situation, he, who was both confused and calm, seemed to have become the backbone of this group.

“Fang Jing, what’s wrong? Why aren’t we moving?” A trembling girl asked.

“If you’re not going to move, I will. I don’t want to stay here and wait to die.”

A frightened boy continued to walk forward and soon disappeared into the darkness.

“Fang Jing, don’t lead us astray, it could be fatal.”

Someone else stopped and cried.

“What’s the point of going forward? Haven’t you counted how many floors of stairs we’ve walked from the fifth floor to here?” Fang Jing cursed.

“We’re just trying to escape, who has the time to count that?”

In such a panicked situation, not everyone has a calm mind.

At this moment, Yang Jian spoke up after a moment of silence, “Before the lights went out, we had already reached the third floor and were walking towards the second and a half floor. But when the lights went out, we could have walked down one more floor and left, but since then we have walked down at least three or even four floors. In other words, we have already walked underground.”

“But this teaching building doesn’t have a basement.””Damn it, Yang Jian, don’t say such scary things, it’s already too late.” Someone replied in the darkness.

“What should we do now, go or stay?”

“How about we go down a few more floors? Maybe Yang Jian made a mistake.”

While everyone was discussing, a faint light suddenly appeared in the darkness, and a female classmate tremblingly turned on the flashlight on her phone.

The phone still works?

Everyone was pleasantly surprised and quickly took out their phones to turn on the flashlight.

Immediately, more than ten lights lit up, but compared to the number of people in the class, it was too few. Did everyone else get lost?

What’s strange is that the light is not as strong as usual, as if it is being pushed back by the darkness around it, and can only illuminate less than a meter in front of it.

Further ahead is the thick darkness like ink.

This kind of oppressive darkness almost makes it difficult for people to breathe, as if they could get lost in it at any time.

“Let’s keep going forward.”

Fang Jing gritted his teeth, he had no other choice.

This is not something that can be fought against by individual strength, and can only pray that Zhou Zheng has not died yet and can hold the ghost for a while longer, and destroy this ghost domain.

Otherwise… everyone might be lost in this ghost domain forever and never be able to get out.

Continue to go down the stairs.

This time, not only Fang Jing, but many classmates began to count the floors.

One floor, two floors, three floors…

The more they counted, the more panicked they became. When they reached the fifth floor and saw that the stairs ahead were not finished, everyone stopped, their hands and feet cold, and a frightened expression appeared on everyone’s faces. At this moment, a female classmate collapsed and sat on the ground crying.

“We’ve…we’ve already walked five floors.”

“I also counted five floors. It’s over now. We can’t get out of here.”

“It’s a ghost wall, it must be a ghost wall…”

For a while, everyone was at a loss.

Fang Jing’s face was particularly ugly, and he dared not continue to move forward. He was very unwilling. Was he going to die confusedly in this place for the rest of his life?

“Yang Jian, you haven’t died, have you?”

Suddenly, he shouted with a fierce tone.

“Fang Jing, did I offend you? Don’t curse me to death like that.” Yang Jian’s face turned cold.

Fang Jing turned around, walked through the crowd, grabbed Yang Jian’s collar, and said fiercely, “If you’re not dead, then lead the way. With your potential, you definitely won’t die in this ghost place.”

“You know more than I do. If you can’t get out, how can I help?” Yang Jian said.

“You must know something. Tell me, damn it.” Fang Jing’s face became ferocious.

He had no way out and could only hope in Yang Jian. If this Yang Jian can really grow to that height in the future, he will definitely not die here.From before until now, he has been paying attention to this Yang Jian.

In just a moment, he analyzed the pattern of the knocking ghost, and even calculated the number of stairs when escaping.

There is no doubt that this guy has an extremely terrifying adaptability.

Ordinary people are scared out of their wits when they first encounter the Ghost Realm and fierce ghosts, but how could he remain so calm?

This is a kind of talent.

Usually, this kind of talent is useless, even if you have it, you may never use it in your lifetime. But in a world-changing situation, this kind of talent can increase the chance of survival. If one can become a Ghost Tamer, this talent can give the Ghost Tamer a great advantage when dealing with ghosts.

“Fang Jing, there’s no use asking me. This is also my first time encountering this kind of situation. If I had a way out, I wouldn’t stay here. Even staying here for one more second could mean encountering that thing. Do you think I want to die?” Yang Jian said.

Fang Jing’s heart skipped a beat, realizing that Yang Jian was still a newcomer who knew nothing.

He felt a little ridiculous, asking for help from someone who was still inexperienced at this time.

Was it because Yang Jian’s influence on him in the future was too great?

“Fang, Fang Jing, something’s wrong. Look…” Suddenly, a classmate trembled and pointed to the door of the restroom.

There was a restroom between the second and third floors of the teaching building.

“Darn it, it’s still on the second and a half floor. We’re really screwed now.”

“No, it’s not that. Look behind the door. There seems to be a figure.” The classmate shivered and raised their phone to shine a light over.

Everyone immediately retreated in fear.

A tall figure appeared behind the glass window of the restroom door in the light.

“Who’s there?” someone shouted bravely.

Hopefully, it was just a classmate in the restroom.


A long creaking sound was heard as the door slowly opened, revealing a pale arm reaching out from the dark restroom to push the door open.

“It’s not a person, it’s another ghost,” Fang Jing’s eyes suddenly narrowed, but he eventually showed a fierce expression.

“Since you know nothing, then just die for me.”

He pushed Yang Jian with all his might, intending to temporarily delay the ghost’s attention on this new student’s life by pushing him towards the endless darkness of the restroom.

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