Chapter 5 – Clark, did you save Luthor?


Time seemed to slow down.

In an instant, the rippling water inside the school bus, the flying hair of the unstable girls, and the saliva sprayed out of the mouths of the terrified boys all seemed to slow down a hundredfold. The floating water cups on the surface of the water also seemed to move in slow motion.

David observed the situation and calmly shattered the glass beside him.

With a swift movement, he arrived in front of the school bus like a torpedo.

The front of the school bus was high, and the people inside were in a state of panic and chaos, unaware of his presence.

In the water, David remained calm and relaxed, without holding his breath.

“Thanos, with his Eternal physiology, can survive in the vacuum of space at temperatures below minus two hundred degrees, without eating, drinking, or even breathing.”

Not to mention being underwater.

With clearly defined knuckles, David placed his palm on the front of the bus and effortlessly pushed away the person blocking his view with a single hand.

In the rushing river, the school bus, weighing over ten tons and comparable to a medium-sized bus, flew out like a projectile launched by an explosive force, breaking through the water’s surface. With a loud bang, it flew towards the riverbank, accompanied by a splashing water spray.


On the surface of the river, the school bus, which had traveled a distance of over ten meters in an arc, landed heavily on the grassy riverbank. The heavy rubber tires sank into the mud, and the recoil from the impact caused the entire bus to bounce.

The glass windows shattered, and fragments flew everywhere.


The people inside the school bus fell forward and backward, caught off guard, and covered their heads in fear.

“What happened?”

After a while, when the glass shards had fallen to the ground, the people inside the bus stood up in disbelief, looking outside.

Just a moment ago, they were in the dim and turbulent river, their lives in danger. Now, they were on a sunny and beautiful shore, surrounded by the chirping of birds in the woods. Everything seemed so vivid and wonderful.

“Are we dreaming?” They stared at each other in astonishment.

“Oh my God!”

The religious school bus driver took off his hat, his expression shocked, his eyes searching the river as if trying to find the figures of certain angels.

“Are you okay, Chloe?”

A voice came from beside her. Chloe, who had survived the ordeal, turned pale and looked over.

David and she were both soaked, but their expressions were calm. There was no trace of fear on David’s deep and profound face.

Did everyone in the Kent family have such a strong heart?

“I’m… I’m fine.”

Having narrowly escaped death, Chloe still couldn’t recover from the miraculous scene and said in a daze, “I thought the next time I would come into contact with light and air, it would be when a crane came to salvage the school bus full of our bodies from the bottom of the river.”

“What exactly happened?”

This was the common question in the minds of everyone in the bus, except for David. “Who saved them? Did God hear their cries?”

“We need to get off the bus and leave this place.” The slightly recovered bus driver shouted loudly.

The riverbank was slippery, and if the bus slid back into the river, it would be a deadly joke.


With wet clothes clinging to their bodies, David twisted his clothes and calmly left the bus with the other people who were still in shock, narrowly avoiding it becoming their coffin.

“It seems like something hit us and knocked us out of the river!”

Looking in astonishment at the collapsed front of the bus, which seemed to have been hit by an Asian elephant, the burly bus driver opened his mouth and couldn’t close it for a long time.

“Is there a water monster in the river?”

The group of students were still frightened and discussing it, constantly amazed.

“Our bus crashed into its head, and it threw us out?”

Looking back at the surging river, it felt as if a huge monster was lurking beneath the surface.

Glancing at the traces he left behind, David casually withdrew his gaze.

Thanos, a mutant of the Eternal race, possessed unimaginable strength and endurance, as well as superhuman recovery ability and agility. His skin was almost indestructible, especially when facing cold, heat, electricity, radiation, poison, aging, and diseases.

His physical strength surpassed that of vibranium, and his terrifying power was enough to kill deities.

“Although I have only fused with more than eighty percent of the template for now.”

But he didn’t know the limit of his power.

Pickup trucks, boulders… everything felt light as a feather.

According to David’s estimation, he could easily catch an airplane falling from the sky like an adult Superman, pull a steel battleship weighing thousands of tons, and effortlessly lift a residential building with over ten floors.

“But there is no omnipotent biological standing, and most of those things would probably crumble and disintegrate.”

The bus driver jokingly said that something had knocked the bus out of the river. It was pure nonsense.

When they were underwater, David didn’t dare to exert too much force with a simple push, fearing that these people would be spared the suffocating pain and meet God prematurely.

The group of people moved away from the riverbank and sat on the side, waiting for rescue personnel and parents to arrive.

