Chapter 001 – Talented people die because of their abilities

Li Changqing still remembered a sentence he read in his textbooks when he was in school.


Talented people die because of their abilities.


He never quite understood why talented people would die because of their abilities, but he finally understood now.


As a woodcarver, he was killed by his own wooden carving falling from the cabinet. It could be considered dying from his own abilities.


However, at the moment of his death, Li Changqing only felt relief.


He had been obsessed with carving his whole life and had reached the pinnacle of his craft, but this skill did not bring him a good life.


His wife fell seriously ill, and he did not have the money to treat her. In the end, his wife passed away, and his only son grew up and made some shady friends. He would idle around all day, only asking for money and stealing valuable things from home to sell. Going to jail was also a common occurrence for him.


A few days ago, Li Changqing was punched and insulted by his son because he couldn't give him any money. He felt that his life had failed to the extreme.


Death, perhaps, was a kind of relief.



Minghong Prefecture, Changting Town.


With a loud noise, a thousand-year-old tree in the center of Changting Town was struck by lightning, and the three-day downpour finally came to an end.


It had not rained so heavily in Changting Town for many years.


In a corner of Qingyun Lane in Changting Town, there was a not-so-remarkable shop with four characters written on it.


Changqing Painting Boat.


The storefront was a bit old, and the location was not very good. There was a small courtyard behind the shop, and in the house in the courtyard, a figure opened the window and looked outside.


"It finally stopped."


The speaker was a middle-aged man with a scruffy beard and a haggard face. He looked like he hadn't eaten for several days.


Li Changqing did not expect that after being killed by his wooden carving, he would cross over to this mysterious world and into the body of the just-deceased person.


When he first came to this world, Li Changqing was confused.


Although he had read many novels in his past life and knew about crossing over, what made Li Changqing confused was that others who crossed over would inherit the memories of the original host, but Li Changqing did not inherit any memories.


He only knew that the original host died of a heart attack caused by anger and that it had been raining heavily since he arrived, making it impossible for him to go out.


He searched the house but could not find any food. He had some silver, but silver could not be eaten, and there was nowhere to buy anything outside in the heavy rain. Eventually, Li Changqing endured hunger for three days, and he even suspected that he would starve to death at home after just crossing over.


Fortunately, the rain stopped today, and Li Changqing could finally go out to buy food.


However, during the three days at home, Li Changqing was not idle. He found many written materials left by the original host and learned something about this world by reading them.


This world was prosperous in martial arts, with cultivators, but the cultivation methods in this world surprised Li Changqing.


Warriors entered the realm of painting and gained enlightenment from it.


Some people would observe a painting of a fierce bull shaking a mountain and gain insight into the martial arts technique "Mountain-Breaking Force," which would give them immense strength and allow them to move mountains barehanded!In the painting that someone was admiring, there was a cold moon blade, and from it, they comprehended the "Cold Moon Divine Blade Technique", which allowed them to slay the foreign races and become famous throughout the land.


Therefore, in this world, the status of a painter is prominent.


Those who become painters can feel the spirit of heaven and earth when they hold a brush. The strength of the spirit determines the level of the painting. Powerful painters have an unfathomable power. With one stroke, they can dominate the world and draw the heavens. They possess infinite power!


Therefore, those with the talent to become painters are truly one in a million.


Li Changqing from this world was able to feel the spirit when he held a brush from a young age and had the appearance of a painter. His dream was to reach the realm of the legendary Painting Sage and stand at the pinnacle of this world.


However, although Li Changqing had talent, he did not have much of it. He had two brushes, but unfortunately, they had no bristles. He had been drawing since he was young and was now over thirty years old. He had not achieved much and had even lost his once prosperous family. He now made a living by running a painting boat.


Even his only son had run away from home for over three years. From some of the letters they exchanged, Li Changqing knew that his son, Li Hengsheng, was now practicing in a sect called the Dao Mountain Ancient Land.


Sadly, no one bought his paintings because they were average and did not inspire any spiritual enlightenment. Who would buy such paintings?


He maintained the painting boat and relied on the relief money his son sent him every month to survive.


Li Changqing felt that the host of this world was really living a failed life.


He had also seen the paintings on the painting boat, to be honest, they were really average. The paintings of animals and the like did not look like them at all, they were lifeless, and the details were rough.


This was because in this world, painters could not draw things they had not seen before, and it was impossible for painters like Li Changqing, who were powerless, to observe animals up close. Unlike some major forces that would send martial artists to capture real animals and bring them back for painters to observe and draw.


As soon as the sun rose, Li Changqing rushed out with his silver. He was really hungry and would die if he did not eat soon.


"Hey, Li Painter, where are you going in such a hurry?" As soon as he ran onto the street, someone greeted Li Changqing.


However, Li Changqing did not even know who the person was, so he ignored them and quickly looked for a restaurant in town.


Seeing that Li Changqing did not respond, the person just smiled awkwardly and did not care.


Although Li Changqing was a painter without any ability, he was still a painter, and his status was higher than others. No one knew when Li Changqing might suddenly paint a good painting and become successful.


Everyone knew that Li Changqing had once painted a painting that allowed a disciple of a prestigious family to comprehend and transcend from the Transcendence Realm to the Postnatal Realm. Li Changqing had boasted about this for many years and would tell anyone who would listen.


If someone came over and asked Li Changqing, "Li Painter, have you eaten yet?"


Li Changqing asked, "Huh? How do you know that my painting has helped someone transcend to the Postnatal Realm?"


On the way, people kept greeting Li Changqing, who either ignored them or just nodded his head. Finally, after a quarter of an hour, Li Changqing saw a roadside stall.


They were selling breakfast, and many people were eating there. The aroma wafted through the air, making Li Changqing's stomach growl again.


Li Changqing sat down and hurriedly asked the stall owner to serve him some food.


"Eh, Painter Li!" The stall owner was a simple and honest middle-aged man, who was quite surprised when he saw Li Changqing.


Li Changqing was actually coming to his small stall to eat?


Usually, Li Changqing held himself in high regard and would never come to such a place to eat. He always dined at the Jin Hong Tower in town. What happened today?


Even the other diners were somewhat curious.


Seeing the owner in a daze, Li Changqing quickly said, "Hurry up, boss, anything will do. Just bring me some food."


"Oh, okay!" The owner came to his senses and quickly served Li Changqing breakfast.


It was nothing more than some porridge, small dishes, and a few fried cakes.


Li Changqing wolfed down the food, having not eaten for three days. This simple meal was the most delicious one he had ever had in his two lifetimes.


Just as Li Changqing was devouring his food, he heard someone calling from not far away, "Painter Li, you're here. I don't have to go to your house to find you now. Here's a letter for you."


Li Changqing looked up and saw a man in a purple robe walking over, carrying a huge box on his back. He rummaged through the box and then handed a letter to Li Changqing.


With a fried cake stuffed in his mouth, Li Changqing took the letter curiously, not caring about the oil on his hands. He looked at the envelope and saw the three characters "Li Hengsheng" written on it.


Was it sent by his poor son?

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