Chapter 89 – My God, what’s going on?

The war-torn land on this planet is undoubtedly the Middle East.

The Kandak civil war has been going on for several years. Just when someone took control of the country and brought the chaos to an end, they started a war with the neighboring country of Kovac.

The war has been going on for a year.

It’s like a quagmire, with both countries deeply entrenched, constantly pulling and struggling, unable to break free.

The streets of the capital of Kandak.

The residents, with sunken eyes and tired faces from living under high pressure for a long time, hurried back and forth. Armed soldiers could be seen patrolling the streets from time to time, and the oppressive atmosphere filled the streets and alleys.

David and Diana strolled through the streets, attracting some attention.

Setting aside their outstanding looks and temperament, the relaxed and natural aura of the two of them was almost out of place in this long-suffering country, standing out from the crowd.

In addition, Diana’s ancient female warrior costume made her stand out in the bustling city, attracting attention wherever she went.

“Is this how people dress outside now?”

Almost everyone turned to look at her. Diana, exuding strong self-confidence, felt no discomfort on her face, but rather found modern clothing strange.

“Don’t they feel uncomfortable?”

Compared to Diana’s perception of ancient Greek style, the modern clothing looked uncomfortable with tight sleeves and collars.

“People find it strange when a goat looks at a donkey, and a donkey looks at a goat the same way.”

David said indifferently.

Compared to some modern cities, Kandak City is relatively backward, but it has also maintained a considerable amount of original flavor and ancient relics.

Buildings made of stacked stones are everywhere.

If it were a real concrete jungle, Diana would probably feel even more out of place.

“Is Ares in this country?”

Diana, sensing that David thought she was concerned about unnecessary matters, turned to the business at hand.

After leaving Paradise Island, David brought her across the ocean and came straight to this country, as if he had a precise target in mind.

“Not certain, but it’s very likely.”

David replied truthfully.

The two of them walked through the city towards the base outside the city.

He didn’t read many comics, but he knew a little about Ares’ methods.

“The eldest son of the Heavenly Father likes to support a weak country and a strong country to fight, or support two weak countries, manipulating the situation like playing a card game, disregarding the lives of countless humans.”

To maintain a long-term balance between the two sides and keep them in an endless war, in order to draw power from the war.

“If he’s not here, he’s probably in the neighboring Kovac.”

“This country quickly ended the civil war within a year, and a small warlord emerged to take control of the entire territory.”

“The other country, from being poor and backward to receiving inexplicably large financial support, buying weapons as if they were free, and their military strength has skyrocketed.”

What started as minor border friction between the two countries has now resulted in a cycle of “today I take a piece of your land, tomorrow you capture one of my cities.”

It sounds like child’s play, except that tens of thousands of troops have already died as a result.

“There is an invisible hand manipulating everything behind the scenes.”

Listening to David’s account of the changes in the two countries over a short period of time, Diana looked skeptical.

“You’re not entirely foolish.”

David nodded.

He had been paying attention to the news of these two countries, because of the familiar name of Kandak – the hometown of Black Adam, but he hadn’t paid much attention to it before.

When it came to Ares, who likes to provoke wars, he immediately thought of these two countries.

“Mother was right. Ares is cruel and bloodthirsty, and he loves to hear the cries of pain in war. Wherever he goes, he brings chaos and war.”

Diana’s face was filled with hatred, and she unconsciously clenched her fists.

Since her mother said that Zeus left behind a god-killer and sent the strongest female warrior of the Amazon tribe to kill Ares, she would not fail the divine sword she carried.

“The evil God of War must be ended!”

David glanced at the Sword of the Fire God behind Diana.

The divine weapon was extremely sharp, but it seemed that in the movie, when Diana stabbed Ares with the sword, the blade disintegrated upon contact with him.

“Even the divine power shield created by the Amazonians shouldn’t be so fragile.”

He didn’t know how Ares did it.

“What’s this?”

The center of the capital of Kandak is an ancient palace ruin, so Ismail placed his military government headquarters outside the city, just as they were about to leave the city.

An ice cream truck caught Diana’s curiosity.

She saw the children living in this war-torn country buying something colorful and cool on the street, and after taking a bite, they actually showed happy smiles.

“Ice cream.”

David shook his head, confirming that Diana, who had been isolated from the world for thousands of years, had no knowledge of modern things.

“Two ice creams, please.”

He took out a banknote and bought two at random.

One was vanilla, and the other was chocolate, which he handed to Diana.

“It’s so sweet.”

Diana, the daughter of Zeus and the princess of the Amazon tribe, dressed as a female war god, ate one in each hand.

“How can something so delicious exist?”

She tasted one, then the other, her eyes shining as she looked at the ice cream vendor, clearing her throat and, like a princess, sincerely praised the chef from the common people.

“You can be proud of this.”Such a delectable treat, even a chef applying for a position at the royal palace would be sufficient. I believe that even if the king were to eat such delicious things every day, he would be very happy.

“Thank you, madam.”

The vendor was taken aback for a moment and doffed his straw hat.

He had only heard people say that his ice cream was cheap, but it was the first time someone had praised the deliciousness of his ice cream with the tone of a queen bestowing an honor.

David watched Diana, with a sword and shield on her back, enjoying two ice creams as she walked out of the city, his expression odd.

Wonder Woman’s love for ice cream was indeed true.

Even without knowing what it was, she was attracted to it at first sight.

To find out where Ares is, one must first meet his expansion class.

“Halt, don’t move!”

Outside the heavily guarded military base, the soldiers of Ismael’s New Internationalism Front raised their dark gun barrels from afar, aiming at David and the other person who had walked up to this point, stopping them.

They looked at the two with vigilant expressions.

“Do you dare to approach this place without seeing the warning signs ahead?”

A man and a woman appeared relaxed, as if they were here for tourism, and indeed, by their features, they were not from this country.

“I suspect you are spies. Come with us.”

Approaching a foreign military base rashly, no matter which country’s citizens, would not be justified. A squad of Front soldiers was about to take the two away, among them, two looked at Diana with lecherous eyes.

“I don’t like the look in your eyes!”

David was ready to raise his hand and send these few people to meet Anubis.

Having just finished the delicious ice cream and in a somewhat good mood, Diana’s face turned angry, and she swung her Lasso of Truth, sending the squad of soldiers in front of her flying.

“Attack, we’re under attack, sound the alarm!”

Inside the bunker built against the mountain, a group of Front soldiers had already noticed the commotion at the gate. Seeing their own people being inexplicably knocked away, they quickly opened fire.

Clang, clang, clang!

Diana, with agile movements, pulled out the divine shield from behind her to block the front, and all the bullets fired were deflected.

David stood behind her, protected for a moment, with not a single annoying bullet coming his way.

“Shoot her legs.”

In just a few seconds, hundreds of bullets formed a metallic torrent that poured out, all hitting the shield. The officer adjusted his military cap and angrily shouted at his subordinates holding submachine guns.

“You idiots, this isn’t training, do you think her shield is a target?”

As he spoke, the officer aimed at Diana’s legs, which were not covered by the shield, and frantically pulled the trigger.

But for some reason, the bullets fired were all drawn to the shield, leaving him dumbfounded.

“My God, what’s going on?”

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