Chapter 54 – After waiting for a long time, I finally waited until today

In front of the Xuanwu Gate, the Plum Blossom Sword Immortal broke through the haze with a sword, cutting through the clouds and revealing the sun once again.

In the Divine Temple, the Chief Bishop Hongyi, under the backlash of divine art, was seriously injured and no longer had the ability to use it again.

On the side of the Divine Temple, all the envoys had very unpleasant expressions. They never expected that, apart from the Temple Master and the Confucian Scholar of the Imperial Academy, there would be someone in this world who could dispel the divine art.

The envoys of the Divine Temple were uncomfortable, but the officials of the Great Shang Dynasty were smiling, as bright as flowers in full bloom.

Finally, someone had vented their anger for them!

I heard that the Plum Blossom Sword Immortal is the master of this Li Family kid?

This master and disciple pair is really good.

They have given face to our Great Shang Dynasty!

“Fairy Master!”

On the stone steps, Li Ziye looked at the extraordinary woman in front of the Xuanwu Gate and shouted loudly, “I miss you!”

The sudden shout startled everyone present.

Although the Great Shang Dynasty was based on martial arts and law, etiquette was also strict. Shouting like this in public, especially in front of the emperor, was really inappropriate.

However, this was for the sake of others.

Perhaps because Li Ziye and Qin E’nuo, this master and disciple pair, had just made great contributions to the Great Shang Dynasty, the courtiers present suddenly felt that the Li Family kid’s disregard for etiquette was actually sincere and lovely!

Li Ziye ignored these hypocritical courtiers and looked at the fairy master in front of the Xuanwu Gate with a look of longing in his eyes.

In front of the Xuanwu Gate, Qin E’nuo heard Li Ziye’s shocking confession and a warm smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, but her tone was still indifferent, “Do what you need to do. If you lose this round, be careful, I will deal with you when I get back!”

“Fairy Master, rest assured. If I lose, I don’t need you to say anything, I will jump down from the Hall of Heavenly Worship myself.” Li Ziye grinned.


On both sides of the stone steps, the courtiers of the Great Shang Dynasty were taken aback by Li Family kid’s unreserved words.

He’s gone mad, completely mad!

He dares to say that he will jump down from the Hall of Heavenly Worship!

This is outrageous.

Well, since His Majesty didn’t say anything, they could just pretend not to hear it!

On the dragon throne, the Emperor of the Great Shang looked at the kid of the Li Family below, and instead of being displeased, he showed a smile.

If this legitimate son of the Li Family was a deeply scheming person without any flaws, he would be somewhat wary.

But if this legitimate son of the Li Family was just a little clever and could be caught or exposed at any time, the court could make use of him!

On the stone steps, Li Ziye turned his back to the Emperor of the Great Shang and smiled without leaving a trace.

The bigger the tree, the more wind it attracts!

“Li Family kid, the ice in your hand is almost melted. Do you want to ask His Majesty for another piece of ice to make a new ice sculpture?” an old courtier, Lu Siqing, reminded, still thinking about the matter of solving the problem.

This kid is really exasperating. It’s already so late, and he’s still so leisurely. Hurry up and solve the third problem!

On the dragon throne, the Emperor of the Great Shang looked at Li Family kid below and said with a smile, “Li Ziye, if you need ice, I can order someone to bring another piece for you.”

“Your Majesty, there’s no need.”

In the middle of the stone steps, Li Ziye turned around, bowed, and said, “Actually, this problem can be solved without ice.”

After speaking, Li Ziye looked towards the Divine Temple and said calmly, “Today, I will make you all admit defeat and show the Divine Temple what it means for a country to have outstanding talents.”

“Sharp words!”

In front of the envoys of the Divine Temple, Yan Xiaoyu stared coldly at the person in front of him, with a hint of killing intent in his eyes, and said in a cold voice.

“Later, you won’t be so stubborn!”

Li Ziye sneered, once again bowed respectfully to the Emperor of the Great Shang in front of the Hall of Heavenly Worship, and asked for an order, “Your Majesty, the method to solve the next problem requires someone from outside the palace to bring something. I hope Your Majesty will allow her to enter the palace!”


On the stone steps, the Emperor of the Great Shang did not hesitate at all and directly agreed.

“Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Li Ziye stood up straight, looked at the fairy master outside the Xuanwu Gate, and said, “Hong Zhu, it’s your turn to come out!”

Outside the palace, a young eunuch hurried over and, seeing the red-clothed woman waiting outside, said urgently, “Are you Miss Hong Zhu?”

“Yes.” Hong Zhu smiled and replied.

“Then please come into the palace quickly. His Majesty and the courtiers are all waiting for you!” the young eunuch urged.

“What about the things behind me?”

Hong Zhu turned around, looked at the carriage behind her, and smiled, “Little Eunuch, none of these things can be left behind.”

Upon hearing this, the young eunuch glanced at the things on the carriage, then turned to the soldiers guarding the palace gate and said, “Don’t just stand there, come and help. If you delay His Majesty’s important matters, each of you will be in big trouble!”


At the palace gate, the general of the palace guards was so frightened by the order that he broke out in a cold sweat and hurried forward to help.

Seeing this, Hong Zhu smiled and, without paying any attention to the heavy load behind her, leisurely walked towards the palace.

This was actually her first time coming to the palace.Young Master said, if it’s a clear sky today, she won’t have a chance to enter the palace.

