Chapter 33 – Imagination, Legion Card

【Yin Play】


When many people hear this term, their first reaction is to associate it with the folk customs of certain places.


Including Chronicle himself, when he got this material, the first thing that came to his mind was a scene of a group of actors in full costume singing and performing in front of paper figures.


Eerie and otherworldly.


As they say, "first impressions are the most lasting," and these scenes have greatly influenced his ideas for creating the "Zhao Nan County North Yin Playfield" card.


Unconsciously, he wanted to make the "Yin Playfield" the core, choose one of the well-known ghost plays such as "Wu Pen Ji," "Qi Lang Tuo Shao," or "Guan Gong Xian Sheng," and design the scene domain based on their background stories.


This "sequential" thinking is also presented in the notes Ginger Tea gave him, which is the usual thinking process for most card craftsmen in this world.


Not only does it save time, but it also has a high success rate in creating cards, making it extremely cost-effective.


However, the cards created in this way are difficult to satisfy him, who has already been spoiled by Seven Brothers, Green Zombie, and Mountain Ghost Qian.


Just thinking about the effect of his first domain card, which is to drag the opponent into the underworld scene and command a group of evil spirits who love cosplay to beat them up, he felt that it was almost meaningless.


It's just regurgitating other people's ideas, lacking originality.


But because he had no inspiration, he could only temporarily set aside this material.


Until just now, when he was speculating about the internal logic of Seven Brothers' level-up through battles, the word "acting" suddenly popped into his head.


In an instant, he had a brilliant idea: who said that acting in a play must involve "actors"? He could direct and act himself!


You see, there are many folk arts in China where people dress up as mythological characters.


Although the forms of expression may have some differences, they have roughly the same purpose: to play gods, drive away evil spirits, and bring good luck.


Among them, the most famous is the Minnan "Zhen Tou" culture, which has been adapted into movies and the intangible cultural heritage "Nuo Opera."


As a lover of folk culture, even before he transmigrated, he had watched some related movies and TV shows, and even played a few single-player games involving these elements.


In those works, various "acting as gods" folk arts are used as a tool for the characters to "communicate" with the deities.


They imitate the words and actions of the gods, as well as their appearance, to achieve the goal of "acting as gods."


But temporarily borrowing the power of the gods.


"If I can really create such a card, even if Seven Brothers and Green Zombie are not around, I can drag 'Old Six,' who likes to cause trouble, into the domain, and then 'transform into a god' and give it a 'sudden surprise.'"


"At the very least… it can buy me some time."


Thinking of this, Chronicle couldn't help but smile, feeling that his idea was absolutely correct.


He was just a little uncertain whether a single domain card could achieve the desired effect.


"If it can't, it doesn't matter. I can always create an equipment card or a skill card to complement it."


"This ability is too important to me. If there's even a slight chance, I have to try!"


As Chronicle made up his mind, a sudden gust of cold wind blew, dispersing the mist created by Seven Brothers' "Borrowing Path" and revealing the bright moon hidden within.


He instinctively looked up and saw a flock of crows perched high in the sky, which he didn't know when they had gathered.


Cawing and making noise, disturbing the peace.


Without thinking, Chronicle picked up a stone from beside him and threw it directly at them with his transcendent strength.


The flock of crows did scatter, but they flew very slowly, looking extremely sluggish.


"They don't seem to be afraid of me…"


Chronicle said lightly, suddenly remembering some rumors about crows.


It is said that they are highly intelligent creatures that "hold grudges." They can not only recognize human faces but also inform their companions of the appearance of their "enemies."


"Seven Brothers… you really made things difficult for me."


A scene of him "swinging a chain to scare away birds" flashed through his mind, and Chronicle couldn't help but shake his head and laugh.


But after all, he was in a transcendent world, where even ghosts were not afraid of him, so how could he be afraid of these "harmless" little animals?


So he directly picked up a stone from the ground and threw it at a crow that had been staring at him.


The next moment, it hit the "bullseye"!




At the same time, inside the monitoring tent.


Su Wen, who was looking guilty and had a "repentant" look on his face, suddenly took a cold breath, leaned back, and almost fell backward, pressing against the chair.


Seeing his performance, the middle-aged man with white hair sitting across from him frowned and said displeasedly, "What kind of embarrassment did you cause again? Are you getting tired of listening?"


"No, no."


Su Wen waved his hands repeatedly, feeling helpless. "It's all because of Chronicle. He just finished causing a commotion in the first half of the night, and now, less than three hours later, he's out wandering again."


"I was worried that his mental strength might not be enough and that he might be in danger, so I shared my vision with the dark crows guarding him. Who knew that this guy would throw a stone as soon as he came up… and he was ruthless…"


"And then you got hit?" The middle-aged man with white hair leaned back, sinking into the back of the chair. "You're so scared by a stone, and you still have the nerve to make fun of others?"


"I'm just listening to your teachings and dare not be distracted."


Su Wen scratched his head and smiled, then turned his palm over.


A dark and dull crow fell from the top of the tent and slowly stood on his palm, turning into a card with a deep blue border in the blink of an eye.


Then, like a stone falling into a calm and mirror-like lake, ripples spread and frog croaks filled the air.


Countless Dark Crows gathered in the air, forming a dark torrent that rushed in through the ventilation holes of the tent, then turned into dots of blue light and fell into the card.


Su Wen saw the border of the card in his hand gradually change from purple to orange, and then suddenly jumped to orange, so he put the card away.Seeing this, the white-haired chairman sitting across from him seemed to have thought of something and suddenly said, "If you can teach those kids how to make this legion card in the next fifteen days, I won't punish you."


"Huh?" Upon hearing this, Su Wen, who had just put away his card, was taken aback.


"Huh what? You've given them such a big scare, don't you think you owe them some compensation?"


Watching the replay of the "Ghost Legion vs Meat Mountain" battle on the monitor, the chairman subconsciously squinted his eyes and tapped the office desk with his calloused knuckles, seemingly lost in thought.


Upon hearing this, Su Wen on the side was somewhat troubled and said, "Chairman, I'm not a professional teacher. I understand how the legion card works, but I don't know how to teach it to others."


"That's not my problem."


The chairman took a sip of hot tea and said indifferently, "Aren't you usually full of ideas? This little thing shouldn't be a problem for you, Su."


"'Taking care of kids is not simpler than fighting a war?' If I remember correctly, those were your exact words, weren't they?"

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