Chapter 26 – Is your ‘eating’ serious?

"Haijing University of Science and Technology!"


Speaking of school, Lin Baici was still quite proud because he did well in the exams. "I performed exceptionally well this year!"


"We're in the same city!"


Hua Yueyu was happy. "I'm studying business management at Haijing University."


"Great, the new semester has started, we can get together!"


Lin Baici knew that his friend Li Wei liked to watch live streams, the kind of free-riding streams. If he knew that Lin Baici knew Hua Yueyu, he would definitely be excited and clamor for a photo.


"Of course, Haijing is my turf. When you come, I'll arrange for wine and meat, and even prepare a dragon."


Hua Yueyu was clearly a socialite. Whether it was because she drank some beer or they were becoming more familiar with each other, her attitude became more and more casual.


"By the way, Xiaobai, do you have any favorite female anchors? I can help you set up a date!"


Hua Yueyu could tell that Lin Baici's family was relatively poor, but it didn't matter. He was handsome and a divine hunter, a super potential stock!


"Not at the moment!"


Lin Baici shook his head.


"Don't be shy, just tell me!"


Hua Yueyu boasted.


"Xiba, is this woman a prostitute? She's using this method to please Oppa!"


Jin Yingzhen wanted to say that several female anchors could come and accompany him, even members of a top girl group. But that would sound shallow.


As a Korean, she had been educated not to do such things, so she smiled and changed the subject.


"Oppa, what are you going to do with those four divine taboo items?"


Jin Yingzhen reminded him, "Usually, after professional sealers use a black coffin to seal the divine taboo items, they can be used. Otherwise, there is a possibility of rule pollution leaking out."


In fact, the entire Hilton Hotel was at great risk because of Lin Baici's four divine taboo items. Maybe when they went to sleep at night, the muscle Buddha would activate and start killing people in the hotel.


"How do I find professional sealers?"


Lin Baici frowned.


These four divine taboo items were like time bombs, indeed a problem.


"Go to the official organization of Dahua, or go to the underground black market of the hunter circle, but the black market is usually more tricky!"


Jin Yingzhen suggested, "You're still a newcomer, and if you don't have anyone to guide you, you won't find the underground black market. Even if you do, you're likely to be taken advantage of!"


"What's the name of Dahua's official organization?"


Lin Baici was curious.


"Nine Provinces Shield Security Bureau!"


Jin Yingzhen got all this information from her brother.


"Will they confiscate Bai's divine taboo items?"


Hua Yueyu was worried.


"I don't know!"


Jin Yingzhen only knew the name of an organization and didn't know its specific reputation.


"How much are these divine taboo items worth?"


Lin Baici wondered if he should sell one or two of them.


The black altar bowl couldn't be sold!


Just leave food in it for a minute, and it can purify impurities and toxins in the food.


Food made with gutter oil, expired snacks, and drinks mixed with chemicals can all be safely consumed when placed in the black altar bowl.


In this era where food safety has become a stubborn problem, whoever holds this black altar bowl can live at least ten years longer.


Disease comes from the mouth?


No longer a problem!


Of course, the most important function of this bowl is its internal "granary," which can be used to store any item.


With it, Lin Baici can go out with as many things as he wants. Just put them in the bowl and then stuff the bowl into his backpack, and he can easily leave."The Bodhi messenger's kasaya cannot be sold!


When you wear it, you can summon a muscular Buddha who wears only a pair of leather shorts to help with laundry, cooking, chopping wood, and feeding horses.


If you need to fight, it can also hand you a knife to bury a corpse.


Apart from occasionally punching its owner, there are no other flaws to be found.


The fragrant reed mat seems to be quite useful.


People who sit on it to study can maintain their focus, energy, and recitation ability.


Although I have absorbed its divine grace, others can still enhance their memory and even have the effect of curing senile dementia with prolonged use.


What a pity!


If this mat could cure senile dementia in just half a month, then I could earn money just by lying on it at home.


Lastly, there is a pine torch!


When it burns, it emits a pleasant pine scent, can ignite anything, and can turn it into ashes in a short amount of time.


Lin Baici felt like he didn't have many opportunities to use it; after all, setting fires could land you in jail!


Moreover, this torch was too dangerous. Everyone who saw it wanted to pick it up and play with it. Playing with it could lead to a strong desire to burn someone else or oneself.


"In the hunter circle, meteor coins rich in divine power are the hard currency. The raw materials come from meteorites. If you exchange them for money, you'll lose out!"


Jin Yingzhen licked her lips. "If you want to sell it, I can ask my brother. I promise you won't lose out!"


Actually, if she used money to buy it, she could call the shots. Ten million, twenty million, it was all small change. But Lin Baici had saved her life, so she couldn't take advantage of him.


