Chapter 50 – Batman who robs banks

“In fact, Mom and Dad… you don’t have to worry about me.”

Having gained new abilities, David no longer intends to hide his special powers.

Although the mutated physique of the Eternal Clan cannot be revealed to prevent his parents from worrying about his strange appearance, the ability to manipulate energy can be displayed.

“What do you mean?”

Seeing their son about to reveal something, the couple looked at each other in confusion.


With a smile in his eyes, David raised his hand, and a highly condensed purple energy sphere formed but did not release.

“I also have some special abilities, so self-defense is not a problem.”

The purple light illuminated the room.

“Son, what… what is going on?”

Jonathan and Martha were shocked and speechless as they looked at the purple light emanating from their son’s hand, like a small purple sun.

Clark widened his eyes, unable to believe what he was seeing.

This scene of his younger brother displaying his abilities was different from what he had imagined.

In the living room, a pin could be heard dropping.

Let the shocked parents digest the sudden news for a while.

“Manipulating energy?”

David went upstairs to prepare to leave, and Clark followed, unable to believe it as he asked, “You actually hid a part of your abilities from me.”

He would tell David about any abilities he had, and his brother’s concealment made him feel a little sad, as if it was out of caution.

“It’s an ability I recently awakened.”

In his room, David pulled out a box from under the bed and effortlessly moved the hundred-pound box onto the table.

The box was about the size of a baby’s cradle.


“Believe it or not.”


Seeing that David didn’t seem to be lying, Clark’s emotions eased slightly, and he was about to ask when he acquired this ability.


David opened the box.

Pieces of meteorites emitting green fluorescence lay quietly in the wooden box, roughly seventy to eighty pieces.

“These… these are meteorites?”

Clark was halfway through his sentence when he was dumbfounded. “How can there be so many meteorites?”

If he hadn’t lost his powers, he might have passed out directly on the ground when the box was opened.


He stared at his younger brother with wide eyes.

“Why did you collect so many meteorites?”

“For collection.”

David raised an eyebrow. “Is that not allowed?”

Looking at his brother’s calm expression, Clark was so angry that he almost fainted.

“Do you think I believe you?”

He couldn’t believe that he had just exposed the weakness of the meteorites a few days ago, and his brother had collected such a large box of them.

It was enough to build him an urn.

In fact, these were the reserves that David had dug up a long time ago. He thought it would be enough for the next few years, so he hadn’t searched for more.


David took out a slightly larger piece of meteorite.

Energy rays shot out from his eyes, manipulating the rays like lasers to cut through the meteorite with precision.

With precise manipulation, the hard outer layer of the meteorite was quickly cut off like a hot knife through butter.

“You can actually shoot energy beams from your eyes?”

Clark was astonished, looking at his brother’s actions with some confusion. “What are you doing?”

“It’s foolish to carry a piece of rock with you.”

As he spoke, David quickly finished what he was doing.

“And the radiation emitted by the raw meteorite is not strong enough.”

Blowing away the green stone chips like green snow, the light in David’s eyes dissipated.

In the palm of his hand, there was a ring cut from the innermost crystal of the meteorite, resembling an immaculate green gemstone, emitting strong radiation. Even in the daylight, a faint fluorescence could be seen.

Clark looked at the emerald ring, his face turning green, feeling a sense of poisoning and involuntarily stepping back.

Even though he no longer felt weak and in pain, there was still a lingering psychological shadow.

“David, you will destroy it once you successfully bring Avery back, right?”

Putting the box back in its original place.

Facing Clark’s probing, David put on the Kryptonite ring on his right index finger and smiled without saying a word.

“You will destroy it… right?” With an extremely ominous premonition, Clark swallowed hard and his voice lacked confidence.

Clark wanted to accompany his brother, but Jonathan and Martha didn’t allow it. Without his powers, it would be best for him to stay at home and not cause trouble for his brother.

After going downstairs, David was about to leave.

He didn’t need to bring any luggage; a Kryptonite ring was enough.

“Child, are you sure you have the confidence to bring Avery back and not get hurt?”

At the entrance of the house, Jonathan and Martha still had a look of shock and surprise on their faces. Seeing David about to leave, they couldn’t help but worry.

Their son was going on a long journey to another city, and there might be dangers involved. How could parents feel at ease?

“There won’t be any problems.”

David let out a breath and smiled.

After revealing his abilities, he felt much more relaxed.

“My ability to manipulate energy is best at defense. Clark’s attacks won’t break through my defense.”


Jonathan and Martha looked at Clark.


Clark nodded with a stiff expression.

Actually, he hadn’t tried it yet, but at this time, he definitely shouldn’t let his parents worry.

“David, please be careful.”

Clark looked worried as he stepped forward and hugged David tightly.He clenched his fists secretly. According to reason, this matter should not be done by David. He felt a little guilty in his heart.


David also hugged his parents, turned around, and waved his hand.

“Gotham is not far away. I will be back soon.”

Jonathan held his wife Martha in his arms, looked at the back of his son leaving, and his eyes were filled with worry.

“May God bless our David’s safe return.”

Without looking back, David knew his parents’ expressions and felt helpless.

Before hiding his abilities, his parents worried about his safety. After revealing his abilities, his parents still couldn’t let go of their worries.

He left a residual image in place and accelerated away.