The bus had plunged into the river and inexplicably been knocked onto the shore. This was an extremely bizarre incident, enough to puzzle some biologists and scientists.

“But in this small town, it’s not uncommon, and it’s far from shattering people’s worldview.”

Since the meteor shower over ten years ago, strange things had been happening frequently in this small town.What about the comatose patient who suddenly woke up after many years and disappeared, or the giant wolf larger than a tiger spotted in the dark forest at night, or the little girl carrying a teddy bear in the deserted graveyard at midnight who vanished the moment you turned your head…

Monsters with strange speed and immense strength roaring as they chiseled the mountain in the middle of the night…

Countless incidents.

Upon hearing that a child had an accident and almost drowned, the worried parents rushed over in no time.

Seeing that it was his mother, Martha, who drove over and stopped by the roadside, David approached with a puzzled look.

“David, are you alright?” Martha, anxious and worried, ran over and examined David from head to toe, looking for any signs of injury.

“Does your leg hurt? What about your chest? Did you choke on anything?”

“I’m fine, mother.”

After patiently demonstrating several times that he was unharmed, David managed to calm his mother down. Holding her hand, colder than his own, he smiled and asked, “Why did you come? Where’s father?”

He had thought about revealing his powers to his parents before.

But unlike Clark, his skin turned purple and stripes appeared on his chin whenever he used his powers. He looked more like an alien, even more so than a Kryptonian, and he was afraid that Jonathan and Martha would worry.

“The police just called. Your brother had a car accident on another bridge and fell into the river. Your father went to see him.”

Martha’s expression was worried and strange.

Oddly enough, both her sons had accidents at the same time. One’s school bus skidded off the road into the river, and the other was hit by a car and fell into the river.

“A car accident? Did he damage someone else’s car?”

David was puzzled.

“Is the driver okay? Will we have to pay for the damages?”

The school bus fell into the river, a scenario that seemed all too familiar. How did Clark manage to fall into the river after avoiding it? Was this the power of fate?

“David, Clark is your brother.”

Hearing her younger son say this, Martha, who was originally worried, responded with a hint of helplessness.

“I know.

But his body, even a truck can’t damage it, right?”

David shrugged.

Even if it was damaged, as long as he wasn’t dead, a little sunbathing would fix him right up.

“See you in the afternoon, Chloe.”

After chatting with his mother for a bit and saying goodbye to Chloe, mother and son headed towards the car. They got into the old pickup truck that had served the Kent family for over a decade and drove away.

After David left, Chloe, who had been wrapped in a blanket by the rescue team, was shivering from the cold.

Suddenly, she noticed a footprint not far away, with a piece of crushed fresh green water grass underneath.


Chloe looked puzzled, glancing around.

Whose footprint was this? Everyone was still on the bus when it reached the shore, so why was there water grass?

Aside from a few injured students, and a few who took this as an opportunity to pretend to be hurt and take a day off to play at home.

Classes resumed as usual that afternoon and the next day, nothing was delayed.

David couldn’t help but marvel at the thick-skinned and adaptable residents of this small town.

“Being baptized by a meteor shower really makes a difference.”

The next day, at dusk.

David and Clark returned home from school.

In the farmyard, at the entrance of the small courtyard, a brand new red pickup truck was parked quietly. The shiny paint reflected the afterglow of the sunset, and a ribbon was wrapped around it, like a gift.

“Whose car is this?”

Seeing his mother who had just finished her chores in the barn, Clark approached and asked with a smile.

“Mom, are we finally getting a new car?”

“This is your car, Clark.”


“You saved Lex, and this is the car he gave you.”

Martha frowned and pulled out a thank you letter, handing it to Clark.

David had heard about it yesterday. Clark was hit by a runaway silver sports car and fell off the bridge. But he was fine, while the owner of the sports car almost died in the river.

Clark pulled him out of the river, saving his life, and the man was greatly surprised by Clark’s physique.

“Dear Clark: Drive carefully, don’t be like me…”

Hearing this, Clark eagerly opened the letter, reading it out loud with excitement, “I am forever grateful for what happened yesterday – Lex Luthor.”

He had already thought about how he would drive this beautiful pickup to school, surely it would catch Lana’s attention.

David, who didn’t care much about this, raised an eyebrow and looked at the thank you letter with a strange expression when he heard the name.

“Hold on, Clark, you saved Lex Luthor?”

“Yeah, what’s wrong?” The young Superman looked up, puzzled by his brother’s expression.

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