Chapter 66 – Haven’t you noticed?

David seized the opportunity to capture Rao, who was trying to escape on a helicopter, and threw him into Wayne Manor in Gotham. As for how to deal with his father-in-law, it was Bruce’s business.

David and Clark hurried back to the small town hospital.

Although they had the God of Wine Factor, there was no need to worry even if their father Jonathan died. But how could their mother face such unbearable grief!

“Mom, we’re back.”

The door of the hospital room opened, and the clock on the wall pointed to twelve noon. David and Clark, who had rushed back, entered the room.

Clark cautiously looked outside, locked the ward from behind, and closed the curtains.

The following bizarre scene may not be suitable for ordinary people to witness.

“Is this the spring water that can detoxify your father?”

Martha, with red eyes, stood up beside the hospital bed, her eyes hopeful as she looked at the test tube in David’s hand.

“More or less, Mom.”

David looked at his unconscious father Jonathan on the bed.

“Dad will wake up soon, strong and healthy as before, as if nothing had happened.”

Looking at Kara, David didn’t send her away. He walked to Jonathan’s side with the test tube in his hand and touched his father’s feverish forehead before pouring the contents of the test tube.

The deep green metallic liquid dripped onto Jonathan’s unconscious forehead.

David stopped halfway, leaving some for his mother. He planned to see the effect first, and if it didn’t work, he still had time to pour the rest.

The shimmering metallic green penetrated the skin and flesh, entering Jonathan’s body like spring water seeping into the soil.

A miraculous scene unfolded before their eyes, and Kara’s mouth hung open.

Perhaps this was truly the holy water that could keep people forever young and bring them back from the dead.

One second, two seconds, three seconds… Ten quiet seconds passed.

Everyone in the room held their breath, not daring to make a sound.


Jonathan’s nose gasped for air violently, as if emerging from a suffocating river or waking up from a nightmare. He opened his eyes in surprise and sat up abruptly.

The heart rate monitor in the room beeped, and the smell of disinfectant filled the air.

His wife and two sons stood by with hopeful expressions, along with a young girl he didn’t recognize.

“Huh… Where am I?”

He rubbed his groggy head as if he had slept for a long time.

“Jonathan, do you feel anything wrong?”

His wife Martha cried tears of joy and asked with concern.


Facing the concerned eyes of his two sons, he moved his arms and looked puzzled.

“Well, something does feel off.”

Could it be that the residual poison hadn’t been completely cleared, or the dosage of the God of Wine Factor wasn’t enough?

David prepared to take out the remaining God of Wine Factor.

“I haven’t felt this young and energetic since I turned thirty. I think I can go to Old Burn’s ranch and apply for a cowboy job now.”

Jonathan felt as if he had endless strength in his body and said to his family.

“You scared me, Jonathan.”

Martha’s relieved heart was startled, and she lightly scolded her husband with a hint of blame.

“That’s great.”

Father woke up, and Clark was excited and patted his younger brother’s shoulder.

“Mom, you should still take Dad for a check-up later.”

David secretly breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and still worried.

As for the sudden improvement of the poisoned patient, they could say that there was an antidote formula hidden in the indigenous tribe.

As for the God of Wine Factor, it was impossible to detect through normal scientific means.

“Yes, David is right.”

Martha also agreed.

Jonathan remembered what happened before he passed out and looked at his family, his eyes filled with contemplation.

Something inexplicable seemed to have happened during his coma, and he looked at Kara in the ward with some confusion.

“By the way, who is this child?”

He looked at his two sons and asked.

The three of them seemed to be the same age, perhaps they knew each other.

After a detailed physical examination, Jonathan’s body was incredibly healthy, as healthy as a man in his thirties.

An amazed doctor heard about the detoxifying herb and wanted to study it.

But David managed to pass it off with the excuse that it was forbidden to be disclosed outside the tribe.

After Jonathan and Martha packed up, they were discharged from the hospital and returned home. They prepared for the evening banquet. Kara was busy with the preparations and, to express their gratitude, the couple invited her to their home for dinner.

Having the opportunity to get closer to Martha’s parents, Kara gladly accepted and left.

David and Clark were now in front of another ward in the small town hospital. Through the transparent glass, they saw a middle-aged man whose heart rate suddenly dropped and was being resuscitated by doctors. The defibrillator couldn’t save his failing heart.


Seeing a life about to pass away, Clark hesitated to speak.

“Don’t even think about it!”

As soon as he opened his mouth, David knew what he wanted to say and directly refused.

“The remaining spring water is for Mom.”


When Kara investigated the reappearance of the extinct Devil’s Flower and incidentally looked into the identity of the man who had the car accident, it was not difficult to guess the reasons behind it.

“Because he was expelled from the mainstream scientific community for publishing crazy and bold theories. He wants to regain his honor through research and effort. It’s an inspirational story.”

David looked at the person in the hospital bed with a cold gaze.

“But you shouldn’t have involved my family.”

This guy not only had no blood relation to him, not worth a drop of the God of Wine Factor, but also implicated them in the true culprit who almost caused their family to suffer a disaster.

“I won’t lay a hand on him, but I won’t save him either.”

Hearing David’s words, Clark felt helpless.

There was no need to lay a hand on him. It was clear that the man wouldn’t survive.

“Unfortunately, a talented genius died here.”

A voice came, and Lex Luthor, dressed in an expensive suit, walked slowly from behind the two. He stopped and looked at the person in the hospital room who couldn’t be saved, shaking his head.

“Lex, what are you doing here?”

Clark was surprised.

“I never knew there was a genius hiding in this small town before.”

Luthor said,

“I intended to visit today, but I missed the chance.”

Looking at the person who had just been declared dead by the doctor behind the glass bed, a hint of regret flashed in his eyes.

After having people investigate the various strange tales of the town, he unexpectedly discovered that a once-renowned figure in the scientific community was actually living in this small town.

The thesis on the impact of meteorites on genetic evolution and mutation coincided with his conjecture – meteorites were the origin of all the oddities in the town.

“At 3:46, the patient was declared dead after unsuccessful resuscitation.”

After declaring the patient dead, the doctor left the ward.

“Being one step ahead makes you a genius, but being ten steps ahead makes you a madman, Dr. Hamilton.”

As the nurse covered the body, declared clinically dead, with a white cloth, Luthor bowed his head, seemingly mourning for the person in the ward.

“Do you highly approve of Dr. Hamilton’s research?”

The purpose of Luthor’s visit might not be as simple as a courtesy call, David turned his eyes and said.

In fact, Hamilton had a bit of a reputation in this small town. Although many people had never seen him and didn’t know his name, many had heard that there was a strange scientist living alone in a trailer in the woods, studying meteorites.

Luthor counter-questioned.

“Growing up in this town, haven’t you noticed the strange occurrences gradually appearing in the town after the meteor showers?”

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