Chapter 31 – Mechanical Puppeteer

"This is the transformation ceremony…"


Su'en earnestly experienced the process that could bring him transcendent power. The feeling of continuous surging power flowing through his body made him feel relieved in every pore.


The entire transformation ceremony lasted about fifteen minutes, and the light of the hexagram alchemy array gradually dissipated. All the materials turned into a team of lifeless ashes as if they had been burned.




Su'en felt delighted.


Because he could see his own panel after successfully "taking office," he could clearly see the changes in his body.


All his attributes had been improved, strength, perception, physique… all had increased by about 3-5 points.


But the most exaggerated increase was in three of them.


"Agility" changed from 6 to 24!


"Skill" changed from 8 to 35!


"Spiritual power" also changed from 19 to 31!


They directly doubled.


And on the skill panel, there was an additional passive skill called "Multitasking."


Just like stripping off fragments of the soul, integrating with the eerie puppet, Su'en's mind gained some new abilities, but they seemed to have merged into his bones.


The most tangible change brought by the increase in data was that Su'en felt that his body had become stronger.


Especially the three greatly improved data, he could clearly feel the "transcendent feeling."


The change in agility made him feel as light as a swallow, able to leap and jump several meters high with a single jump;


The improvement in skill made him feel that his body had become more agile. The recruitment ability of his nerves to his muscles became extremely strong, allowing him to almost precisely control every piece of bone and muscle in his body;


Although there was no specific manifestation of the improvement in spiritual power, Su'en felt that his senses had become much clearer.


At this moment, Su'en felt like a "superhuman."


He felt that he could now fight ten of his previous selves!




Moreover, the most direct reflection of the increase in data was the skills on the panel.


The two skills Su'en mastered, "Basic Firearms Mastery" and "Advanced Combat Introduction," directly changed to "Intermediate Firearms Mastery 334/800" and "Basic Combat Mastery 99/300"!


"The improvement in skill can also directly enhance the mastered skills?"


Su'en felt somewhat surprised.


He eagerly wanted to experience the sensory differences brought by the increase in skill level, so he casually pulled out the pistol from his waist and immediately felt the difference.


At this moment, the pistol no longer felt like a tool, but an extension of his arm. It made him feel that if he were to shoot, with a casual aim, he could easily hit the target.


It was an extremely smooth feeling of "familiarity breeds skill."


"So this is intermediate firearms mastery? Just by increasing one level, it becomes so powerful…"


Su'en's eyes sparkled.


Without reaching that height, one could never understand the scenery at the top.


What he couldn't understand before, now became clear.


He even felt that with a little more practice, he could barely use the high-skill "Secret Technique: Gunfighting" that required great skill.


But with a little thought, he also understood.


The significant improvement in skill also allowed him to have an extremely detailed control over various large and small muscle groups in his body. With stronger muscle control, regardless of combat skills or firearm skills that used muscles, the proficiency would undoubtedly increase significantly.




The pistol in Su'en's hand formed a flower of gun smoke and accurately returned to the holster.


At this moment, he suddenly thought of something. Both hands moved simultaneously, and he pulled out two pistols at lightning speed, pointing them at the door and the windowsill.


In that instant of experimentation, a new passive skill was automatically unlocked on the panel.


Su'en looked at the changes on the panel and exclaimed, "Multitasking… tsk tsk, it even unlocked the skill 'Dual Weapon Mastery'!"


This was a completely new and wonderful experience.


He could clearly feel the feeling of controlling the left and right hands separately, aiming at two targets. His two thoughts in his mind had clear divisions of labor and could independently give instructions to search for targets, aim, and pull the trigger.


Although it was also dual-wielding, it was fundamentally different.


One was "able to use" both hands, the other was "mastery"!


His combat power had skyrocketed.




The inn was not a shooting range, so there were no conditions for live shooting.


Su'en put away the pistols.


Although the "Multitasking" skill was also powerful for a gunman profession, in reality, it was an awakening ability for the "Puppeteer" profession.


Su'en shifted his gaze back to the wooden box that had contained the puppets before. On it was a book titled "Comprehensive Guide to Puppet Making for Beginners."


The significant increase in spiritual power and the passive ability of "Multitasking" were obviously skills exclusive to puppeteers.


"The road is still long…"


Su'en pondered.


To become a qualified "Puppeteer," he still had to learn many things, such as puppet making and maintenance.


The process of making puppets was extremely complicated.


This involved engraving, enchanting, runes… each process required a lot of time to study.


For example, the most basic rune drawing.


Don't think that just drawing some curved special symbols on the puppet is easy. It's like giving you a sketch, can you immediately draw it accurately if you have no foundation? Even slight mistakes would greatly reduce the combat power of the runic puppet.


"It seems that I'll have to go to the black market again sometime, buy some spiritual wood, and try to make my own runic puppet…"


Su'en was not afraid of difficulties. On the contrary, he enjoyed the process of learning new knowledge.


At this moment, a new idea suddenly popped into his mind as a time traveler: "Hmm… the material for puppets doesn't necessarily have to be spiritual wood!"


He thought of the scene where Pestoya controlled a group of puppets to attack Ivan in the dilapidated underground mansion.


At that time, Ivan, who had awakened "Hardened Bones" and had "Adamantine Scales" implants, easily killed the puppets made of ordinary materials. The ordinary puppets armed with cold weapons couldn't even scratch him.


A large part of the combat power of the "Puppeteer" profession depended on the puppets.


And the attack power of the puppets themselves was also the most important factor in determining the outcome of a battle.


Wooden puppets were easily broken, but what if they were replaced with mechanical puppets armed with hot weapons?


Su'en's expression suddenly brightened when he thought of this.


The reason for using wooden puppets was for easy control. After all, the lighter the puppet, the greater the room for control. Low-level puppeteers couldn't control puppets that were too heavy…


But it's not a thousand years ago anymore!


Old Lpndon was in the age of steam technology.


Micro steam boilers could provide enough power for heavy mechanical arms and external skeletons. Why couldn't they provide power for mechanical puppets?


Thinking of this, Su'en's thoughts suddenly diverged.


As a time traveler, he didn't have any conservative concepts. Whether it was technology or transcendent power, weren't they all for becoming stronger?


Having seen all kinds of high-tech products in his previous life, his mind was now filled with many "design inspirations." Since this world didn't have electronic control systems, how about a "Puppet Gundam" or a "Puppet Transformers"?


Su'en felt like he had opened the door to a new world. In his mind, he could already imagine himself controlling not a group of puppets, but a group of battle mechas…


However, it was difficult to turn his thoughts into reality.


It was like turning the technology of making fireworks into a rocket that could reach the sky. They might look similar, but the difference in technological content was worlds apart…


Firstly, the machinery was not agile enough. Even with a power device, steel materials were much heavier than wooden puppets;


Secondly, to create mechanical puppets, he needed to have a deep understanding of machinery and puppet knowledge.


Of course, there was also alchemy, the foundation of everything.


For Su'en, a time traveler, there was too much to learn, and he had to start from scratch with everything.


The amount of knowledge needed would probably take hundreds of years to learn.


However… he had the "Reaper of Death"!


Su'en felt that his future self would probably take a completely different path from the traditional inheritance. That path would be the "Mechanical Puppeteer"!


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