Chapter 28 – The old lady who can foresee the future

Clark vaguely answered Chloe’s question.

“We can go together.”

Pete suggested that they all go together, then shrugged.

“It’s a pity it’s not summer, otherwise we could be lifeguards at the pool.”

That way, they wouldn’t have to be with the old people wearing dentures. But now that the spring weather hasn’t completely warmed up, doing volunteer work indoors is better than picking up trash and cleaning the streets outdoors.

Chloe had already completed her community service and declined the proposal.

“She’s not just paying attention to me, but also to Clark.”

David observed.

Although Kara was chatting and barbecuing with a few girls, she occasionally glanced over here.

He secretly observed her, and she was secretly observing him and Clark.

“What is this person’s purpose?”

“Chloe, you look cold. Do you want me to keep you warm?”

A school team member with thick golden short hair and wearing a football uniform walked over, looking somewhat handsome, and smiled at Chloe.

“I can’t believe you said something like that so easily.”

Being approached by someone, but speaking so boldly, Chloe was surprised and shy.

“Don’t misunderstand, I have a blanket. Do you want to come and sit with me?” Sean raised his eyebrows and gestured over there.

“Sean, you’re not her type!”

Pete stood up, not afraid to face Sean even though he was shorter.

David had heard of this Sean, smooth-talking and deceiving girls into liking him, but breaking up shortly after. He was a complete scumbag.

“In biology class, the teacher assigned me to do an experiment with Jenna from the next class.”

As a school reporter, Chloe had naturally heard of Sean’s reputation and laughed.

“I heard you broke up with her last week?”

“More accurately, we broke up with each other.”

Sean was not flustered. Seeing Chloe smile, he was even more certain and confident.

“Do you want to come and sit with me? I promise I won’t do anything, no matter how beautiful you are in my eyes.”

Finally, he spoke gently, looking at her with his best eyes, as if his affection could melt a person.

A blush appeared on Chloe’s face.

Not many people have praised her like this. Who said no one likes her?

She glanced at Pete, who had been jealous of Kara earlier, and was about to say something.


“Chloe, you haven’t had a sip of alcohol. Can you get dizzy just by sitting by the fire?”

David suddenly spoke up.

Young people in their adolescence often act impulsively without considering the consequences.

“Stay away.”

He looked at Sean and simply said three words. Sean’s eyes dodged, and he had heard that David had dealt with Whitney and his friends alone, so he raised his hands in surrender.

“Okay, okay.”

He had no hope of picking up girls anymore, so he turned around and left, going to the lake to play football with a few friends who called him over.

“Actually… I just wanted to give him a phone number to send him away.”

After Sean left, Chloe, who had calmed down, looked at the small group of friends who were watching her, her face turning red as she tried to salvage her pride. “I’m not stupid.”

David shrugged. “Let’s just pretend you meant what you said.”

Chloe felt a bit embarrassed by his words, but in the end, she thanked David and Pete, understanding their good intentions.

Clark silently watched, pondering something.

When his family encounters threats, he becomes angry and makes the enemy feel his wrath like thunder. When his friends encounter troubles, he reminds them and helps them feel warm like a spring breeze. Is his younger brother really starting to surpass him in his heart?

“Is it wrong to be ruthless towards enemies?”

He shook his head abruptly at this question.

He couldn’t think about it anymore. If he continued to think about it, he felt that his inner beliefs would be changed by his younger brother before anyone else.

David looked at Clark with a puzzled expression, watching him daydream and shake his head from time to time, not knowing what he was thinking.

By the lake.

“The pizza is here.”

“Sean, catch!”

When they heard that the pizza had arrived, a football player threw the football, but Sean jumped and missed it.

The football meant for Sean landed on the ice about seven or eight meters away.

Seeing that everyone was going to eat pizza, he angrily went to pick up the ball.

On the cold and slippery ice, Sean had just picked up the ball when he heard a crisp sound.


What was that sound?

Sean felt as if he had been soaked in cold water, trembling all over as he looked down.

Cracks appeared on the ice beneath his feet. He didn’t dare to move lightly and was about to shout.


The ice directly shattered, and he fell into the icy lake water.

Struggling for a while, he moved away from his original position. Sean couldn’t break through the ice layer, drowning and suffocating. Soon, he became motionless, his hands and feet no longer moving, sinking to the bottom of the lake.

In the muddy bottom of the lake, a dim green light glowed.

A large number of meteorites accumulated together.

