Chapter 32 – The key to becoming strong

"No, that's not right!"


In the next moment, Chronicle refuted his own point of view: "The word 'play' is not accurate enough. Perhaps words like 'fit', 'follow one's heart', 'competent' would be more appropriate."


Thinking of this, his eyes lit up.


His logic was actually very simple:


Cards don't just level up out of thin air, there must be a reason behind it.


But just like he had speculated before, Osiris's "quality" and "quantity" of battles since his "return" were not good enough.


The only special thing was that a few hours ago, he had returned to his original job: chasing and capturing evil spirits.


As a Card Craftsman, Chronicle could intuitively feel that Seven Brothers had been changing a lot during this time.


Especially after defeating the Flesh Mountain Specter, the sense of ease and satisfaction that came through his consciousness reached its peak.


It was probably at that moment that his card level smoothly upgraded to three stars.


"I should be right." Chronicle muttered to himself.


He suddenly remembered that just before he fell into a coma, Seven Brothers, who was about to return to his card state, casually killed a one-eyed monster bird.


At that time, his moves were smooth and exceptionally magnificent, giving the feeling of showing off his skills.


He didn't think much of it before, but now he realized that this performance was undoubtedly stronger than defeating the Flesh Mountain Specter.


"The timing is also right… which means my speculation is probably correct."


Thinking of this, Chronicle couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. "I really have discovered a big secret."


Yes, it was a secret.


He didn't believe that he was the only one who had come up with this not-so-complicated logic in the whole world for hundreds of years.


But the fact now was that card upgrades had become a problem that "can only" be solved with money in the eyes of the majority.


The details in between were intriguing.


"But what does this have to do with me? If I guessed right, I can quietly make a fortune. Why bother with so much?"


Chronicle thought to himself, then sat cross-legged and began to receive the feedback from the card crafting of "Leaping Green Zombie".


Although it was far less intense than Seven Brothers' previous experience, this new surge of power helped him break through the already crumbling barrier and smoothly reach the mid-bronze level.


There was nothing special about it.


After all, these so-called "early, middle, and late stages" were just milestones set by the association for card craftsmen to understand their cultivation, and they didn't have any substantial meaning.


What he could feel was that his physique had become stronger and his consciousness had become more abundant.


As for awakening special abilities and making great power return to oneself…


That was at least something that would happen after breaking through the golden level.


"Alright, time to sleep."


Chronicle lay back on the pillow, covered himself with a big red cotton quilt, and prepared to sleep.


But he didn't know if it was because he had experienced too much today and his mind was too excited, or because of the bottle of spiritual power potion, he wasn't sleepy at all.


As soon as he closed his eyes, the various experiences he had gone through earlier began to appear in his mind as images.


After tossing and turning for a long time like this, he sighed softly and decisively got up, put on his coat, and walked outside.


Unlike the previous dark silence, at this moment, the shining lights had illuminated the entire "Tombstone Group", adding a lot of vitality to this place.


But even so, there weren't many people who would choose to go out for a walk in the middle of the night.


Therefore, he could still enjoy a relatively quiet thinking environment.


He found a place to sit down casually, looked at the ink-like night in the distance and the crows perched on the edge of the sky, and sorted out the gains and losses of the day.


First, the "gains".


If we were to talk about his most significant gain today, it would be obtaining the highly potential card "Leaping Green Zombie", which further deepened the depth of his lineup.


Secondly, both he and Seven Brothers "leveled up" today, and their strength had been improved to a certain extent.


Finally, considering the long term, Seven Brothers' explosive performance today would undoubtedly earn him a lot of resources.


These were his "gains" today.


As for the "losses".


Due to the special status of card craftsmen, the scenes that happened tonight wouldn't necessarily make him fall into a situation where "the tree attracts the wind and the wind destroys it", but it was inevitable that he would attract more attention and scrutiny.


This required him to quickly adjust his mindset and be prepared to become a "prominent figure" who could withstand the pressure.


These things weren't really a big deal for him.


What he really cared about was that in this battle, he had revealed many of his trump cards and exposed some flaws.


Although with the current strength of Yao Yuan, Li Baitian, and others, even if they guessed some of Seven Brothers' skill effects, it wouldn't pose a threat to him.


But revealing trump cards was never a good thing, and it could potentially bring hidden dangers to his future development.


That was his true "loss" today.


And the solution was simple.


The most direct way was to create more cards to expand his card deck.


For example, if in the future, one of his opponents discovered that the card "Guiding Reaper: Osiris" was extremely effective against spiritual beings and specifically prepared other types of cards to counter it.


In such a situation, if he had very few cards in his hand, he would be left helpless and powerless.


But what if he had more cards?


Could you dodge "Osiris" and fight against "Erlang"?


Could you avoid "Erlang" and compete against the "Living Buddha"?


In short, that's what it meant.


As long as a card craftsman had enough cards, he could overturn the table at any time and dictate all the rules.


But when it came to this, it involved the issue of "money" again.


After traveling for so many days, Chronicle had gained a rough understanding of the current situation in this world.


The core problem was "scarce resources".


In this era, even if Seven Brothers performed exceptionally well today and won the attention of many important figures, it wouldn't allow him to "rise to the top" in one step.He must be extremely cautious in choosing his future card-making targets, ensuring that every penny is spent where it's most effective.


According to his plan, the initial strategy should be centered around one core concept: survival.


This was the insight he gained from the danger he immediately fell into as soon as Seven Brothers left tonight.


Although he now has the protection of the Leaping Green Zombie and Seven Brothers has become even stronger, these are, after all, external forces.


Uncle Long once said, "The wise seek strength from within, while the foolish seek strength from outside."


No matter how powerful the summoning card is, it can't be considered as a "self-protection ability".


Seven Brothers and the zombie are powerful, but the world is full of changes, and they can't always be by his side.


He must ultimately find a way to enhance his own strength.


In other words, he still needs to make cards.


With this in mind, he subconsciously reached into his pocket and pulled out the blue-quality material card, "Zhao Nan County North Yin Theater".


This material is the key he prepared to break his own weakness.


It is also the switch to becoming a true powerhouse.

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