Chapter 81 – Guns roaring, returning from death!

Holding the Dragon Tornado, Ulysses swung his arm heavily.


The Dragon Tornado changed from vertical to horizontal, sweeping towards the densely packed monster minions.

The terrifying power made all the monster minions change their faces.

The Flying Dragon Group was the first to bear the brunt, being swept into the Dragon Tornado. The powerful physique of the Subdragon was torn apart by the fierce wind, and the lowest-ranked Flying Dragon was crushed into a mist of blood.


The Dragon Vein Storm Bear’s eyes turned blood red. It pounded its chest with its bear arms, roared to the sky, bent its legs slightly, and leaped into the air amidst the shattered ground.


Flames like blood suddenly ignited, forming a giant fire bear hundreds of meters tall centered around the Dragon Vein Storm Bear.

In this state, the mountain-like fire bear stomped heavily on the ground.

The earth cracked, magma erupted, and fire and earth mixed together, soaring into the sky, forming clusters of intersecting lava pillars. This dispersed the Dragon Tornado that was sweeping over, weakening its power slightly.

“This Storm Bear’s momentum is infinitely close to the legendary realm. If it continues for a while, it will officially become a legend and become a dominant force. Unfortunately, it has encountered me.”

The Storm General narrowed his eyes.

“But… where is the Crimson Flame Empress? Why hasn’t she come out yet?”

“I can sense her powerful aura. She should be at the top of the volcano. According to reason, she should have appeared by now. Could she be brewing some scheme? No, this Empress advocates violence and is not keen on conspiracies.”

Pasqual’s voice rang out like the clash of golden iron.

“Big Bear, make the Empress you follow come out. You can’t stop me.”

The Dragon Vein Storm Bear growled lowly, roaring, “Want to deal with the Empress? Pass my test first!”

“Hehe, since the Crimson Flame Empress wants to watch her followers die, then I will fulfill her wish!”

The Storm General’s face was cold, and he muttered, “Perfect, it’s time to change my bear fur cloak. You, a peak Ninth Rank, a Dragon Vein Storm Bear close to becoming a legend, your fur should be a good material.”

With a loosening of his palm, the Dragon Tornado dissipated.

The ground was full of traces of being cut and severed, trees were broken in patches, and many mountains and rocks turned into dust. In this scene of devastation, under the wide-ranging attacks of the Storm General, many monster minions were killed or injured, and the minion leaders were more or less injured.

The Storm General raised his right arm, his palms clenched like a knife.

At the same time.

The seemingly endless elemental energy of the wind surged, highly compressed and condensed. With the Storm General’s movement, it formed a sharp wind blade that was kilometers long and almost invisible, like a straight line, behind him.

Heaven-Cleaving Wind Blade!

The Storm General’s arm fell, and he suddenly slashed.

In an instant, the wind blade, thousands of meters long, with a sharpness that seemed to tear the world apart, swept towards the hundreds of meters tall fire elemental giant bear.


Time seemed to freeze for an instant. Without giving any chance for reaction, the Heaven-Cleaving Wind Blade diagonally swept across the body of the fire bear.

Under the astonished gazes of many monster minions, the body of the fire bear stiffened, then collapsed with a loud rumble. The true form of the Dragon Vein Storm Bear fell from mid-air, and there was a visible vertical bloodstain in the center of its body, with fierce winds swirling around it.


Ieona exclaimed softly.

“You guys clean up these monster minions. I’m going to the top of Yakan Volcano to deal with the Crimson Flame Empress.”

The Storm General said to his adjutant beside him.

The minions were just small fries. The Storm General’s real enemy was the followers of these monster minions, the Crimson Flame Empress who was fierce and powerful, and had caused the Rosen Kingdom to fail three island battles.

Soldier against soldier, general against general.

He didn’t plan to waste too much effort on these monster minions. With his own legion, he didn’t want these monsters to interfere with his pursuit of the Crimson Flame Empress.


Flapping his wings, the Storm General flew into the sky like a raging wind, heading towards the top of Yakan Volcano.