When it fell onto the meteorite, in the cold lake water, Sean’s body’s blood vessels swelled and turned green, undergoing an astonishing change in secret.

Meanwhile, several football players were enjoying the hot and delicious pizza, unaware of Sean’s disappearance.

“The distributor is 12.5%, the feed cost for six months is 5%, plus 8.2% for the housing loan, and the cost of the lawnmower repair…”

Early in the morning, Martha and Jonathan frowned as they calculated their income and expenses for the past six months with a calculator.

“Fifty-four thousand five hundred and one yuan.”Clark listened for a few seconds and figured out the answer before the calculator did.

Upon hearing the cost of repairing the lawnmower, he scratched his face awkwardly.

“If I hadn’t been so reckless that day and stuck my hand into the lawnmower, we could have saved thousands in repair costs.”

“Now let’s calculate the profit.” Jonathan didn’t scold his eldest son, but gently took over the bill.

David glanced at the remaining ledger, not waiting for Jonathan to start using the calculator.

“The income is sixty-seven thousand three hundred and fifty-seven dollars.

It sounds like our farm made over ten thousand in the last half of the year?”

He raised an eyebrow.

The couple put down the bill and calculator, unsurprised, and exhaled.

Facing two sons who had been exceptionally intelligent since childhood, Martha laughed.

“At least we didn’t lose money, right?

Besides, the most precious treasure in our house is you two.”

“This isn’t something you should worry about. Didn’t you and Pete agree to do volunteer work in the community? Go ahead.”

Jonathan waved his hand, dismissing his two sons who had yet to go to college.

The burden of life should not be placed on two students.

Arriving at the nursing home in the small town.

“Room 206 needs a service staff, please report to room 206.”

The announcement came over the speaker.

Every student had to do thirty hours of community service, and David was no exception. The three of them arrived at the nursing home and received their assignments.

A girl in a red uniform with beautiful black hair, pushing a cart full of books, turned her head and walked out of a room.

“Hi, Lana, what a coincidence, you’re here too.”

Clark waved and greeted her, pretending to be surprised, but his voice betrayed his nervousness.

“Are you volunteering here too?”

“For a while now.” Lana greeted the three of them and smiled faintly.

“What tasks have you been assigned?”

“I need to read books with Kassandra.”

David and Pete didn’t speak, giving Clark the opportunity to converse with Lana. David’s task was to play chess with an old lady.

“Kassandra? She’s interesting.”

Lana revealed a playful expression and laughed.

“The caregivers all say she can predict the future, from a few minutes ahead to the entire life of others.”

“Have you tried it, Lana?”

Upon hearing Clark’s question, Lana didn’t answer, shrugged, clearly not believing it, then pushed her cart and left to deliver books to the next elderly person.

“Predict the future?”

Pete didn’t react much to this, David raised an eyebrow, and Clark’s attention was more on Lana’s retreating figure.

In the room, an old lady with white hair and a kind face, wearing blind glasses, was reading a book in Braille.

“Don’t stand there, it’s the first time I’ve had three people read with me. Come in.”

She suddenly spoke.

Clark and the others looked at each other at the door.

【Joy from Kassandra +1, +1.2…】

David’s eyes flickered, secretly observing the old lady.

She really was a power user, and not a weak one, but he wasn’t sure if she could predict the future.

However, did this old lady really need someone to read with her? How could one read Braille with her?

“How did you know there were three of us?”

Entering the room, Pete asked in confusion.

“Although my eyes are blind, my ears are not deaf.” Kassandra answered with a voice full of vicissitudes, but Pete was not completely convinced. Could a blind person’s hearing be that good?

Kassandra took off her blind glasses, accidentally dropping the book on her knee to the floor.

Pete, who was standing in front of the two, stepped forward to help pick it up, accidentally touching the old lady’s hand.

“What’s your name, sir?”

The old lady asked slowly as she put the book away.

“Pete Ross.”

“Mr. Ross, your journey home today will be long. Check your pocket.”

Kassandra revealed a mysterious smile.

Pete felt his pocket and found that his car keys were missing, not knowing where he had lost them.

“I’ll go first. It seems I won’t be able to do my volunteer work today. You two brothers take care.”

He looked at the old lady in surprise, a hint of despair flashed across his face, and he said to the two.

After Pete left.

“Are you two brothers?”

Kassandra looked at the two of them, got up from her chair, not looking blind at all, accurately facing the two with a kind smile.

“What are your names, gentlemen?”

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