Chapter 45 – Chronicle: Are you guys imitating me?

"People from the Fusion Sect? Why are they here? Could it be another trick from the training organizers?"


One question after another popped up in Chronicle's mind.


However, considering that the more he spoke, the more likely he was to make a mistake, he dared not speak rashly.


So he just sat on the coffin as he was, too lazy to even lift his head.


To the members of the Fusion Sect, his demeanor was completely "on point":


This was exactly how the official members usually treated them.


"Did Senior Bai send you to help us?"


A member of the Fusion Sect couldn't help but ask, using the word "send".


In his view, although Chronicle was powerful, he was still at the beginner level of a card master, only standing out among his peers, just a bit stronger than them.


With such strength, he was naturally no match for Bai Longfei, a "wanted criminal" with a conservative estimate of platinum-level strength. Using the word "send" was quite appropriate.


"So this so-called 'Senior Bai' must be their 'leader'…"


Chronicle, who had keenly caught this detail, lightly touched the Mountain Ghost Coin hanging around his neck and thought to himself, "I just don't know where this person is now. If he's nearby, that would be bad."


"But judging by their behavior, the chances are that he's not around."


In a moment of thought, Chronicle intended to get some information from these people.


However, he had no idea who this "Senior Bai" was, and for a moment, he couldn't come up with any decent lines. Suddenly, he remembered that these people seemed to be quite fond of the aloof act.


So he just sat there quietly, tapping away on his phone.


Years of typing experience allowed him to quickly edit the ins and outs of the situation.


Then, in front of these peripheral members of the Fusion Sect, he sent the edited information to Su Wen and several of his classmates via WeChat.


But after a full two minutes, none of them had responded, which made him feel a little uneasy.


"What's going on? Are they playing me?"


Unable to help frowning, he copied the text and sent it to the training group and Wei Ya's WeChat.


But the signal seemed to be bad at this moment, and as soon as the message was sent, a spinning circle appeared behind it.


Seeing this, he had a sudden suspicion, but he had to put away his phone for the time being. Then he slightly lifted his head and glanced at these people, wondering if this was a test set up by the training organizers.


"If that's the case, this trick is too crude, isn't it?"


Chronicle thought to himself, his gaze wandering over the cheap clothes full of grass seeds that the others were wearing.


"It's quite shabby."


He muttered to himself, then began to calculate whether he could take them all down by himself.


Fortunately, he hadn't been blinded by his recent victory. A simple analysis told him that the answer was no:


After the previous "passage of the ghost soldiers" and "night of a hundred ghosts", he had already consumed a lot of mental energy. At this moment, it was somewhat difficult to just keep these evil spirits standing there obediently.


He could certainly force himself to "recharge" by taking a mental energy potion, and then hold on for a while, confronting the others head-on.


But his intuition told him that it would be better not to do so:


Not to mention the side effects of overdosing on the potion, these people were extremely troublesome just by looking at them.


Even if their momentum was only slightly stronger than the top students he had just dealt with…




After the brainstorm, he couldn't help but let out a sigh, then quietly directed the obedient ghost soldiers to "protect" the students in front of him.


The members of the Fusion Sect didn't notice this:


As soon as they noticed Chronicle's gaze, they all lowered their heads.


They all thought that Chronicle was disdainful of them because they didn't have the bright uniforms and weren't qualified to talk to him, an official member. So they kept silent, feeling a bit awkward.


The only one among them who had the gift of gab and had a chance to break the silence, Niu Chuang, was busy sketching Chronicle's appearance just now in his notebook, not caring to speak.


This made the scene quite strange for a while.


Seeing this, the students who were still chained up were shocked: Does he have a gang? Is he really from the Fusion Sect?


But as time went on, they felt that Chronicle and the people who appeared later didn't seem to be in the same group.


"What on earth is going on?"


Just as the students were puzzling over this with bewildered faces, the phones in their pockets suddenly vibrated together.


Shen Fei, who had just managed to escape from the pain of having his hair cut, had returned to his casual demeanor, as if nothing had happened.


Feeling the shackles on his hands gradually loosen, he, who was at the very back of the "human wall", naturally took out his phone.


In the training group, a group member named 【Third High School 001 Chronicle】 had just posted a short essay and tagged all the members.


He clicked in without thinking, at first somewhat indifferent, but after browsing the general content, his eyes nearly popped out of his sockets.

"What the hell? This guy is in the same grade as us?!"


Shen Fei suppressed his inner astonishment, striving to maintain his composure. He turned his head subtly to look in Chronicle's direction, just in time for their eyes to meet.


Although the man in front of him was wearing a mask, he always felt that the face behind the mask must be grinning maliciously at this moment.


After all, this guy had just defeated a dozen of his peers, including himself, in a very short time. How could he not be proud?


"What's this kid's name again?"


As it turned out, Shen Fei had seriously overestimated his and his peers' importance in Chronicle's mind.


Seeing Shen Fei's gaze, Chronicle thought for a long time before he remembered that during the fight, someone had shouted this "red-haired baldy's" name.


"I think his name is Shen Fei."


Chronicle thought to himself, scrolling through the group member list. Sure enough, he saw the familiar, flowing red hair in the profile picture of the account with the same name in the group.


Having identified the right person, he directly messaged him in the group: "Hey, buddy, could you pass on the message I just sent to your classmates?"


"Unless I'm mistaken, these guys are probably from the Fusion faction."


"I don't know how they got in, but as it stands, we've just been through a big fight and our mental energy has been depleted. If we act rashly without knowing their background, things could get out of control."


"I've thought about it, and here's what I suggest: I'll try to keep them calm with my words, and you guys try to contact the outside world to see if we can get some help."


"If there's still no news in five minutes, then we'll all go in together and try to take these guys down quickly."


"I think it should be fine."


After sending a series of messages, Chronicle put away his phone and turned his gaze to Niu Chuang, who was busy sketching on the side.

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