The elite legion he led clashed with the monster minions, colliding with each other.

Because they had been swept by the Storm General’s Dragon Tornado before, most of the monster minions here were injured and in a bad state. They were at a disadvantage in the battle against the elite forces of the Rosen Kingdom.

Gnolls and Jackalmen died in large numbers.

The Flying Dragons, Ogres, and Lava Pythons, and other powerful minions were also in danger in this unequal war due to their injuries.

At the end of life, the passage of time seemed to slow down.

In the deep pits smashed into the ground, Ulysses felt the intense pain in his body, and his consciousness gradually sank. His body, from fur to flesh, from bones to organs, had all been severed, but because the Heaven-Cleaving Wind Blade was too sharp, his body had not yet split apart. But with a little force, it would be split in half.

The legendary Fifth Rank Storm General had severely injured the peak Ninth Rank Dragon Vein Storm Bear with a single blow.

The gap between the two was too great.

The Dragon Vein Storm Bear did not die on the spot, thanks to its tenacious vitality.

“Ulysses, stand up.”

Ulysses seemed to hear the majestic whisper of the Crimson Flame Empress.

In the dark and blurry vision, it seemed to see the cold and indifferent dragon pupils of the Crimson Flame Empress.


In a daze, Ulysses remembered more than a hundred years ago, when his parents were defeated and killed by an adventurer team in a lush forest, and he himself was critically injured and on the verge of death, when his consciousness was blurred.

The powerful and beautiful Red Dragon, the Crimson Flame Empress, descended like a god of heaven and incinerated the adventurers.

Then, the Crimson Flame Empress looked down at the young Storm Bear, and spoke coldly.”Little one, do you want to survive? Stand up! I will give you unprecedented power.”

The young, weak, and heavily injured little bear struggled with all its might and stood up under the indifferent gaze of the Crimson Flame Empress.

“For your Empress, stand up!”

Between life and death, it seemed to hear the Empress’s whisper. Its fading will to survive suddenly became incredibly strong.

On the brink of death, its will was unprecedentedly tenacious.

Stand up!

Stand up!

For the Empress!

Ulysses! Stand up!

Its blurred consciousness suddenly became clear, and the Dragon Vein Bear roared silently.

Life was undergoing a transformation, and the soul was leaping.

A qualitative change was taking place.

Flames silently ignited, and the earth undulated like waves in the sea.

“I said, if you want to deal with the Empress, you have to step over my dead body.”


The earth surged on a large scale. Clusters of earth spikes erupted, rock-formed palms appeared, and lava broke through the soil, suddenly killing and injuring many of the kingdom’s elite soldiers who were pressing down on the monster’s kin.

The disadvantaged kin breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time.

Flames enveloped the giant stones and fell like reverse meteors, smashing towards the Storm General.


The Storm General suddenly turned around, sweeping his leg wrapped in a hurricane. One kick shattered the flaming boulder, and the strong wind turned countless debris into dust.

He gazed at the ground, his pupils shrinking.

“To break through at such a critical moment, I actually encountered it.”

From the rhythm of fire and earth, the Dragon Vein Bear stood up again.

Originally at the peak of the Ninth Order, infinitely close to the legendary realm, its aura had been sublimated. Between life and death, it broke through and entered the legendary realm.

In the vision of the Storm General, the resurrected Dragon Vein Bear stood on the ground. With its body as the center, the surrounding ground pulsated like a living being, providing it with a continuous stream of power. The visibly severed body was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the encroaching wind was also being expelled.

The legendary Earth Demon Bear also had another name—

The Undying Earth Demon Bear.

The Storm General fell silent.

There was a big difference between a Ninth Order peak lifeform that was infinitely close to legendary and a true legend. Many Ninth Order peak powerhouses who were infinitely close to legendary had been stuck at this step their whole lives. It seemed close at hand, but in reality, it was as distant as the gap between galaxies, causing countless creatures to waste their lives in regret and die in vain.

