Chapter 19 – Eight people who left

There’s no time to think.

Not only did Yang Jian feel the horror approaching from all directions, but even the others heard the sound of the security room door opening, as well as the heavy footsteps coming from both directions.

And they all knew that there were only a dozen of them left in the entire school.

So Zhang Wei, Zhao Lei, Wang Shanshan, and others knew very well that the footsteps must be… ghosts.

The ghosts were coming towards them.

But at this moment, Yang Jian gritted his teeth and bit hard on the eye on his arm without hesitation.


The intense pain of flesh being bitten open spread throughout his body, causing his muscles to tremble with pain, but he didn’t choose to give up because of the pain.

Blood splattered and flesh blurred.

The intense pain spread, and the red eye on Yang Jian’s arm was bitten off.

“Yang Jian, you…” The others heard his scream and looked over.

Immediately, everyone was shocked, and then showed a look of fear.

They saw Yang Jian’s arm covered in blood and flesh, blood flowing from his mouth, his eyes turning red, and even emitting a faint red light… and his skin was constantly cracking and shedding, making people feel scared.

Could Yang Jian be possessed by a ghost?

The red eyes were quickly moving under his flesh, leaving behind a crimson crack wherever they went, as if his body was being torn open, and blood was oozing out, staining his clothes red.

The pain was excruciating, far more painful than when he was bitten by the ghost baby and grew a new eye.

But at this moment, he bit himself.

And the red eye in his mouth had disappeared.

However, at the site of his arm wound, the red eye that had been bitten off had been replaced by an even larger red eye, which filled the wound and looked around with a strange expression.

The sixth eye had appeared.

Because the fifth eye was in his stomach.

With Yang Jian’s painful howl, the cracks in his skin emitted red light, one, two, three… the red light gradually spread throughout his body.

The ground around him was also affected.

The red light spread along the ground like a thick mist, presenting a clear contrast with the surrounding darkness.At this moment, another line of words appeared on the parchment paper that no one saw.

“At 5:30, after I swallowed an eye, I successfully grew a sixth eye. A strange red light emanated from me, and I could feel that the area covered by the red light was the Ghost Domain, my Ghost Domain. But I found that the fierce ghost inside me was constantly reviving. Maybe I will soon be possessed by the fierce ghost, lose consciousness, and become a ghost.”

“As I opened the Ghost Domain, other nearby ghosts… came. Someone was killed by a ghost.”

As if to confirm the words on the parchment paper, a pale hand suddenly reached out from the darkness and grabbed the neck of a trembling classmate.

The cold, stiff hand carried a terrifying force and pulled the student back into the darkness.

“No, no, help, save me…” The student screamed like crazy, waving his hands, trying to grab something.

But it was in vain.

He soon disappeared into the darkness, and his screams disappeared with him, like a stone falling into the water, only causing ripples that quickly returned to calm.

Other people were pale with fear and had cold hands and feet because they all saw this scene, but they didn’t dare to pull him back. They didn’t have the courage.

Qian Wanhao was already scared and crying. He had lost his mind and instinctively turned and ran, just wanting to leave this place, this ghostly place.

But he ran into a stiff corpse as soon as he turned around.

An old man wearing a long gown and covered in corpse spots stood in the darkness with a dead gray face, looking at him without any human emotions in his lifeless eyes, only numbness and strangeness.

Qian Wanhao tried to run again, but found that he couldn’t move his body anymore.

The old man slowly raised his skinny hand and reached for his face…

“Ah~!” A desperate and tragic scream sounded before his death, extremely chilling.

“Don’t come near me, don’t come near me, don’t come near me… Ah, don’t come near me, don’t get close to me.”

A girl with disheveled hair curled up and hugged her head, muttering and trembling with fear. Her mind had already collapsed under extreme fear.

Even if she survived, she would probably become a mental patient in the future.

Zhao Lei had no strength to run anymore. He just sat on the ground, as if he had lost his soul and was scared silly.

Miao Xiaoshan crouched on the ground, covering her ears, burying her face in her knees, crying and trembling with fear.At this moment, Wang Shanshan tightly held onto Yang Jian’s arm, almost shrinking her entire body into his embrace. She didn’t feel scared of Yang Jian at this moment, but rather afraid of the ghosts that could appear from the darkness at any time.

Perhaps it was because of the deaths of several classmates, the surrounding ghosts seemed to have temporarily stopped their actions.

But the darkness had already enveloped them, and the terrifying silence around them made it impossible to even hear screams.

However, this eerie silence did not last long.

After a while…

“Step, step, step…” Footsteps once again echoed in the darkness.

This time it wasn’t just one set of footsteps, but several coming from all directions.

At this moment, pale hands reached out one after another from the darkness, with one hand resting on Zhang Wei’s shoulder, another grabbing a female classmate’s hair, and yet another grabbing Miao Xiaoshan’s ankle… Everyone was being attacked by the fierce ghosts at this moment.

The time displayed on the phone was 5:30 am.

Just like the sheepskin paper said, at 5:30 am, everyone died.

“Get out of the way!” However, at this moment, a suppressed roar of pain and struggle sounded, carrying a sense of desperation to survive.

Yang Jian stood up at this moment, his skin cracking open to reveal eyes hidden inside. At the same time, a red light emanated from him, covering an area of about five meters around him.

The red light illuminated the surroundings, dispelling the darkness.

The pale hands quickly retreated.

The old man in a black robe with corpse spots on his face took a step back and left the range of the red light. His gray-white eyes stared numbly at Yang Jian.

The old man paused for a moment before taking another step forward.

He entered the range of the red light again.

However, the red light emanating from Yang Jian’s body was like an unstable electric current, flickering a few times before disappearing.

At the same time, Yang Jian, Wang Shanshan, Zhang Wei, Zhao Lei, and the other seven people disappeared.

The old man walked forward, and the surroundings were now empty.

The sound of footsteps gradually faded away.

The door of the security room next to them slammed shut once again.

The darkness receded like a tide.

On the sheepskin paper, a line of words appeared again: “At 5:30 am, everyone died… That’s impossible.”

“At 5:31 am, I survived… There were eight of us in total, and I left the university… hehe.”

A strange smiley face appeared on the sheepskin paper, but quickly disappeared.

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