"I think you shouldn't sell it!"


Hua Yueyu believed that the divine taboo was the rarest item, and once you sold it, it would be difficult to buy it back.


"Oppa, don't rush to make a decision!"


Jin Yingzhen took a sip of juice and handed her newly purchased iPhone to Lin Baici and Hua Yueyu.


"Thank you!"


Hua Yueyu took it with both hands and thanked her. "I'll transfer the money to you later!"


The phone was the best and most expensive PROMAX version, costing over ten thousand yuan, but Hua Yueyu could afford it.


"It's just a phone!"


Jin Yingzhen wouldn't take the money. Seeing that Lin Baici didn't take it, she asked, "Oppa?"


"It's too expensive!"


Lin Baici felt embarrassed to accept it.


"Oppa, you saved my life!"


Jin Yingzhen stood up, holding the iPhone in both hands. She bowed ninety degrees and handed it to Lin Baici, her attitude much more serious than before.


"A small gift, please accept it!"


"You can keep it!"


Hua Yueyu persuaded him.


Although Jin Yingzhen was dressed in shorts, a small vest, flip-flops, and a homely outfit that didn't look valuable, it was all luxury goods.


The pair of purple slippers on her feet should be Chanel, costing over seven thousand yuan.


It was just a phone, and Jin Yingzhen didn't care about the money.


"Thank you!"


Lin Baici accepted it. If he didn't, it would seem too affected. Moreover, when he had money in the future, he could return the favor by giving Jin Yingzhen the latest iPhone.


"Oppa, don't be polite with me!"


Jin Yingzhen sighed. Oppa had such good character. If it were her girlfriends' little dogs, they would have eagerly accepted the gift, licked their faces, and called themselves princesses.


Hua Yueyu opened the packaging box, took out the phone, and replaced the SIM card.


She found out that it worked!


"Yes! This saves me the trouble of changing SIM cards!"


As soon as Hua Yueyu logged into WeChat, hundreds of messages popped up, especially in the twenty-something groups of rich fans, all of which were @ her. After all, her sudden live broadcast had made everyone worried about her.


But for now, she didn't care!Hua Yueyu leaned in to Lin Baici's side. "Little Bai, are you done yet? Add me as a friend!"


"Just wait a moment!"


Lin Baici's previous phone was a second-hand one handed down from his mother, which only cost a little over a thousand yuan. Now that he suddenly got an iPhone, he needed some time to get used to it.


"I'll teach you!"


Hua Yueyu immediately became a home tutor, pointing out how to use WeChat, Meituan, and other apps.


The phone operation was very simple, especially since Lin Baici had activated the "Overheard Scriptures" skill, which allowed him to remember anything he heard at least clearly for three years. If he didn't activate it and just listened casually, he would start forgetting after a few weeks or months.


"I might become a top student in the future!"


Lin Baici was looking forward to it.


"Little Bai, do you have a bank card?"


Hua Yueyu guessed that Lin Baici didn't have one.




Lin Baici had just graduated from high school and didn't have such a thing.


"Not having a bank card is inconvenient. You should get one!"


The female anchor suggested.


Ding dong!


Lin Baici received a transfer message.


From Little Fish!


"What are you doing?"


Lin Baici was confused.


Little Fish was Hua Yueyu's WeChat nickname, and they had just become friends!


"You can only transfer up to fifty thousand yuan per day and per transaction. Don't think it's too little!"


Hua Yueyu was a little worried. After all, the money was too little.


Lin Baici rolled his eyes, accepted it, and continued to fiddle with his phone.


"Hey, you accepted it!"


Hua Yueyu urged him. "I have to do something for you, otherwise I'll feel guilty!"


"Aren't you planning to entertain me with a feast?"


Lin Baici joked.


"That's not the same thing!"


Hua Yueyu became anxious. "I have to do something to repay you!"


"Just treat me as a friend and don't worry about these things!"


Lin Baici refused. He saved people in God's Ruins, not for money.




Hua Yueyu nodded. She would always remember this kindness.


"Their feelings for you are gradually increasing. If you work harder, you can win them over!"


The Glutton suddenly spoke up.


"Is this serious?"


Lin Baici was startled. He still wasn't used to hearing a voice suddenly in his mind.


"They are both healthy and have not had any physical relationships. Whether for leisure or reproduction, they are both excellent partners!"




Lin Baici felt like he had just heard some incredible information.


"Unfortunately, you can't livestream in God's Ruins, otherwise it would definitely be a hit!"


Hua Yueyu calmed down and began to think about work. The God's Ruins game was thrilling and exciting, and it would definitely shock her fans.

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