To witness a legend breaking through in the face of life and death was lucky.

Because it was rare and extremely rare.

Unfortunately, this legend breaking through in the face of life and death was his enemy.

“The Crimson Flame Empress has not shown herself yet. Since that’s the case, I don’t need to worry. The Grandserm is also on high alert, not fearing the possible attack of the Crimson Flame Empress.”

Looking at the legendary bear, the Storm General’s expressionless face slowly revealed a smile, a bloodthirsty smile.

“A bear that can break through in the face of life and death definitely has extraordinary talent. But, what I like the most is killing creatures with great talent and making them die prematurely.”

“I want to see if, after I severely injure or even kill this legendary bear, the Crimson Flame Empress can still sit still.”

Sky-Cleaving Wind Blade!

The Storm General raised his hand and slashed downwards, using the same move again.

A kilometer-long blade cut through the air, fleeting and sweeping towards the legendary bear.

This attack was extremely fierce, as fast as lightning. Ulysses, who had just been promoted to a legend, still found it difficult to react, but he was not completely unresponsive like before, and he was not on the verge of death from a single blow.

Earth Armor!

Earth and stones gathered, and the legendary bear stood on the ground. Soon, a layer of thick, earthy armor appeared on its body, covering every inch of its skin, not even revealing its eyes. Especially at the position of its bear arms, the thick earth armguards exuded an indestructible deep luster.

Feeling the sharpness descending from the sky.

The legendary bear raised its arm.


Sparks flew.

The harsh sound of metal clashing resounded through the sky. The earth armguards were cut open, and the Sky-Cleaving Wind Blade also tore through the bear’s muscles, almost severing its arm bones.

At the same time, these injuries were rapidly healing.

The armguards of the Earth Armor were also healing.

“This guy’s defense has improved by more than one level.”

The Storm General’s face showed displeasure.

A legendary Fifth Order facing a newly promoted legendary First Order, his attack only had this effect, which was not very satisfying.

“Earth Armor. It is the Dragon Vein-transformed Earth Demon Bear.”

“A legendary Earth Demon Bear that can step on the ground to obtain almost immortal vitality. The Undying Earth Demon Bear is not in vain.”

“However, this is not enough to bridge the gap between it and me.”

Pasqual’s gaze became sharp, as if a storm was brewing and accumulating within.

He took a deep breath and uttered a whisper that only he could hear.

“Storm Domain.”


The wind raged.

The area within tens of kilometers around the Yakan Volcano seemed to turn into a stormy region, with every inch of space filled with ubiquitous, fierce howling winds.


With Pasqual at the center, the storm suddenly converged, forming a wind field that encompassed a ten-kilometer radius. The wind inside, compressed even more violently and dangerously.

This was the characteristic of a legendary powerhouse, a domain-type skill.

This was the embodiment of transcendent power reaching its peak.

The strong wind danced wildly, affecting both the elite soldiers of the Rosen Kingdom and the monsters of the Ashen Nest.

But the battle continued. They fought fiercely in the wind, roaring and killing each other.

The wind was dyed crimson as a result.In addition to countless swirling dry leaves, tree debris, and fragments of rocks and soil, the air visibly became murky.

The newly promoted legendary bear had not yet mastered domain skills.

Its towering and robust body stood in the endless storm, with flames dancing all over its body, its feet firmly planted on the ground, solemn and dignified.

“Spiral Earth Spike!”

The bear stomped heavily on the ground.

Right in front of it, a sharp, spiral-shaped earth spike, wider at the bottom and narrower at the top, burst out of the ground.

Although it was called an earth spike, its size was more akin to a mountain.

The mountain-like spiral earth spike rose from the ground, carrying a space-shaking oppressive force, and collided with the Storm General.

Decaying Wind Eye.

The Storm General’s gaze was stern, his eyes turned into a dazzling blue, and his cloak fluttered in the chaotic wind.

His wind-filled domain provided him with a more suitable environment for exertion. The air was full of wind elemental energy, which could effectively suppress the opponent.