Gotham is not far from Metropolis, just across the water.

The two cities facing each other across the sea have close cultural and economic exchanges.

Like Metropolis, Gotham is a prosperous and advanced modern city, with tall buildings everywhere. Even the high-orbit tram system, which Metropolis does not have, runs through the city like blood vessels in the human body, with developed transportation, supplying nutrients to Gotham’s heart, Wayne Tower.

But unlike Metropolis, Gotham is superficially glamorous but secretly dirty. The high crime rate is an indelible label of Gotham.


Lead-gray clouds covered the sky, and cold raindrops fell. Birds with wet feathers were unable to fly, standing on the walls of tall buildings, combing their feathers.

The bird’s head trembled as it leaned down, and in its eyes, a black umbrella slowly crossed the street.

Clang clang!

“Gotham seems to have an indelible gloom, endless rain.”

Looking at the long tram tracks passing by with noise, David, wearing a gray windbreaker, raised a corner of his umbrella and glanced at the gloomy sky, sighing lightly.

This was his impression of Gotham.

At least the first few times he came to Gotham, he didn’t encounter sunny weather.

“How can such a gloomy and damp place not breed some mold and dirt.”

In a nearby dark alley, a person with a pale face sniffed and shivered, took out a roll of money like a thief, looked around, urging others to hurry up and take out things to complete the transaction. There were several people lined up behind.

Close to the wall of the alley, an elderly homeless man with a shriveled body and a beard curled up, his eyes reflecting the dim gray sky, lying numbly on the cold ground.

Several young homeless men with wicked looks, wearing tattered clothes, gathered around a burning trash can, stretching out their hands wearing worn-out gloves to keep warm, trembling.

Seeing someone looking over, they glared at him like a few dirty and scruffy stray dogs guarding their territory.

This is the bustling city center of Gotham.

David shook his head, climbed the steps, put away his umbrella, and walked into the Gotham National Bank, which had an exterior wall like an ancient castle.

“It’s not a simple task to find someone in a city with millions of people without the super vision and super hearing of a Kryptonian.”

First of all, he needed some money.

The exterior looked like ancient bricks, with a long history, but the inside of the bank was spacious and tidy, with sturdy marble columns, soft brown sofas, and bright display windows.

The decoration was classical and elegant, yet it did not lack a modern cultural atmosphere.

“Old things can also be renewed.”

The well-dressed bank manager, on the other side of the free coffee, talked confidently to some customers.

“Do you remember? The old coffee machine used to always fail to filter out the coffee grounds, so the customers always had grounds on their teeth. I don’t know how many customers complained.”

“Look at our renovated Gotham National Bank, with a fresh environment, modern equipment, and a high-tech security system. We guarantee to provide you with better service and protect your wealth more securely.”

Walking on the shiny marble floor, ignoring the proud lobby manager with open arms, David slowly walked to the counter, ready to handle his business.

“I believe that no one would dislike the current Gotham National Bank, right?”

“Don’t be too sure, sir!”

A sudden loud voice interrupted, and a group of men in suits, holding submachine guns and carrying black bags, wearing red hoods, broke in. The leader sneered and pointed his gun at the manager.

“I prefer the bank sixty years ago. The bank vault door at that time must not be as thick as it is now. It couldn’t be blasted open with a tank!”

Ah ah ah… Bang!

A piercing scream instantly resounded in the bank. Before the frightened people could react, the bank manager, frozen in expression, was shot in the head.

“Stick to the old, it doesn’t harm anyone.”

As the body fell, the man elegantly smiled, put his index finger on his mouth, and softly uttered words that spread throughout the hall like a cold winter wind, making people shiver.

“For example, you should all obediently lie on the ground like the rats on the church beams, or we will use you to decorate the walls!”

Robbing a national bank during the day, a daring and audacious crime.

In less than an hour after arriving in Gotham, he was about to experience the characteristics of Gotham again.

David glanced around.

“Is this city so eager to awaken my impression of it?”One by one, they wore red hoods, black suits, and even a red rose pinned to their chests. They looked dignified and elegant, not like they were here to rob a bank, but rather to attend a banquet.

Such class, but then again, Gotham was never short of classy criminals.

“Oh, there’s a kid here who didn’t follow instructions. Can’t you understand?”

Everyone in the hall was trembling and lying down, except for one person who was still standing there, looking calm and even a bit curious, as if he didn’t realize that this was a bank robbery where lives could be lost at any moment. He was very conspicuous.

Seeing David, the gang leader waved his hand with a smile, as if he was dismissing a servant at a banquet to bring him a glass of champagne.

“Red Hood Five, give this disobedient gentleman a lesson he’ll remember for life.”

One of the gangsters behind him stepped forward, ran menacingly to David, pointed a gun at his head, and spoke in a low, terrifying voice that made people afraid.

“Kneel down, I said kneel down!”

With that, he kicked hard at David’s knee, but it was like kicking a steel pillar, unmoving!

Feeling a dull pain in his foot, Red Hood Five furrowed his brows under his hood, a flash of surprise in his eyes.

“I’ve heard that the people of Gotham are having a hard time.”

Raising an eyebrow, David chuckled at the unimpressive Red Hood Five in front of him.

“But I didn’t expect that Bruce Wayne, the owner of Wayne Enterprises, would have fallen so far as to rob a bank?”

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