Originally, she was a little regretful, until just now, when she saw the sky suddenly darken, she couldn’t help but feel a little excited.

The sky darkened, and she could enter the palace!

In the imperial palace, at the Basalt Gate, a figure in red, Hong Zhu, walked forward, followed by three or five imperial guards carrying something, sweating profusely.

On the steps in front of the Hall of Heavenly Worship, the court officials looked at what the imperial guards were carrying, their expressions all showing surprise.

What is this? The cauldron doesn’t look like a cauldron, and the stove doesn’t look like a stove.


On the steps, the imperial guards set down the bronze stove, then bowed to the Emperor of Great Shang before retreating.

“Go and check it out.”

Li Ziye glanced at the Divine Temple envoys and sneered, “Don’t make excuses if you lose later!”

On the side of the Divine Temple, the envoys’ faces darkened, but they still sent someone forward to check for any abnormalities.

“Divine Child.”

After a while, the Divine Temple envoy who went to check shook his head, indicating that there was nothing unusual.

“Let’s begin. No need for that ice realm. Let’s see how you can produce fire with water!”

Yan Xiaoyu, seeing this, looked at the legitimate son of the Li Family in front of him and said in a deep voice.

“Open your eyes wide and watch carefully!”

Li Ziye sneered and then stepped forward, taking a bucket of water from a eunuch and pouring it directly into the bronze stove.

After doing this, Li Ziye casually threw the wooden bucket aside and walked back.

“Is that it?”

The officials of Great Shang were taken aback, and Lu Siqing, coming to his senses, quickly asked, “Is that it?”

Li Ziye nodded and said, “That’s it.”

Lu Siqing and the other officials looked at the bronze stove below the steps, puzzled. “What about the fire?”

Li Ziye smiled but didn’t answer.

At this point, it was clear that there was no sense of anticipation.

Seeing this, everyone’s gaze turned to the bronze stove below the steps, and they began to wait.

However, after waiting for a long time, the bronze stove remained motionless, without any response. As a result, the officials of Great Shang began to feel nervous.

Could something have gone wrong?

Not far away, the Divine Temple envoys, who had been on edge, saw that the bronze stove remained motionless and let out a sigh of relief, mocking, “We thought Great Shang had some ability, but in the end, it’s just a trick.”

On the dragon throne, the Emperor of Great Shang frowned slightly.

What’s going on? Could this kid really just be playing tricks?

But the person chosen by the Confucian Scholar should not be wrong.

In front of the Basalt Gate, Zhang Slovenly, who had been waiting to watch the excitement, saw the strange situation in front of the Hall of Heavenly Worship and said in a strange tone, “Old Qin, did that kid mess up?”


Qin E’nuo said lightly, “I believe in him.”

“Young Master Ziye, what’s going on? Did you mess up?”

In the middle of the steps, Hong Zhu looked at the motionless broken stove below and whispered.

“No, just wait.” Li Ziye said softly.

However, while Li Ziye could wait, some people couldn’t wait any longer.

“Your Majesty of Great Shang, if it’s really not working, just admit defeat. Haha, you clearly had a chance to win just now, but you gave up on your own. You said you didn’t need that ice realm, so you can’t go back on your word!”

Below the steps in front of the Hall of Heavenly Worship, a Divine Temple envoy saw the increasingly serious expressions of the officials of Great Shang and laughed heartily.

On both sides of the steps, the officials of Great Shang heard the mockery of the Divine Temple envoys and their faces became very ugly, their eyes couldn’t help but look at the young man in front of them, full of confusion.

What’s going on?

Does this kid really have the confidence? Great Shang can’t afford to lose this round!

“Your Majesty of Great Shang, it’s been a long time. Can you admit defeat now?”

On the side of the Divine Temple, Yan Xiaoyu looked at the Emperor of Great Shang in front of the Hall of Heavenly Worship, pressing him aggressively.

In front of the hall, the Emperor of Great Shang did not answer, but stared at the young man below. Now, they could only trust this young man from the Li Family!

“Your Majesty of Great Shang!”

Seeing that the officials of Great Shang were not speaking, Yan Xiaoyu sneered and continued to urge them, truly feeling that the God of Light was blessing them. He had thought that the Divine Temple was going to lose just now, but he didn’t expect such a turn of events.

Behind him, the Divine Temple envoys became even more excited, one by one unable to help but start to mock and ridicule:

“Great Shang is considered a great nation, how can they have such a small mind? Is it so difficult to admit defeat once?”

“Yes, by holding on like this, aren’t you losing face!”

“Hey, I didn’t expect this. This is what they call the Celestial Empire, without even the courage to admit defeat!”

“Your Majesty of Great Shang, it seems that you have chosen the wrong person, a little brat who can’t see his own abilities clearly, just standing here…”


Just as the Divine Temple envoys were about to say all sorts of unpleasant things, a earth-shattering explosion suddenly rang out from below the steps, shocking everyone present.In the midst of the explosion, a massive fireball soared into the sky, and a terrifying heatwave swept over, forcing the nearest imperial guards to stagger back several steps.

At this moment, whether it was the officials of the Great Shang Dynasty or the envoys from the Divine Temple, all were stunned, their gazes fixed on the colossal blaze that erupted below, their faces showing a look of horror.

What is this!

In the middle of the stone steps, Li Ziye’s face broke into a radiant smile as he turned and asked, “Everyone, what do you think, does this count as fire?”

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