In an instant.

A wind eye, like a pupil, formed above his head, and together with the Storm General, they gazed at the rising spiral earth spike.

Under their gaze, an invisible wind with a strong corrosive effect gently blew past. The spiral earth spike, from its sharp tip to its heavy base, was eroded inch by inch by the wind, turning into a sky full of sand and gravel.

The Decaying Wind Eye and the Storm General’s gaze turned together, staring at the legendary bear.

A sense of immense threat suddenly enveloped the area, causing Ulysses’ hair to stand on end.


The legendary bear, standing upright, let out a roar. It spread its legs wide, stomping heavily on the ground like a horse stance. The ground cracked and shattered, and its half-meter-high lower leg sank into the ground, up to its knee.

The wind of decay blew.

The earth armor was eroded layer by layer, becoming rotten and turning into lifeless sand.

The body of the legendary bear was also affected. Its fur, skin, and flesh all began to decay, and this decay was spreading.

Blood appeared in Ulysses’ eyes.

He roared, his flaming bear claws crossed, cutting off the severely damaged earth armor and the flesh that had been blown by the wind of decay, while drawing power from the earth to quickly regenerate.

Fortunately, there was a lot of earth elemental energy in the ground, and the storm domain could not disperse this substantial earth elemental energy.

Otherwise, Ulysses would have fallen.

In the battle with the Storm General.

Ulysses was clearly at a disadvantage, being suppressed by the Storm General.

However, with its strong defense and regenerative abilities, the legendary bear managed to hold off the Storm General despite the difference in their ranks.

After two skill attacks, the Storm General could feel his spirit, physical strength, magic power, and so on, all declining. But the legendary bear below, although more severely injured and unable to keep up with the speed of recovery, was not the Storm General’s real target.

“The Undying Earth Demon Bear. Such a creature’s vitality is truly formidable. It would take some time and energy to kill it completely.

But I can’t waste too much power on it.”

He could completely crush the legendary bear in every aspect, but it would be a bit difficult to kill it in a short time. These legendary creatures had strong physiques and were extremely tenacious.

“To face the Crimson Flame Empress, I must remain at my peak.”

The Storm General frowned slightly. With this thought, he whispered in the wind, “Yoram, lock onto this legendary bear and prepare to fire.”

Thorn Isle, a hundred miles away.

The Granserum, anchored on the sea, was like a silent steel beast, its body gleaming with a cold metallic luster in the sunlight.

At the same time.

The wind blew past the ears of the ninth-rank gunner, carrying the Storm General’s whisper.

“I’ve been waiting for this.”

He revealed a mad smile, his pupils reflecting the battlefield around Yakan Volcano.


Motion capture, target lock, trajectory calculation. The main cannon of the battleship slightly lifted, and one magic circle after another unfolded in front of the 800mm caliber black hole-like muzzle. Bright, mechanical and magical combined aesthetic magic patterns lit up on the cannon barrel.

“Enchantment against the Undying Earth Demon Bear, which can block the absorption of earth elemental energy, has been completed on the shell.”

The message from the ammunition expert came.

“Haha, let’s give these monsters a little shock from our magic machinery!”

The gunner laughed, his words full of the pride of a high-ranking imperial citizen.

“King of the Oceans, Granserum, main cannon ready, target locked – the Undying Earth Demon Bear.”

Thorn Isle, Yakan Volcano.

In the storm domain, the legendary bear, already under great pressure and gradually weakening, suddenly trembled. A sense of danger, as if being remotely locked onto, arose spontaneously.

It looked down and saw a faint crosshair mark appearing on its chest, almost covering its entire chest.



The hundreds of meters long steel beast trembled slightly, and the roar of the cannon was like the roar of a giant beast.

The shell, engraved with intricate magic patterns that glowed brightly, made of special metal and magic power, carrying a terrifying force, shot out at a terrifying speed, breaking through layers of sound barriers, locked onto the legendary bear, and arrived in an instant, piercing through the clouds and the sky.

(End of the chapter)

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