Chapter 40 – The sold Kent Farm

In the video, Flange, who was tied to a chair, tearfully confessed to his past crimes.

“He frequently helped the gang sell out informants, plotted against colleagues who had conflicts with him, framed obstacles to promotion in the police station, threatened people to steal various trade secrets… The crimes he committed are enough for him to be executed five or six times.”

In the end, the video also showed Flange’s desire to control Clark.

“If Clark doesn’t listen, I will give him a taste of my power, like bringing in a corpse and an illegal gun, hiding them in the barn, framing your father for murder, and getting your father into prison. That’s when I will truly have leverage over your family.”

Trembling voices could be heard in the video as Flange confessed fearfully.

But Clark could still hear the sinister calculations that sent shivers down his spine.

Perhaps his younger brother was right, he was naively hopeful.

“I was wrong about this.”

After the video finished playing, Clark’s face turned slightly ugly. He admitted his mistake to his brother.

He looked at David seriously, his face filled with worry.

“But you shouldn’t kill, little brother.

You haven’t even finished high school, yet you can beat someone into a vegetative state without blinking an eye, torture and kill, and handle corpses.

I’m really scared.”

Strictly speaking, his younger brother David was still underage, but many of the things he had done were enough to make many adults shudder.

Compared to someone being killed, the future Superman Clark was more worried about David’s future.

[Clark’s concern +35…]

[Template integration 96% complete]

“What do you think of those soldiers who kill in the defense war?”

David asked.

“Are they uncontrollable, evil-minded murderers?”

“Of course not.”

Clark said, how could defending the country be a crime.

“Then don’t interfere with me anymore.”

With these words, David turned and left.

“I am protecting this family, not allowing any external troubles or destruction!”

Watching his brother’s departing figure, Clark opened his mouth but couldn’t say anything in response.

If his brother continued like this, he wouldn’t worry. But he was afraid that when certain things developed and he didn’t pay attention or stop them, by the time he wanted to change them, it would be too late.

“Today, David crossed the line of killing, and he seemed to have no psychological burden at all, as if he had just squashed a bug or done a small thing.”

Clark couldn’t help but worry, which reminded him of the visions of Mrs. Kassandra, who could see the future.

If those visions were true, it was obvious that David would not limit his power to just protecting this family.

Dark clouds covered the sky, and the cold raindrops fell on the glass.

Metropolis Environmental Center, the top floor of a bright and clean building with windows.

A man in a suit and tie, meticulously groomed with a hint of fighter-like toughness between his eyebrows, looked outside at the crowd with a serious expression.

“The view here is really nice.”

A kind voice came, and a brown-haired man in a black coat walked into the office, taking off his leather gloves.

A smile that made people feel warm and comfortable appeared on his face.

“Good morning, Mr. Rickman. I welcome your arrival.”

Paul seemed to be welcoming a difficult battle, slowly turning around, his voice serious yet polite.

“Director Paul called me here. Is there something I can contribute to the Environmental Center?”

Sitting down without any hesitation at the opposite desk, he twisted his body as if he found the chair uncomfortable. Rickman, a billionaire worth hundreds of millions of dollars, raised his head and smiled.

“I heard that your company is doing some investigations in the town of Mogul and planning to acquire a few farms. What are your plans?”

He also sat in his own seat, facing the other person’s eyes directly and getting straight to the point.

“My plan is to build a large factory and create some job opportunities and tax revenue for our beloved Metropolis.”

Rickman spread his hands.

Paul said nothing and took out a bottle of water sample from the cabinet, placing it on the table, staring at him intently.

“What is this?”

“This is a groundwater sample taken from the location of the factory you recently built. It has more parameters exceeding the standard than the factories under your name.” His gaze was sharp.

“The relationship between Rickman Enterprises and the Environmental Center has always been good, Paul.”

Without even looking at it, Rickman smiled and pointed to the corner of the room.

“Do you know? The water dispenser in your room is actually sponsored by my company. I had dinner with a few of your colleagues just a few days ago.”

“Not everyone can be bought with money. Tomorrow, I will issue a restraining order with my people to prevent your company from approaching that town.”

He stood up, his eyes showing a sense of unyielding, his hands supporting the table.

“Listen to me, everyone can benefit, otherwise…”

Rickman also stood up, his smile disappeared from his face, and his eyes revealed a chilling cruelty.

“I have studied the insecticide factory under your company’s name. It seems that there are a lot of lawsuits from employees who were poisoned, although you managed to suppress them.”

Paul took out a thick folder, fearlessly confronting him.

“I have contacted a few people and decided to sue you again.

Next, Mr. Rickman, you may be very busy and have no time for anything else.”

His gaze suddenly became even more gloomy. After a few seconds, Rickman suddenly laughed, shaking his head as if helpless.

“You really found my weakness, Paul.”

He placed his hand on Paul’s shoulder, his palm seemingly accidentally touching the back of his neck, making physical contact with him.

After a momentary distraction in Paul’s eyes, he returned to normal and looked at the business elite in front of him, feeling a deep sense of closeness and admiration, suddenly filled with extreme regret.How could he be so rude to Mr. Rickman, who has always donated to the environmental center.

“I’m sorry, sir, just now I…”

“It’s okay, Director Paul.”

Rickman’s smile was gentle, he hugged him and brought him to the window, speaking as if to an old friend.

“I greatly admire your fighting spirit, but I’ve never bribed anyone with money.”

“You’re right, sir, I shouldn’t have doubted your integrity.”

“Look at the buildings outside, you’ve contributed so much passion to your work, ensuring people’s safety and environmental protection, but do you own any piece of this place?”

“No, sir, my wife, children and I are still temporarily renting an apartment.” As if recalling something sad, a hint of worry showed on Paul’s face.

Shaking his head, Rickman’s face seemed to show genuine pity.

“What’s the point of living like this?

Think about it, Mr. Paul.”

Patting the bewildered Paul on the shoulder, he turned and left.

After a while, at the Metropolis Environmental Center, on the first floor lobby, Rickman, looking every bit the successful man, walked to the door.


A figure leaped down from upstairs, crushing the taxi at the door, and fell into a pile of flesh.

“Taylor, I heard that some stubborn farmers refuse to sell their land?”

He withdrew his cold gaze and took out his phone from his pocket.

“Prepare the car, we’re going to the town, I’ll have a talk with them.”


The midday golden sunlight shone through the glass into the room.

David and Clark opened the door and returned home, but they didn’t smell any lunch.

The atmosphere was oppressively gloomy.

“Dad, Mom, what’s wrong?”

Entering the room, David was surprised.

In the living room, their father Jonathan sat at the dining table with a worried look, while their mother Martha stood angrily to one side, as if they had just had a rare big fight, ignoring each other.

This situation was rarely seen in their warm little home over the past decade or so.

“What’s this, Dad?”

Seeing his parents arguing, Clark was both puzzled and worried, pointing to the documents that Jonathan was flipping through in his hand.

“It’s the contract your father signed to sell our farm and house.”

Bringing up this matter, Martha couldn’t help but feel angry, her eyes reddening as she accused her husband.

“How could you not discuss it with me first? Who was it that once told me that this land is our family heirloom, who told me that we were going to live here forever!”


The two brothers were stunned.

Everything was fine in the morning, but when they came back from school at noon, their house and land were gone?

David frowned, took a step closer, and asked in disbelief.

“Father, did you really sell our Kent Farm and Kent House?”

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